Tucker: Nothing can prepare you for new CIA video
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host says CIA has been embracing woke ideology for years
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," May 4, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Are you staying cheerful? We hope so.
If you've been on the internet this week, you've probably seen the video we're about to show you. If you haven't seen it, there is really nothing we can do to prepare you for the experience of seeing it except to tell you two things about it. First, it's entirely genuine. This is not a hoax. It's not a deep fake. It's not the work of some demented comedic genius who set up a parody account on Twitter. No, this video is real.
The second thing to know about the video is that it's from the C.I.A., and that's not the Culinary Institute of America, the people who teach them baking and sushi preparation. No, it's not. It's the Central Intelligence Agency, the guys who do waterboarding and subvert foreign elections.
The C.I.A. is the most heavily armed and supposedly the most sophisticated intelligence gathering operation on the planet. And yet somehow, they produced this and then put it on social media.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.
I am intersectional. But my existence is not a box-checking exercise. I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences suggesting that a question has been asked.
I did not sneak into C.I.A. My employment was not and is not the result of a fluke or slip through the cracks.
I used to struggle with imposter syndrome. But at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be.
I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort.
My brilliance. I am proud of me. Full stop.
CARLSON: Wait, you're intersectional? So am I. What year were you? Just kidding.
She didn't say that. She said, I'm a woman of color. I'm a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. And then she told us, hilariously, the spunky new C.I.A. lady.
She told us that she is intersectional, but impossible after here -- and we're quoting: "My existence is not a box-checking exercise."
Well of course it isn't box checking, come on. Just a cisgender Latina millennial mom of color with a certified emotional disability, not a hint to box checking there. In fact that sounds like pure meritocracy.
If by meritocracy, you mean a system in which narcissism is the highest achievement.
At Joe Biden's C.I.A., the spies talk mostly about themselves. You can just imagine what the job interviews must be like. Tell us about yourself, and please don't ever stop.
So you can change a diaper with one hand and console a crying toddler with the other? Plus, you're emotionally unstable. Perfect. You're just the person we've been looking forward to foil the next 9/11 plot. Let's get you to the farm for some weapons training.
That's your C.I.A. at work.
Now, not everyone has embraced these new hiring standards. "The C.I.A. used to be about mission to country," wrote former C.I.A. officer Brian Dean Wright, in an observation that was widely shared by many of his former colleagues. Now, it is about demanding and getting accommodation to fix an emotional wound or advance a personal agenda.
America is less safe with this new C.I.A. and dangerously more political.
That's what Brian Dean Wright wrote.
Now, Wright is a sincere and patriotic person. We know him. He is a frequent guest on the show. So we do not contradict Brian Dean Wright lightly.
But is it possible that Wright is taking this video too literally? Could he be missing the point of it? What if the C.I.A.'s latest description of itself is not what it appears to be? This is an Intel agency after all.
These are spooks. Their world is a hall of mirrors.
So to you and me and Brian Dean Wright, that video may come off as the "Babylon Bee" version of identity politics gone wild. But maybe that's the point of it. Maybe that's what they want you to think. Maybe there's something more going on here.
Now for months now, the Biden administration has told us that a group called white supremacists are America's most dangerous enemy. White supremacists don't live in the Middle East, their Caliphate is right here in America, in Nebraska and Western Maryland and believe it or not, even in the suburbs outside Minneapolis. Who saw that coming?
How can you tell a white supremacist? How do you know when you're in the presence of one? It's simple. Anyone who objects to being called a racist without evidence must be a white supremacist. That's the working definition of it.
Beyond that, no one has to find the term. People in Washington just repeat the line again and again and again in the apparent belief that frequent repetition makes it scarier, and apparently it does.
Former C.I.A. Director John Brennan seems genuinely alarmed.
JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER C.I.A. DIRECTOR: Now, looking forward that the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of a country and they gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, Nativists even libertarians.
CARLSON: Well, that's quite a list. Religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racist, nativist, even libertarians. Yes, says John Brennan with a visible quiver in his face, even libertarians, even the guys at the Cato Institution, that's how deep this white supremacist threat is.
