
A 9/11 memorial shaped like a tower has been removed from a New Jersey courtroom after the judge warned it could be used as a weapon.

Municipal Judge James Devine in Vernon says his request was consistent with a directive from court administrators that non-essential items that could be used as weapons be removed from courtrooms.

The 7-foot sculpture made of plastic glass honors New Jersey's 9/11 victims. It was installed along a wall near the front of the courtroom, which is also where the Vernon council meets.

Sculptor Everett Paladini tells the New Jersey Herald (http://bit.ly/Lcfabw ) he didn't like where it was displayed in the courtroom and if officials don't want it there, "I don't want to put it there."

It's now at the historical society a half-mile away.


Information from: The New Jersey Herald, http://www.njherald.com