
Two Tampa Bay area women are back in possession of their own wedding dresses nine years after a mix-up got them switched.

The Tampa Bay Times (http://bit.ly/1ffIBIa ) reports Wednesday that Marie Keeney was planning a ceremony to renew her vows with her husband of nine years but when she took the wedding dress out of the storage box, she realized that it wasn't hers. She was devastated and cancelled the ceremony, but began investigating.

She contacted the dry cleaners who did the preservation and was told the task had been outsourced to a New York company, which eventually found her dress in storage.

The invoice showed that the other dress belonged to a Katherine Stephenson. The Times tracked down Stephenson, who had long accepted that her dress had been lost.


Information from: Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, Fla.), http://www.tampabay.com.