You may be surprised to hear that. You imagined in your naivete, that professional libertarians are merely ridiculous with their stupid little theories that no one has ever tried because they're so absurd, they would evaporate like steam if they ever made it beyond the walls of whatever Koch funded think tank they live in, though of course, they never will.
But it's much worse than that. The Cato guys are dangerous, John Brennan says, just like their diabolical friends at AEI, they're the new al Qaeda.
Lock them up. Throw them in prison with those diabetic retirees from Central Florida who have been rotting in solitary since they dared to trespass at the Capitol on January 6th. Lock them away.
From now on, if they want to communicate with Roger Stone, they'll have to use tap code.
If we need more cells to hold them, there's a budget for that. Prison reform does not apply to white supremacists. That's what John Brennan has told us. That's what they're all telling us. They repeat it daily.
The question is, does anyone with an IQ over 80 actually believe a word of this? Does anyone in power really think something called white supremacy is the single greatest threat America faces? No, of course not. No one thinks that.
Susan Rice knows it isn't true, so does Barack Obama. So do all of the other architects of this particular lie. They made it up in the first place, so of course, they know precisely how false it really is.
They may be liars, but they're not delusional.
In real life, they understand perfectly well what actually threatens America. They've seen it up close. It's the culture that produced them.
It's the decadent, rich people from their class at Harvard. It's the Gender Studies Department at Cornell. It's the cat cafes in Austin and Asheville.
It's the Monday editorial meetings at "The Atlantic" Magazine where David Frum is treated like an important intellectual rather than some dopey middle aged Canadian Twitter celebrity whose life goal is to force America into yet another unwinnable pointless war.
Those are the people who actually detest the country. They're the ones who are working through the night to destroy it. They are the people who are committed to and in the process of excusing violence.
So if you wanted to save America, these are the people you'd be worried about. They make the Iranian nuclear program look like nothing.
So maybe the C.I.A. actually does know this. Maybe they really have figured it out. Maybe the intersectional lady with the emotional problems is in fact, a deep cover operative. Think about that. It makes sense actually.
When defeating ISIS was the goal, we recruited Arabic speakers. Why wouldn't we? Now that our own professional class is obviously the real threat, we need people who can blend in at McKinsey.
In the Middle East and here, we need the agents who understand the enemy, who speak his language, who understand his customs, who can break bread with tribal leaders in a yurt in the mountains or for that matter in Napa, or on the quad. For a mission like that, we are going to need a brand new kind of spy. The old kind will not do.
Imagine this guy trying to infiltrate the queer dance collective at Brown.
JAMES BOND, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Admire your courage, Miss --
SYLVIA TRENCH, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Trench -- Sylvia Trench. I admire your luck, Mister --
BOND: Bond. James Bond.
CARLSON: Yes, good luck, pal. Good luck on the Brown campus. Yes, those were cigarettes without filters, but not the right kind. That guy was smoking testosterone enhancing tobacco. Think the enemy wouldn't notice that? He would have been arrested at the door on a hormone violation. Game over, cover blown.
They do to him with the Soviets did to Gary Powers, get ready for a show trial.
But this progressive new C.I.A. agent, by contrast, would never be discovered. They wouldn't suspect her for a moment because she's just like them. They're unhappy. She is unhappy. They've got diagnosed emotional disorders, so does she.
They can talk about themselves for eight hours at a time, she can, too.
Talk about deep cover.
This woman is a natural mole. The Kim Philby of wokeness.
The Biden administration appears to be training a lot of spies like this.
They know that this is a war that will not be won in a day. Existential struggles never are. So they are marshaling all the forces of government, from D.H.S. to the President's own personal flak. Even the Interior Department has a role to play.
Watch these ladies try out their social justice disguises.
LAURA DANIEL-DAVIS, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR: My name is Laura Daniel-Davis, and I recognize that I live and work within the ancestral lands of the Anacostians in the Anacostia and Potomac River watersheds.
I acknowledge the plant-based knowledge of these peoples and I am grateful for their ancestral and current stewardship of these lands. My pronouns are she/her.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My pronouns are she and her, and I recognize I live and work within the ancestral lands of the Cheyenne people.
AMANDA LEFTON, BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT: My name is Amanda Lefton. My pronouns are she/her. And I am the Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. I recognize that I live and work within the ancestral lands of the Ute, Shawnee and Mohican peoples.
