
A New York teenager convicted for his role in the stabbing death of an Ecuadorean immigrant has received an eight-year prison term.

Kevin Shea, of Medford, was sentenced Wednesday. He is the sixth of seven teens to be sentenced in the case.

The 18-year-old Shea pleaded guilty in February to gang assault, conspiracy and other charges in the death of Marcelo Lucero (mar-SEHL'-oh loo-SEHR'-oh) on Nov. 8, 2008.

The teens attacked Lucero as he walked near the train station in Patchogue (PACH'-awg), about 50 miles east of New York City on Long Island. Prosecutors say they went there in search of Hispanics.

In May, Jeffrey Conroy was sentenced to 25 years in prison after his conviction on manslaughter as a hate crime. He's the one who actually stabbed Lucero.