This is a rush transcript from ”The Ingraham Angle" November 9, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
INGRAHAM: All right, I'm Laura Ingraham. This is The Ingraham Angle from Washington tonight. Attorney General Bill Barr you might have heard it has just authorized DOJ lawyers to probe substantial allegations of voting irregularities. A poll worker who witnessed just that is here exclusively tonight and do you hear the pandemic? It's over.
If you saw the crowds celebrating Joe Biden and the media subsequent eon, well, you might think that. Ari Fleischer tells us why the Left's political capital on COVID restrictions is gone and Raymond Arroyo brings us the most pathetic yes, there were tears reactions to this past weekend's Biden news.
Seen and Unseen unpacks it all. But first, mandate for defeat. That's the focus of tonight's Angle.
Now during the campaign Joe Biden and his handlers refused to be transparent about basic policy questions including their specific plan for handling COVID. Now on top of that they lied about Joe's opposition of fracking, his true timeline for destroying the oil and gas industry and they knew in their heart of hearts that the nation wasn't nearly as radical as their party had become.
So they sold Biden as sort of a - kind of moderate, amiable grandfatherly figure. He would help heal a nation's divide and even conquer the virus itself with science and compassion.
JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENT ELECT: Today I've named the COVID-19 transition advisory board. Comprised of distinguished public health experts, this group will advise on detailed plans built on a bedrock of science and the key, compassion, empathy and care for every American at its core.
INGRAHAM: Compassion? Remember, we've told you that you need to use what we like to say Bidenology to translate announcements of this type. Well, look who will be actually making the policy. Compassionate? First there's Dr.
Zeke Emanuel, Rahm's brother, the architect of Obamacare, death panels and all. Dr. Emanuel also just happens to be someone who thinks it's morally problematic for people to live beyond the age of 75.
DR. ZEKE EMANUEL: I look at 75, when I look at all the data on physical disability, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, loss of creativity, slowing down of the mind and the body and 75 seems like that you know albeit somewhat arbitrary moment while where you get the maximum chance you are still going to be vital and alive and vigorous.
INGRAHAM: I wonder if 77-year old Joe knows about Zeke's 75-year old cut off. I wonder what Dr. Emanuel's real feelings are about COVID given that according to the CDC most deaths are Americans 75 and up. Also on the task force is former HHS whistleblower Rick, not so bright, who filed the frivolous whistleblower complaint against the Trump administration. Now putting him on the task force, it's just a vindictive gratuitous purely political move and if you think Biden's virus panel will offer any optimism or hope, hope of returning to normal anytime soon, guess again.
After all he put Dr. Michael Osterholm, we've been warning you about him on the task force as well. This is what the good doctor just told CNBC today.
DR. MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, BIDEN TASKFORCE MEMBER: What America has to understand is we are about to enter COVID hell. We have not even come close to the peak and as such, our hospitals are now being overrun. The next you know three to four months are going to be by far the darkest of the pandemic.
INGRAHAM: The long, dark winter is back. Biden also appointed Obama's former Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy to co-chair the COVID task force.
Now when President Trump announced a vaccine - that a vaccine could be ready in November, this is what Murthy did to throw cold water on the idea.
DR. VIVEK MURTHY, FORMER OBAMA SURGEON GENERAL: I think it's very dangerous at this point to give specific dates, you got to be really clear with people about what the distribution plan is for this vaccine because it will take months to get this vaccine out even under optimal circumstances which is why the vaccination campaign we developed has got to be top notch and executed well.
INGRAHAM: I guess he forgot to buy a vial. Fortunately, for the rest of us that MD was wrong and Trump was right. Today Pfizer announced promising early results from its clinical vaccine trials. They anticipate having enough doses for 15-20 million people by the end of the year, this year.
That's good news, right? Well, not if you're the Governor of New York.
GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): It's good news, bad news George. The bad news is that it's about two months before Joe Biden takes over. The Trump administration is rolling out the vaccination plan and I believe it's flawed. How can we shape the Trump administration vaccine plan to fix it or stop it before it does damage.
INGRAHAM: OK. This is truly a sick man with a tyrant complex but then again preventing COVID deaths among the most vulnerable has never been his thing.
Far better to spend his time harassing a bunch of orthodox Jews attending a funeral, social distancing. Now what about all those science people? What they seem to believe in other words, that a vaccine will only be safe if Biden's in office. For those of you who thought this was about the science well guess again, this is about power my friends. It's about social control. Controlling you and it always has been and as Biden made clear today. Not even a vaccine will deter them.