CARLSON: Oh, I want to give thanks to Anacostian. I acknowledge the plant- based knowledge of these people, and I'm grateful for their ancestral and current stewardship of these lands. My pronouns are she and her.
Now you listen to that from an employee at the Interior Department and you think to yourself, that can't be real, and let's hope you're right. Let's hope it's a ruse.
Journalist, Glenn Greenwald has been watching this particular operation for a long time, way back in 2015. We looked it up today. Glenn Greenwald was writing about the intelligence community's pivot to identity politics with a clarity that seems almost clairvoyant today.
I wish we'd listened to him then. He joins us now.
Glenn Greenwald of "Substack."
Glenn, I hate to say it once again, you called it before anyone else I've ever read. You pointed out six years ago that the so called Intel Community, C.I.A., in particular, was using a particular kind of ruling class politics to cloak the fact they were doing what they've done for decades.
GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: Yes, I mean, obviously, part of it. The most superficial part is that it's just a branding exercise. Right? So corporations wave the Black Lives Matter flag, you forget about the fact that they produce their products in sweatshops and with slave labor.
The C.I.A. bathes itself in the rainbow flag and you forget about all the coups and assassinations that they do. But also it shows that left-wing cultural ideology is the dominant ideology. That's why they're appealing to that as their branding mark, rather than say, right-wing ideology.
But there's something more substantive, Tucker, which is that it used to be in the Cold War that it was the left that distrusted the C.I.A., hated the C.I.A. and the right loved it. That has completely reversed.
If you look at polling data, it's Democrats and liberals who love the C.I.A. because the C.I.A. was on their side during the entire Trump era.
And so the people at the C.I.A., this really is their ideology. It's the ideology of the Democratic Party. It's not a radical ideology. It's the ideology of power.
There's another amazing video of John Brennan, besides the one that you played, where he went on MSNBC and said, "I'm humiliated to be a white man." They really believe this ideology. It is ruling class ideology, even though leftists believe it's the ideology of liberation.
And I think the most important thing is wokeness. This ideology is not about subverting power centers, they never talk about power centers, the C.I.A., Big Tech monopolies, hedge fund managers, it's about turning citizens against one another. That person is evil. That individual is bad.
It empowers these ruling class centers.
That's why they not just embrace it and cynically exploit it, they actually finance it and want to spread it because it strengthens and entrenches their power.
CARLSON: Well, I have sort of noticed from the very beginning that all these attacks on law enforcement, which you know, on some level are pushing back against people with power and I think that's a really healthy and important thing to do. But they're only about local police departments.
No one ever mentions these massive incredibly heavily armed Federal agencies with subpoena power that can kill you actually, if they wanted to, and no one ever on television pushes back against them. I put the C.I.A. in that category. Is that kind of the thinking that you're describing?
GREENWALD: American liberalism and the left have a complete confusion about where power lies. So like, you'd look at groups like Antifa would say, we're this radical, edgy, aggressive group that's going to stand up to fascism. They never go and protest at Langley, at the C.I.A. headquarters.
They never challenge the Pentagon. They're nowhere near Silicon Valley or Wall Street.
They think power lies with like the Boogaloo Boys and those kinds of groups, you know, the Proud Boys, those are who they go and fight. That's what they think power lies. These big institutions that are heavily armed that rule the Federal government that are designed to entrench ruling class elite interest, they don't care about white supremacy or transphobia, or any of that. They are more than happy to integrate as many people as want to join them into it, but the left and liberals think that they are fighting against power when they are really fighting marginalized people to benefit ruling class institutions because it's much easier to go fight a Boogaloo Boy than the C.I.A. or tech monopolies.
CARLSON: In the end, when you're droned, will it make you feel better if an intersectional person is at the controls?
GREENWALD: There's actually a hilarious cartoon that was circulated by the left where two people in Yemen, a couple, are looking up at a drone as a bomb drops and say, "I hear that the next bomb that they're going to send is one that's going to be sent by a woman," and they're smiling and all happy because it's now diversity that's the face of militarism.
CARLSON: I just love that. It's the best. Glenn Greenwald, I can't overstate how prescient you were on this topic as many others and I would hope that our people watching would look it up. Thank you.
