
After Donald Trump hosted a historic bipartisan televised meeting, Mika Brzezinski and her ventriloquist dummy Joe said it was awesome. No, they trashed it:


MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: This nothing more than a dog and pony show where he was using Democrats and Republicans to try to show that he was fit when in truth he actually showed that he had very little command of the issue.


So, he's vilified for being partisan, vilified for being bipartisan, vilified for not compromising, vilified for compromising and all by the same talking heads. So, who sounds mentally unbalanced now?

Anyway, how do you know when you're losing an argument? When you can't even give just a little bit of credit to your foe. Confidence is shown when you're willing to say when the other guy scores. But there are others who can't. Check out this haircut:


DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS: Just days after the release of that bombshell book, "Fire and Fury," that claimed that some closest to the president had questioned the president's fitness to lead. An extremely rare event playing out on television today, reporters and cameras invited into a bipartisan meeting on immigration playing out for 55 minutes on television, showing America the president at work.


Yeah, I'm sure that guy reads a ton. He's subscribed to the International Mousse and Gel Monthly. He has amazing hair.

But at least one person gave Trump credit:


SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT MOON JAE IN: The accomplishment of South-North dialogue was largely credited to President Trump. I would like to express gratitude to him.


Isn't that sweet? Moon is over the moon. Now, he could be saying it to flatter Trump knowing he's a sucker for it, but so what? What would you rather have, a president who seeks credit for a job well done or one willing to look the other way when a terror group might muddle his legacy.

Now here's something else Trump's not getting credit for: the Small Business Optimism Index is at a record high. You can tell because of the green arrow. It's going up. The optimism is a decent barometer of job approval, more so than what the media or polls tell you -- both get more wrong than right these days. Fact is, small businesses thrive in good times and now they sense good times. And I should know: I'm a small piece of business myself.