BIDEN: Maybe saves the life of a member of your place of worship. Maybe saves lives one of your children's teachers. Maybe it saves your life. So please I implore, wear a mask. Do it for yourself, do it for your neighbor.
Mask is not a political statement. But it is a good way to start pulling the country together.
INGRAHAM: Wait a minute. Wearing a mask is a good way to start pulling the country together? What does pulling the country together have to do with science or health? Get it? The more you hear these guys talk about COVID, the more it sounds as though their perspectives are truly political, entirely political.
Americans are happy to cooperate on health measures including mask. That will truly benefit our health. But they're not going to give up their traditional liberties as part of a political effort to start pulling the country together. They've been tearing the country apart for the last three years, four years, five years.
In short the key lesson from today is that Biden's COVID plans are not driven by science, they aren't altered by the development of a vaccine and they appear to have no relation to the actual facts. Certainly they ignore the overwhelming evidence that Western Europe has tried similar policies which have ended in disaster.
Lockdowns, masks, none of it seemed to stem the virus. Meanwhile in America our economy is roaring back so long as Biden and company don't get their hands on it. Look, it's too early to tell how this - the election is ultimately going to come out but I can tell you this. Joe Biden and the Democrats do not have a mandate from the voters to wreck the economy or take away your civil liberties, my civil liberties in the name of COVID.
Over 71 million patriots voted for President Trump. Assuming they can win in Georgia in January, Republicans will hold the Senate. Republicans gained seats in the House. The American people didn't vote to lock themselves down and I believe they will resist any such effort.
I've interviewed Governor DeSantis and lots of other Republican officials and I do not think that you will see states governed by Republicans destroying themselves, destroying small businesses, restaurants everything, due to the fear of COVID.
And I don't think a Congress with a Republican Senate will make them do so.
So if Biden and his puppeteers try to force us into unnecessary lockdowns, they'll find themselves taken to court and they'll lose. I know that the Democrats spent most of the weekend celebrating.
No COVID there but it's important that they understand the truth. Whatever happens in this presidential election, you will not have the power to rewrite our constitution denier liberties and The truth. Whatever happens in this presidential election you will not have the power to rewrite our constitution deny our liberties and lockdown our economy and if you try any of these things, we will fight you day and night and we will win. The American people have spoken and they've made clear that COVID or no COVID the Democrats must seek cooperation, not submission from us.
For months now I've made it clear that COVID is a national tragedy that should have been something that brought us all together. Instead Democrats used it as a political weapon. It was effectively Joe Biden's running mate.
Now the election's over. A vaccine is on the way and they're still using it. What was Biden's phrase? Start pulling the country together?
Sorry Democrats. You don't have that kind of power. If you want to pull the country together, I suggest you start treating the rest of us as free and equal citizens. Ordering us around or trying to will only backfire and that's the Angle.
Joining me now is Dr. William Grace, oncologist and hematologist and Dr.
Ramin Oskoui, cardiologists extraordinare and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology.
All right, Dr. Oskoui, Biden's entire COVID plan seems to hinge on mandates and a lot of these people on the task force were all for the lockdown. What does this sign say?
DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CARDIOLOGIST: Well, I think the science actually says that lockdowns may actually delay herd immunity and may delay countries coming back. I think another example putting aside Sweden is Japan. We have data out of Japan where half of Tokyo has antibodies to COVID and one might say well they mask, don't they in Japan?
Well, in fact they have 2.5 times as much influenza in Japan so I think that what we're seeing and Japan's a good example this, Taiwan's done well too but we don't have that kind of granular data is that lockdowns may actually harm not just the economy but the health of the country that's locked down.
INGRAHAM: Now when President Trump announced that ambitious timeline for the vaccine, he was mocked and it was - it was called political. Now even by the suppose it head of his own COVID task force. Watch.
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NSAID: We're not going to have a vaccine that's deployable for at least a year to year and a half.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To think that we're going to have one at the end of
2020 frankly, I think it's just really unrealistic.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aspirationally, it's the end of the year. Realistically it's going to be in 2021 if you just listen to most of the experts including Dr Fauci.
INGRAHAM: Dr. Grace, the entire medical establishment as far as I could tell had it in for him from the start on this. Your reaction.