GREENWALD: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: So the Derek Chauvin trial ended, famously, but it's not over.
Chauvin's attorney has just filed the motion for a new trial. One of the jurors in the case has given him grounds to do that.
We've got details next.
CARLSON: Officer Derek Chauvin's attorney has just filed a motion for a new trial. In that motion, the lawyer says that the jury should have been sequestered and the trial should have been moved out of Minneapolis.
The motion also calls for a hearing on possible juror misconduct or bias.
Why? Well, one of the jurors in the case, a man called Brandon Mitchell has gone public and started giving interviews about his thinking on the case.
BRANDON MITCHELL, ONE OF THE JURORS IN DEREK CHAUVIN TRIAL: We weren't watching the news, so we don't know what was going on. We were really just locked in on the case. And there was so much stress coming from the case. I mean, those things are so secondary.
His legacy is now cemented in history. It has now become so much bigger than him as an individual. He has now become almost -- he has become a legacy and it is a legacy that will forever be here and it is for everyone
-- that will hopefully create some change within society and that is -- that is huge.
CARLSON: So it wasn't about whether an individual officer committed a specific crime. That's what a trial is designed to determine. Was the crime committed by this person? No, it's about something much bigger, it is about changing society. That's a juror from the case.
Now keep in mind that during jury selection, that man, Brandon Mitchell claimed he had never attended a George Floyd protest, that turned out not to be true.
Social media posts show that Mitchell in fact did attend a march in Washington, D.C. last year where George Floyd's family members spoke. In photographs, he is seen wearing a t-shirt that says quote, "Get your knee off our necks."
Francey Hakes is a former Federal prosecutor. She joins us tonight.
Francey, thanks so much for coming on. So what do you make of this? I mean, you can't have jurors who lie, can you? And then call that a fair trial? Or can you or what does this mean?
FRANCEY HAKES, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Well, supposedly not, Tucker, but you also shouldn't have all the pre-trial publicity, the settlement announcement, the political interference, the President weighing in, none of those things should happen in his search for justice and the truth, which I was listening very closely and I didn't hear juror number 52 talk about truth or justice there. He talked about change.
The biggest concern for me is the justice system and that is specifically whether as a juror, he was candid to the court. He was under oath and was required to be candid to the court when he answered the questions, so that Derek Chauvin got a fair trial. And it's a real question to me whether or not this juror was candid.
It looks very much like he wasn't when he answered no to the questions that you noted earlier, that he had not been to such a protest. This goes to the very heart of Derek Chauvin's defense, and getting a fair trial, having jurors that are impartial. And you don't just have a jury here who may have lied to the court, which is enough of a concern potentially to overturn the verdict, but you have to wonder what his motive was if he lied for lying to the court and in other remarks that he's made.
It certainly looks like he wanted to get on that jury. He talks an awful lot about social change and that's why he wanted to be on the jury.
That is not what the justice system in this country is for. It is incredibly serious to take someone's liberty from them with the power of the state. And because it is so serious, we have to have impartial jurors and it certainly looks as though we didn't here.
CARLSON: Yes, I mean, you don't want a trial to become a political metaphor for anything. Ever. Because by definition, that's not the point of a trial. It is to assess whether a specific crime occurred. I mean, I'm not a lawyer, but am I getting warmer here?
HAKES: No, you're exactly right.
CARLSON: And the moment it becomes a metaphor, then you've corrupted the whole system. It's a way of thinking that's poison that will you know, eliminate justice from your society. So, why isn't anybody saying anything about this?
HAKES: Well, I don't know. It is bewildering because you're exactly right.
The system of justice is about the one man, what he is accused of doing, and offering him a fair trial to take his liberty from him and it does not look to me as though that happened here.
This juror could face sanctions. It is a crime after all to lie to the court. We'll see what the Judge does here. There's something in Minneapolis called or Minnesota called a Schwartz hearing, where juror misconduct is given a hearing and that juror should be called in, would be put under oath, would have to testify about what he said, what he has said since the trial and whether or not he was a fair and impartial juror, and it will be very interesting to see what the Judge does.
He certainly has not so far seem to me to be particularly courageous in his rulings.
CARLSON: You don't want jurors to say, I'm going to vote a certain way because of people who look like you or my experience with people who remind me of you or because of the system. Again, that hurts everyone in the end.
I really -- I hope we don't continue down this path.
Francey Hakes, thank you.
JAKES: Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: So one person we have heard an awful lot about over the last several months is Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's a Member of Congress from the State of Georgia. Marjorie Taylor Greene, you hear the phrase -- the name almost every day.
It occurred to us the other day, as much as we've heard about Marjorie Taylor Greene, we've never heard anything from Marjorie Taylor Greene, never met her, never talked to her. I have no idea what she is really like, and it might be worth finding out.
So we sat down with her for an episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." It airs tomorrow and what an interesting conversation it was. It's about an hour long, and we recorded it so you can make up your own mind about what you think of Marjorie Taylor Greene, and we hope that you will.
In the meantime, here's a short clip of it. We asked, "What's it like wandering around Congress being Marjorie Taylor Greene? How do your Democratic colleagues respond to you?"
Here's what you said.
REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-GA): They see me and they look at me, and they always have these looks on their faces, which is usually very amusing to me.
CARLSON: What kind of looks?
GREENE: Well, it's anyway -- anything from like, oh, there she is. Like, there's that -- there's Marjorie Taylor Greene -- or to straight up hatred, like stare down hatred.
CARLSON: Really?
GREENE: And then some of them can't even make eye contact with me, because I think they're maybe a little intimidated by me.
CARLSON: She went on to describe the one conversation she has had with any Democratic Member of Congress in the time that she has been at the Capitol and that was with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It was fascinating.
The whole interview was fascinating. And again, we're going to let you decide, as always, what you think of Marjorie Taylor Greene. But we feel like you have the right to decide what you think of Marjorie Taylor Greene, and we have the right to interview anyone we want, and we're going to.
That's on Fox Nation. It's great.
In just a few years, the Democratic Party has transformed the State of Virginia. It was Republican state, now, it's a Democratic state and it is a very different state as a result of that.
Our next guest is a Republican. He is running to be the next Governor of Virginia. He thinks he can save the state. He will join us to assess how much the Commonwealth of Virginia has changed in such a short period.
We'll be right back.
CARLSON: We've got news from the literary world. Stacey Abrams, the Governor in waiting in the State of Georgia, is in her spare time, a naughty novel writer. Bodice rippers, they call them, steamy, sexy, and those books may soon be coming to a bookstore near you.
FOX's Trace Gallagher has that story -- Trace.
TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: And Tucker, if you were recently in the market for a Selena Montgomery romance novel, like "The Art of Desire," "Power of Persuasion" or "Rules of Engagement," you could expect to pay anywhere from 92 bucks to 3,200 bucks a copy. That's mostly because the books are currently out of print and because steamy, Selena Montgomery is actually as you noted, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate and current political activist, Stacey Abrams. You know, romance writer turned political fighter.
These days, Abrams is known for using phrases like "moral imperative" and "equal justice" but during her time as steamy Selena, she drew critical acclaim and got hearts fluttering apparently using words like "embracing,"
"bending," "brushing," "voracious" and "turgid," which means big and despite having a pen name, Stacey Abrams isn't trying to shy away from her Harlequin past. In fact, now that three of the books are about to be reissued, Abrams is trying to gin up interest by noting that the novel showcase quote, "women of color as nuanced, determined and exciting."
The characters apparently work in a U.S. government espionage organization, and when they're not trying to save the world from foreign adversaries, they can be found, of course in the throes of passion quoting here: "In their kiss, he tasted passion, forgotten chemistry, and her alarm at the loss of control. He felt her tremble as he kissed her hand in the moonlight," not exactly going to make Philip Roth blush, but the re-issued novels will be published under Abrams real name, as well as her nom de plume -- Tucker.
CARLSON: You could do voiceovers. That was fantastic. Softcore porn brought to you by Trace Gallery, probably not going to happen. Thank you, Trace. Good to see you.
CARLSON: So we call it steamy. You heard a selection from Trace. We're getting our act together, we've got our producers on the case and we're going to have some dramatic readings for you because we can't resist.
Meanwhile, back to politics, a few places in America are different and changes quickly as the Commonwealth of Virginia. It was a republican state, now, it's a Democratic state and suddenly, it's very different.'