DR. WILLIAM GRACE, ONCOLOGIST AND HEMATOLOSIT: Well, it certainly an academia what they did. They all vote one way and those who are in private practice and those who are trying to care for patients who actually pay their salaries, they were all pretty much on the side of Trump but I think when you look at Biden's program, the scary part of it is not the scientific part. What they've done is taken all the successful programs of Trump and out sort of the new age academic cliches on it to call them something different such as a safe vaccine as opposed to an unsafe vaccine, to have basically next generation testing compared to the testing that's being done now over now about fourth generation testing.
And then they have you know evidence based care as if all the care in the country's not been evidence based and then they're going to have a pandemic dashboard. We already have one in Johns Hopkins. That's not the scary part.
The scary part is the social political part where they're going to have a program to address the food insecurity.
During an obesity epidemic, they're going to have a task force to address the food insecurity of COVID-19 and the effect of COVID-19 on our affordable housing because you take a look at New York, COVID had a great effect on affordable housing. Everybody's leaving so there'll be plenty of affordable housing.
Then you take a look at what they're going to do with a diversity health force like the space force. A diversity health force because as you know only diverse people can care for COVID-19 because the people are caring for them now are not diverse enough.
And then we're going to have a Women's Caregiving force and this Women's Caregiving Force is going to take care of all those COVID patients because only one sex can actually be empathetic enough for COVID patients. It's crazy. The last and terrifying thing is that they're going to go after presumably conservers who are going after the Asians because these xenophobic conservatives are going after Asians because the virus came out of Asia which is going to be news to Governor Cuomo because he thinks it came out of Italy.
INGRAHAM: That's a - that was the best litany I think ever recited on Ingraham Angle in three years, ok? Dr. Grace. All right, Dr. Oskoui question about the timing of this vaccine announcement. Pfizer had this data some people wondering about the data but should we be curious about the timing because the president obviously in his tweets today is certainly concerned about it.
OSKOUI: I think the timing makes perfect sense. You've got a president to put in an executive order for most favored nation status on drug pricing that was going to markedly reduce Pfizer's profits in the coming years.
You've got another president who's proposed next to nothing in terms of reining in drug prices.
Why would you release that to potentially help the president that's going to hurt you financially. I think the CEO had a fiduciary responsibility to his stockholders and I'm sure he'll get a bonus commensurate with his work on their behalf.
INGRAHAM: Well, all I'll say is President Trump did more to address the drug pricing issue and was just getting to the good part than any president I can remember and that's not good for big pharma. I mean, I guess we'll hear why they delayed the announcement but who knows if it would have made a difference in the election but it might have.
Might have, especially with suburban women. Gentlemen, thank you so much.
Great to see both of you. And if you want to see the clearest distillation of how the media used COVID as a weapon? Well, just a week ago, this is how they referred to Trump campaign rallies and White House events.
BARACK OBAMA, 44TH U.S. PRESIDENT: This last night on his COVID spreader tour. I mean, he's a super spreader.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What the president is doing is irresponsible, it is dangerous. He's holding super spreader events, deadly events.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's once again creating super spreader events just to appease his ego.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We could have had another super spreader event at the White House this week.
INGRAHAM: Well, they're all super spreading manure in what they're saying, OK? What did they say about the celebrations that broke out in the street for Biden and Kamala this past weekend?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I call it unbridled exuberance. It's like the country's having a nationwide block party.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only thing I can compare it to is the mission to take out Osama Bin Laden.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I found the whole celebration, everything that I've seen across the country so inspiring.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What you saw today erupting in the streets was people daring to hope again.
INGRAHAM: Oh my God. Could someone call Hallmark greeting cards for that in depth analysis? But joining me now Ari Fleischer. Only a super spreader of positivity and fact based analysis and Fox news contributor. Former White House Press Secretary.
Ari, the hypocrisy is so obvious that it's almost boring but it does beg the question, how much political capital will Biden really have to try to you know enforce lockdowns in early part of the year, given the fact that his task force members, a number of them have been very open to reinstituting them?
ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. Well, first of all, let me go back a second. You shouldn't have me on the show. You should have another doctor because clearly COVID knows the cause. If you're a liberal, if you're pro-Biden, COVID bounces off of you. If you're a conservative, COVID gets you. That's what we know from these street rallies.
As for the mandate, look, Joe Biden I do think he has a legitimate mandate to do two things. One is to wear a mask, he ran on that and he's right, we should all wear masks. Two, is to tweet less. That's the extent of his mandate. If there was a mandate on any ideological grounds, the Democrats would have gained seats in the House. They would have taken back the Senate, they would have won governorships and statehouses. None of that happened.
INGRAHAM: Well also Ari, I disagree with you on the mask thing and the reason why is because in these crowds of people as you noted, I mean there is a lot of people wearing masks but they're pulling their mask down, they're touching - we've watched all the YouTube videos, touching them, moving them, taking them off, putting them on and they're right up next to each other.
At Trump events and rallies when there were groups of people with mask, that wasn't good enough so if - I don't buy any of it. I think all of it is you know for them the mask represents you know still the threat, you got to go grow government as Dr. Grace said all the task force for health security and food security and diversity in medicine.
That all stems from COVID so when COVID is dealt with perhaps with a vaccine, it becomes harder to make all these cases that they want to make the case for.
FLEISCHER: Look, I do think we should all wear masks. I think that's a good point. I think that was Joe Biden's only good point when it came to anything he's going to do on COVID.
INGRAHAM: But he's not serious about it, that's what I'm saying, that the crowd itself - you're not supposed to be in close quarters with each other, period unless it's essential, an essentiality. That's what they said.
FLEISCHER: When it gets to the crowds and this is where the huge hypocrisy is that you pointed out and the reason there's hypocrisy is because the press takes sides and they take the sides of the Democrats. They've done it through my entire lifetime, it's just accelerated. It's gone off the cliff under President Trump and none of us should ever forget it Laura.
You know when you look back the last four years on how they treated the President Trump, they're now asking for healing, what did they do for four years. They resisted the election. They want to overturn the Electoral College. They boycotted the inaugural. They surveiled Trump people. They unmasked the national security adviser, leaked president's phone calls with foreign leaders, impeached him and now they ask for healing?
Where were they for the last four years?
INGRAHAM: Yes, they're like throwing acid on every wound out there. Let's have a Kumbaya moment. And then we'll have an enemies list, right Ari? So the enemies list, they're writing it down, checking it out, it's not going to be Santa's list. It's going to be the enemies' list in December.
Ari, great to see you. Go ahead.
FLEISCHER: I'm proud to be on that list. Tell AOC to write me down.
INGRAHAM: Absolutely. I'm happy to join you Ari, great to see you and the media says voter fraud doesn't exist but a poll worker will bring us troubling eyewitness account of election malfeasance from Michigan plus it's time to end the scourge of mail-in ballots. One governor is already getting ahead on this issue. Tate Reeves of Mississippi, here next.
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): If any major irregularities occur this time of a magnitude that would affect the outcome then every single American should want them to be brought to light. And if the Democrats feel confident they have not occurred, they should have no reason to fear any extra scrutiny.
INGRAHAM: And right on cue Attorney General Bill Barr issued a memo earlier today saying investigations may be conducted if there are clear and apparently credible allegations of irregularities, that if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual state. Well, tonight one poll worker who says they witnessed - she witnessed pervasive voter fraud in Michigan joins us now.
Tricia Nesbitt, a volunteer GOP poll challenger and she says she saw election workers in Detroit, counting invalid ballots and suppressing any oversight efforts. Tricia, thanks for joining us. Tell us exactly what you saw.
TRICIA NESBIT, MICHIGAN GOP POLL CHALLENGER: Well, thank you for covering this. It's very disheartening to hear so many denying that this is happening in Michigan. My experience in Detroit, Republicans were denied meaningful access to observing the ballot counting process.
We were told that the hall was full only to learn that a large group of union members were allowed to gain access to the hall. Once we were able to gain access inside, following them, it was clear that Detroit city election workers were scanning and counting ballots for voters whose names did not appear in the voter rolls and when we tried to challenge those, our challenges were largely ignored.
INGRAHAM: Tricia, we'll get to that in a moment but I want to show a video that you took that you just mentioned. GOP poll challengers locked outside of a ballot counting center. Watch.
Tricia, how long before they were let in? You could hear - was that banging and knocking on the video? How many ballots had been counted you think in the meantime?
NESBIT: Well, about 90 percent of counting boards were inactive for about four hours so they had actually removed several Republican pull challengers prior to locking the doors and those are folks who were trying to gain access.
They actually put up cardboard over the windows so that those folks couldn't see what was happening inside.