For example, in the name of equity, officials have discussed banning accelerated Math classes. It looks like they're going to. Democrats from Virginia have also ended merit-based admissions at the state's top high school. That'd be Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Glenn Youngkin has watched all of this. He lives in Virginia. Now, he is running for Governor of Virginia, and we're happy to have him on tonight.
Glenn Youngkin, thank you so much for joining us.
I guess what's striking about this is it doesn't necessarily seem like a partisan concern, everyone I thought agreed that excellence in education was essential. Why would the ruling party in your state destroy it?
GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Tucker, first of all, thank you for having me and it doesn't even stop there. What they're next on to is actually not awarding advanced diplomas to kids who have earned them in high schools, to taking the Pledge of Allegiance and the Fourth of July out of the curriculum of things that actually bind us together, unite us, as Americans and Virginians.
And it just seems that Terry McAuliffe and the left Liberal Democrats here want to take our education policy from having everybody in the fast lane to putting everybody in the broken down lane.
But this is exactly what we're seeing from the Democrats, and particularly from Terry McAuliffe is that they're on the wrong side of every issue. When it comes to business, they want to take away our right to work status in Virginia. I want to keep our right to work status and keep Virginia moving.
In education, they want to teach our kids what to think. They want to teach them critical race theory and they want to take accelerated Math out of the curriculum. I want to teach our kids how to think and not have critical race theory in the curriculum. And actually, yes, teach accelerated Math.
Terry McAuliffe wants to take away qualified immunity from our law enforcement so they can be pursued with civil -- with frivolous civil lawsuits, and I want to protect qualified immunity so that our law enforcement officers know that we're not only going to invest in them, but their Governor has their back and Terry McAuliffe agrees with Joe Biden, that, in fact, these amendments of our Constitution are not absolute.
He even said recently that religious exemptions should not be the basis for laws. And I want to stand up for our Constitution and protect our First Amendment, our Second Amendment and our right to life.
I mean, the Democrats and Terry McAuliffe are on the wrong sides of every issue. And as I've been campaigning around Virginia, all Virginians recognize this, and they're just ready for a Republican Governor and that's why I'm running, Tucker.
CARLSON: Well, this is just so radical. I mean, the state was always conservative, moderately conservative. Terry McAuliffe was a moderate conservative. He didn't vote for Obama in 2008, I happen to know, because he thought Obama was too liberal and now, he is way more left-wing than Obama even was in public.
I mean, how bewildered are you by the change that they have wrought in such a short period?
YOUNGKIN: Well, Tucker, this is why I quit my job last summer. You know, I actually could not recognize my home state of Virginia. I am home grown. I love the Commonwealth of Virginia. And I was so frustrated with the Republican Party because the Republican Party had not mounted a winning campaign in over 10 years.
YOUNGKIN: And so I left my job, and we prepared to run for Governor and what we're seeing is enormous momentum on the campaign trail, because what we're hearing from Virginians is we must win, we will win and humbly Glenn, we're for you, and Tucker, you know, I got a huge endorsement on Sunday from Senator Ted Cruz and that just was so humbling to me, and then Governor Kevin Stitt endorsed me from Oklahoma this morning, and we're heading into our nominating convention on Saturday with just huge momentum.
I'm out in front, we're campaigning twice as hard. I just finished a great rally in Augusta County, Virginia with a huge group of folks and Virginians are ready for a change. We're ready for a Governor who's got a business career, who knows how to get things done, and deliver results, not empty promises and to put Virginia back on the path to be the best country -- the best state in the country to live and work and raise a family.
CARLSON: Man, I mean, -- and stop the craziness. The ideology, it's too dark. Texas should be watching carefully what happened to Virginia because it can change really, really fast.
Glenn Youngkin, Godspeed. I appreciate your coming on. Thank you.
YOUNGKIN: Tucker, thank you so much for having me and have a blessed evening.
CARLSON: Thank you. So, you just heard the critical race theory is coming to dominate education in Virginia, but it's not just Virginia, it is all over the country. What do you do about it when it comes to your school?
Well, nothing. No one has done anything until recently.
But now, there's a network of parents, of students fighting this racist indoctrination. We'll talk to one of those parents next.