INGRAHAM: Well, you hear this time and again that, oh, there's no substantial allegation of fraud, widespread fraud. We hear that all day long and Republicans are just making all these claims, there are no claims.
How do you answer that?
NESBIT: Honestly, I've been a poll challenger in various elections since
2012 and I have never seen anything like this. This raises a lot of concerns about the integrity of our elections and I sincerely hope that this is investigated to the fullest extent.
INGRAHAM: Yes well, looks like it - well, at least Bill Barr thinks there are issues to be investigated but I think that this simple question was raised last week Tricia, that if you have nothing to hide, then why just not let people in and probably will be a pretty boring job just to watch ballots going in but why the fuss of not letting people in and they're getting aggressive with some of the poll watchers like why do that?
Is it just for fun to be aggressive? It's curious.
NESBIT: I truly believe that they were trying to wait us out, that they were trying to encourage Republicans to leave the room because they did not want us to see what was happening.
INGRAHAM: Well, we hope we get more information as the days go forward.
Trisha, thank you so much.
And there's no question that mass mail-in voting -- it has been an unmitigated disaster. We must never again allow Democrats to foist this on our country. Given what we're seeing days and days later, we still don't have a final vote counts. And one GOP governor already committed to doing this. Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves tweeting "I will do everything in my power to make sure universal mail-in voting and no excuse early voting are not allowed in Mississippi, not while I'm governor. Too much chaos."
Governor Reeves joins me now. Governor, your state isn't having any issues.
You were able to actually count votes. But do you get the sense that any of your peers in state houses across the country are going to follow suit?
GOV. TATE REEVES, (R-MS): Well, I think you are seeing folks across the country that made decisions this year to significantly expand early voting, to significantly expand mail-in balloting, I think a lot of Republicans around the country are looking and saying maybe we made a mistake by doing that, because there's no doubt, Laura, that this has led to chaos. It has led to distrust in our election system, and that's just not good for our republic. No matter how you feel about this particular election, you cannot possibly imagine that this distrust and this chaos is good for our system of government.
INGRAHAM: I think the Democrats think it's just fine because they believe it will ever work in their favor, Governor Reeves. They think no problem for them. They are going to -- they will have early voting go on the entire year before the election if they can get away with it. But last month on CNN, Bill Barr, attorney general, he warned about how dangerous the mail and ballots could be to this issue that you're referencing, election integrity.
WILLIAM BARR, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: This is playing with fire. We are a very closely divided country here. And if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government, and people trying to change the rules to this methodology, which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion, it is reckless and dangerous.
INGRAHAM: Governor Reeves, how badly do you think that we damaged public trust in our election systems with the voting machines issue that people are still freaking out about it, and now with this?
REEVES: In a large number of states I think we've damaged it significantly. There are 71 million Americans that went to the polls and voted to reelect the president, and we have to make sure that every vote is counted. And we've got to make sure that every legal vote is counted. I'll tell you, Laura, I stood in line for an hour and 15 minutes on Election Day because, by the way, I believe in the institution of Election Day. I believe that the voters ought to have all of the facts before they go to the polls and vote. I stood in line for an hour and 15 minutes at a precinct, by the way, that we did not win. But everybody there was happy to be there, they were proud to be there. They were exercising their rights as Americans.
And they went and they made the choice that they wanted to make on Election Day. Every single one of them had to show their photo I.D. to prove that they were who they said they were, that they were actually on the voter rolls. And there's no way to do that with mail-in voting. And everyone in America knows it.
INGRAHAM: It's the biggest scam, and the Democrats understood exactly what they were doing with both expanded voting for weeks and sometimes months, and now with the mail-in voting. It was obvious where this was going to go from the beginning, and we tried to warn everybody. But Governor Reeves, I'm so glad you are handling it the way you are in Mississippi. Thank you so much.
REEVES: Thanks, Laura.
INGRAHAM: And why the Biden campaign's calls for unity fall flat. How the media and Hollywood melted down over Biden. Raymond Arroyo has it all, "Seen and Unseen," next.
INGRAHAM: Time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we explore the stories behind the headlines. Joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor, author of the new book, "The Spider Who Saved Christmas." Raymond, from CNN to "The View," they couldn't get enough of Biden declaring victory.
VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It's easier to be a dad. It's easier to tell your kids character matters.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let's take off our armor and get into position to be problem solvers together.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": When you-know-who was elected four years ago, Hillary Clinton didn't say, hey, wait a minute, this doesn't feel right. Stop the count. She didn't say this isn't right, I'm not going
-- she didn't say any of that. So all of you, suck it up. Suck it up like we sucked it up.
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, they better pray that the Trump people don't suck it up like they sucked it up, otherwise there's going to be a Hunter Biden probe, Mueller is going to be brought out of mothballs for a new taxpayer forensic, followed by an impeachment battle.
And then day after day there will be cartoons, late night sketches, demonizing Biden. And by the way, a month after the election in 2016, Hillary demanded a recount in Wisconsin and other states. So Whoopi is just wrong.
INGRAHAM: She just said a couple months ago, didn't she, that the election was stolen from her. So she never dropped that routine. That was Hillary's go to thing.
Actor Jennifer Lawrence runs up and down the streets of Boston celebrating Biden and Kamala, but states are still recounting the votes. Biden offered this little olive branch in his speech.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. Let's this grim era of demonization in America began to end here and now.
INGRAHAM: Oh, my God, I can't --
ARROYO: Who started, who started the era of demonization? And even after Biden claim to the presidency, which this was a part of, which President Trump has yet to concede, the demonization of Trump continued.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He will at some point, Jake, have to come to terms with reality. He will have to actually leave the White House.
JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: This has become normalized, but that's just nuts.
That's a crazy thing for somebody to say.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it's, honestly, at this point, it's un-American.
When this is done, it's done. If you didn't get enough votes, it's over.
JAMES CLYBURN, (D-SC) HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP: We have an archaic way of selecting the president. I don't know anywhere where that if a winner got 4 million more votes than the loser, we would be worried about the losing people.
ARROYO: Why is everyone giving Trump the bum's rush, Laura? That's my question. Al Gore legally challenged the election for 37 days. We're not yet at seven. And I guess some Biden supporters haven't gotten the let's heal the soul of the nation memo. They're still attacking the president and the people who voted for him. Michelle Obama posted this. "Let's remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division." So this doesn't sound like an olive branch to be.
INGRAHAM: Remember, first time I'm proud to be American comment from Michelle back in, what was it, 2008, 2007? Whatever, I'm paraphrasing. She didn't mean it that way, but half of the country, or 71 million Americans are just haters. That's what they think. I'm glad she tweeted it because I'm glad we know what Michelle thinks, and we're out of the White House garden era now.
ARROYO: Even in supposedly victory you get clingers, deplorables. It's more of the same. This continues. That's a bad look.
INGRAHAM: But Raymond, let's move -- on to the next topic. Don't worry, the media already hard at work holding the Biden-Harris ticket accountable, and they are covering really, really important issues.
ARROYO: Yes, they are.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is a similar sort of cultural phenomenon going on in the interest in Kamala Harris and her marriage, and her modern family, and her fashion.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her performance as a running mate was flawless.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is what every working woman strives to be.
FORMER REP. DONNA EDWARDS, (D-MD): When she put on her Chuck Taylors and came down the stairs of an airliner, all the rest of us were pulling our Chuck Taylors out of our closet.
ARROYO: Laura, are you having Obama flashback yet? The burger runs and the couture. And don't worry about the government taking the Little Sisters of the Poor to court, or letting Jihadi terrorists into the nation, or restarting the Iran nuclear deal. There is more history to cover. I have read repeated articles hailing Biden's German shepherd Major as historic, the first rescue dog ever to come to the White House. Laura, not only is Biden not yet president-elect, but Major is not the first rescue dog. LBJ actually brought the first rescue dog to the White House more than 50 years ago.
I do have a question, though. Who will be walking whom around the Rose Garden? I just want to get a memo on that.
INGRAHAM: At some point, I might need a therapy dog if you play any more of this suck up montages, OK, the montages.
INGRAHAM: All right, tell me quickly about your book signing, virtual tomorrow, real quick.
ARROYO: Yes, tomorrow and on the 17th I'm doing a virtual book signing.
INGRAHAM: All right, awesome, Raymond. Thank you so much.
And a group of the most powerful people in the world spent the past few months suppressing news, punishing Trump, all the while sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats. Dinesh D'Souza explains how Biden is now rewarding his tech overlords.