Also, minutes ago, our senior editorial producer, Tom Fox confirmed the Stacey Abrams novel is en route to our team. We plan to bring you a reading
-- a dramatic reading to the extent we're allowed by obscenity regulations of that steamy work -- and we'll have it by Friday. That's our promise to you.
We'll be right back.
CARLSON: We just talked to a man called Glenn Youngkin who is running for Governor of Virginia, in part, because he is distressed about the racist critical race theory now being taught in the schools there, hurting kids.
It's happening all over the country.
Now, some parents in New York City have joined together to fight it. Harvey Goldman is one of those parents, he joins us tonight.
Mr. Goldman, thanks so much for coming on. So, just to set the scene, very quickly, for our viewers who haven't followed this. Last year, you had a nine-year-old fourth grader in private school and they began trying to tell her that she was a bad person, a nine-year-old because of the color of her skin, which of course she can't control.
You approached the head of the school in the supermarket and he basically just blew you off. You wrote a letter to the head, he blew you off again, so you wrote this long letter, in which you said we don't have white privilege, stop telling us that. What happened then?
HARVEY GOLDMAN, CONCERNED PARENT: After that, we had a Zoom call with the school basically saying the same thing. They said, if you don't like our teachings, you can leave. And I left within, I don't know, 24 or 48 hours of that Zoom call. They actually offered me a full refund and said, you can leave.
They are teaching these kids terrible things, teaching them to feel bad about themselves and it's really awful.
CARLSON: So they're I mean, they're teaching racism. I mean, I think by any conventional definition, that's what they're doing. You called them on it in a really straightforward, well written letter, and they didn't budge at all. So what does that tell other parents whose kids are being subjected to this poison right now? What can they do?
GOLDMAN: Well, I've gotten quite a few calls from parents at the school, and they are pulling their kids out. They are not happy about what is being taught to their children.
GOLDMAN: And I am sure what else I could do, but teach the school's lesson by pulling their kids out and get your money out.
CARLSON: You pulled her -- and bless you for doing that -- you pulled your nine-year-old out because, I guess, by your actions, we can infer that you thought it was that dangerous to her that you didn't want her around it.
Why do you think more parents don't do that? I think it's the right thing.
But why don't more people do that?
GOLDMAN: I think a lot of them are unaware about how bad this really is and what they're teaching the kids in these schools. And also, if you're in New York, it's really difficult to find another place to go because so many schools are teaching this critical race theory and they are together with this. It's really -- you have to leave there, someplace like Florida and never heard of it.
CARLSON: Oh, so you just left the state and you move you move to Florida?
CARLSON: Is it better?
GOLDMAN: Much better. These schools never heard of critical race theory.
They don't teach the critical race theory. They don't know about it.
These children go to a park and they want to play. They don't care what color the other kids. The kids are having fun.
CARLSON: It's amazing. And it's sad and it is so striking that people go along with it. And it's -- we always want to highlight the few who don't and it's an example to the rest of us. Thank you so much for coming on.
CARLSON: I'm sorry, please.
GOLDMAN: I appreciate that. I was going to say my parents came here. They are Holocaust survivors. They came here with nothing. They worked their whole lives so we could have what we have in this country. It's America and they should be taught that everybody is treated equally.
CARLSON: Exactly.
GOLDMAN: And that's not what they're teaching our children now.
CARLSON: No, nicely put. That's the promise of America. If we give up on that, we're done. You're absolutely right. Thank you very much, Harvey.
Good to see you.
GOLDMAN: Thank you. Thank you.
CARLSON: So Joe Biden and his doctor, Dr. Jill Biden just appeared in a remarkable picture with Jimmy Carter who was President in the 70s and his wife, Rosalynn Carter. Many people noticed something pretty weird about that picture right away, but the more you look at the picture, the stranger it gets.
Brit Hume is an expert at diagnosing the weirdness of pictures. He's one of the first people who identified the Nessie photograph from Loch Ness as a hoax. He's going to assess this picture.
We'll be right back.
CARLSON: We don't typically do an entire segment on a photograph, but there are certain pictures that are so bewildering that they become iconic.
Think of certain pictures that define a moment. I don't know, the second flag raising over Iwo Jima, and now this. The Carter Center in Atlanta just released this photograph of Joe Biden and his doctor, Dr. Jill, sitting next to former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn.
Now many people noticed that the photographs make the Biden's look like giants, Brahm Dinagian (ph). But the picture raises another important question. Why are the giant Bidens not wearing masks indoors sitting next to an elderly couple who are literally in their 90s? Now keep in mind, Joe Biden wears his mask alone outdoors contravening the C.D.C.'s recommendations.
A few days ago, Joe Biden delayed a speech he was giving outside because he couldn't find a mask, but when he sat with Jimmy Carter who is moving on a hundred, he didn't wear a mask. What is this exactly?
Brit Hume knows the answer. He's our senior political analyst. We're happy to have him on tonight to decipher this totally bizarre picture. What is this?
BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think it's kind of a sweet photo.
HUME: With the four of them there, and a nice gesture on the part of the Bidens to call on the Carters in Plains, Georgia.
HUME: They didn't need to wear masks. They're all vaccinated. So the mystery is not why they weren't wearing masks indoors. The mystery is why when the Bidens walked outdoors with Rosalynn Carter right behind them, no mask, they immediately got masked.
So the safest place they could be, as far as COVID is concerned is outdoors. Right? That's when they put the mask on.
CARLSON: Wait, so you're telling us that in fact, the mask slipped and they told us the truth in this picture.
HUME: In my judgment, they didn't need a mask in either place. They just had to see what the C.D.C. would seem to suggest, you can get together with people if you're a small group, group of four, right? Indoors, everybody vaccinated. You're safe, right?
HUME: So they go back outside, where they're farther apart than before from the people they are visiting, and they put masks on.
Now this has got to be theater. I've been trying to think through today what possibly motivates Biden to do this all the time, to walk outside the White House down to a group of reporters by himself wearing a mask?
CARLSON: So he doesn't infect himself.
HUME: It doesn't make any sense.
HUME: So I think that what he thinks is or someone thinks there is that there is a subset of the Democratic Party who are completely freaked out.
Apparently, in New York, you go around the city of New York these days, you see people everywhere outdoors, walking down the street, running and whatever wearing masks.
HUME: You see a little of it elsewhere as well. People outdoors wearing masks, it's not necessary, but somebody believes in it.
And I remember some time ago, I said somewhere on Twitter, I think it was, I said I didn't have a lot of confidence in the efficacy of masks in terms of stopping the disease, but I know that it bothers other people if you don't so I said, you know, so wear a mask not so much because it's safe, but because it's nice.
HUME: To be nice, right?
HUME: Ah, the reaction to it was crazed. I mean, hate messages and denunciations and so on. So there are people to whom this mask wearing and all the other precautions are meant to kind of a religious doctrine.
HUME: That they follow in that way and the result is what you see and I think that Biden and the people around you must think that it is good for him that the people who don't care about it aren't going to be mad at him for wearing a mask, and the people who do care about it will appreciate it.
CARLSON: You've covered this country -- we're almost out of time -- I have to ask you for a long time, this has become a much more obedient population than it used to be. Is that fair to say?
HUME: Well, it looks like in this case, yes, because I would have thought that a rebellion against these restrictions would have been -- I think it's coming now, people are beginning to shake this all off, and say, we're going to do it. We're going to do it. We're going to have our Fourth of July parties and all the rest of it.
And you know, you get outside the major cities and now, around the country, you don't see a lot of people with masks on in places where they're obviously not necessary. But you see that in the big cities.
And, you know, there's a certain belief -- I mean, look, liberals by and large believe in government.
HUME: So if you want to pick a group of people who might be obedient, that's where you'd go.
CARLSON: I guess, yes, the military is going to come and give you your medicine. Sign me up. As long as the National Guard does its job. I'm cool.
HUME: It's free.
CARLSON: It's free. Yes. Brit Hume, great to see you tonight. Thank you for that perspective.
HUME: You bet, Tucker. Thank you.
CARLSON: As always.
Just a reminder, long conversation the Marjorie Taylor Greene. You've heard a lot about her, you haven't heard from her, but you can always hear unfiltered on this show.
We will be back tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. Until then, Sean Hannity takes over.
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