INGRAHAM: I don't think anyone expected a Biden administration to punish social media giants for censoring President Trump and his allies during the campaign, but now it looks like big tech will actually be rewarded for its election meddling. According to "The Financial Times," Biden hired Jessica Hertz, former associate general counsel at Facebook, and Cynthia Hogan, former Apple vice president for government affairs for his transition team.
And Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO, may have some role in a Biden White House.
Joining me now, Dinesh D'Souza, conservative commentator whose film "Trump Card" is now available on demand. Dinesh, it looks like donating lavishly to Biden, attacking his political opponents, censoring, is about to pay off.
DINESH D'SOUZA, FILMMAKER, "TRUMP CARD": Yes, the censorship is very profitable for Biden, so it's no surprise that he recognizes these digital censors to be on his team. These aren't just philistines or goons who are arbitrarily shutting people down. This censorship all cuts in one direction. Interestingly, it's not censorship by the government per se, but by these quasi-private monopolies. But these monopolies came to power on false pretenses. They basically assured the American people, gee, we are kind of a neutral platform like the phone company, we're going to allow people to connect with their old friends and engage in robust debates. And the moment that they got this monopolistic power, they turned and they basically decided we're going to start censoring you.
Imagine if the phone company were to say, listen, we're going to be restricting hate speech on the phone. We're going to be listening to what you say. We're going to be limiting your privileges. Even though you pay your bill, we reserve the right to cut you off. If AT&T did that, there would be a public revolt and they would shut the company down. But that's exactly what these digital platforms are doing.
INGRAHAM: And Dinesh, the runoffs in Georgia to determine the makeup of the Senate, who gets the majority, they have only just been announced, right? And already tonight, Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Ossoff and Warnock, are attending a fundraiser with Silicon Valley progressives. So they're just tied, joined at the hip with people who want to control every aspect of our lives. The Democrats and Silicon Valley, marriage made in heaven, and without Trump in the White House, heaven forbid, they are just going to get more powerful and more censorious, Dinesh.
D'SOUZA: It's hard to believe, because I think that this digital censorship represents the worst threat to free speech in America in probably a century, certainly in peace times. And just to give an innocuous example, a couple of weeks ago I quoted Biden from the debate on Facebook, saying that Antifa was merely an idea. Immediately Facebook says we are demonetizing you. We're putting a warning label, and the warning label very revealing said "lacking context." Think about it, lacking context? What context am I expected to provide? And what makes the whole thing so Kafkaesque it that there is no one to call. It's not like if United cancels your reservation, you call them up and go, gee, you shouldn't have canceled my reservation. In this case, there is dead silence. This is all done behind closed doors. There's no form of appeal. Essentially, you're living in the Twilight Zone.
INGRAHAM: I think they knocked me off, or they locked me out of Twitter on election night. I can't remember why. That was so stupid. But again, it always seems to cut one way with Silicon Valley. It's never cut against the Democrats. They could have a decapitated head in their hands, a mock, violent depiction of the president, and it's no problem.
And we just told you, by the way, Dinesh, about Eric Schmidt, a former Google CEO, possibly having a role in the Biden White House. "Vox" reported today that Schmidt is finally looking to, I guess, become a citizen of Cyprus. The new passport gives him the ability to travel to the E.U., along with potentially favorable a favorable personal tax situations. Individuals who claim Cyprus citizenship can be attracted by a reduction in their tax burden, especially if they are willing to renounce their U.S. citizenship.
Dinesh, maybe he was doing that when he thought Trump was -- no, that wouldn't make sense, because his taxes wouldn't go up under Trump. So how is this going to affect American workers having this guy so close to the White House?
D'SOUZA: Well, it just shows what total hypocrites these people are. They all want higher taxes, but not for them. They all want to take down the wall, but not around their house. So ultimately, they want a two-tier society in which they are, as Plato said, the people of gold, and everybody else is the people of bronze. One set of rules for them and one for everyone else.
INGRAHAM: The little people can pay taxes. We'll just declare citizenship elsewhere. Thanks, Dinesh.
INGRAHAM: Presidential historian and perpetual Trump critic was reportedly let go as an MSNBC contributor after he apparently failed to disclose to the network that he was a speechwriter for President-elect Joe Biden, including the victory speech he gave on Saturday night. Now, he's lost his contributorship and will forever be known as the guy who helped write one of the most tedious victory speeches ever.
That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream, "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" team take it all from here. And I think he has appeal or two, so there you have, Shannon.
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