Cruz attempts to seize narrative, names Fiorina to ticket
Reaction and analysis from 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 27, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. Ted Cruz is making an unconventional move, announcing Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential pick before even securing the GOP nomination. Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino and this is "The Five." And we are going to get right to it. I don't even get to introduce all my co-hosts, but they're here, Kimberly, Juan, Eric and Greg; because it's in his contract that he gets introduced.
PERINO: Joking, joking. So we were covered Kimberly. We are here last night.
PERINO: We were here -- well, we are here this morning.
GUILFOYLE: We're alive.
PERINO: That's why we love doing that show.
GUILFOYLE: Tales from the crypt.
PERINO: And now we have a new topic, that's why we're in the news business, right, something always new. What do you make of this news by Ted Cruz today? Some seeing it as a little bit of unprecedented or unconventional.
GUILFOYLE: I'm sure some people are super excited about it. I mean, Carly Fiorina, I like her very much, she's smart, she's talented, highly capable and a great role model for conservative women and someone who can definitely take on, you know, Hillary Clinton. I'm sure there's people clicking their heels and clapping their hands, super excited, but it's almost like, wait a second, did I miss a couple of weeks, or a couple of months, and this is what's happening at the convention, right? So it's definitely putting the cart in front of the horse, that's for sure. But I thought it all went well. The singing freaked me out a little bit. It was a little --
PERINO: In case you didn't hear, there was a little.
PERINO: . singing at the beginning of the speech.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Just a little children of the corn, but I don't know.
GUILFOYLE: That was -- that was the only part, you know. President Obama can sing quite well. I will (inaudible).
PERINO: Well, she can -- and she can deliver a very good speech and.
GUILFOYLE: She can. She was outstanding.
PERINO: . well-liked by conservatives. And Eric --
GUILFOYLE: She's been helpful to him.
PERINO: If you want to change the subject, I guess this is the way, and if Indiana is in fact Cruz's Alamo, then you play the cards that you have. And this one probably was his best card to play.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. I understand why Carly said yes to this -- I get that, that's -- it's great for her. But, boy, what a desperation move it feels like for Ted Cruz to do this on the heels of the other desperation move of --
BOLLING: "Hey, let's team up with Kasich," that didn't seem to work. This seems like another desperation. Who picks a vice presidential nominee or candidate when you just lose six races in a row.
GUILFOYLE: In a row.
BOLLING: . and get slaughtered six times in a row. It just seems like he's trying to pull anything out just to hold on to maybe hold onto Indiana and who knows, that doesn't mean Ted Cruz would keep Carly Fiorina as his vice president nominated -- nominee if he were to earn the nomination, but it didn't look like it's happening. Look, Jeb Bush bowed out with class. Rand Paul bowed out with class. Marco Rubio bowed out with class. It's probably time for Ted Cruz to do the same.
PERINO: Well, he's not going to do that. So he's saying, in this move, I think Greg is saying we're trying to win a majority here. And they still think that if they can win in Indiana, that they can deny Donald Trump getting to that 1237, and if they could bring the party together somehow.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: There is a way from to do this, but the media cycle is like a leprechaun, everybody is trying to capture it, while Donald Trump is on every network eating their lucky charms.
GUILFOYLE: Lucky charms.
PERINO: Well done my friend.
GUTFELD: But it's like the stunts, and they are stunts, because we've seen a lot of them, they're forcing people's hands. So they're obvious -- they're sometimes making choices that they don't have to make. It's like buying something because it's on sale. And I think that's what kind of it feels like now. And registering for a wedding gift when you're not getting married, you know, it's not that it seems a little bit premature.
GUILFOYLE: Except if you know it's probably bound to happen any minute.
GUTFELD: Well, I mean, he's -- it is wishful thinking. But I will say this, she is a good choice -- for all the reasons you mentioned, and for a couple that you didn't, which I've always been talking about which is, I think she's the strongest person when it comes to cyber warfare, artificial intelligence, which I'm obsessed with, and technology married to terror. This is somebody that in any administration you should grab and take her brain, because I really do think she probably is on top of this stuff more than anybody. So I think that's valuable.
BOLLING: Can I -- can I.
BOLLING: . maybe suggest two others that maybe even more valuable?
GUTFELD: Uh-huh.
BOLLING: Susana Martinez.
BOLLING: . and Nikki Haley.
BOLLING: But you're not going to get two sitting governors latching on to a campaign that right now cannot become the nominee unless something goes on.
GUILFOYLE: That will be bad for them.
BOLLING: . at the convention.
PERINO: Juan, let's get your take on it.
PERINO: . from different point of view.
WILLIAMS: And by the way, why would you say that about Ted Cruz? I mean --
BOLLING: Which part?
WILLIAMS: You said that he would ditch her the minute that he had --
BOLLING: He could.
WILLIAMS: Oh, I don't think that --
WILLIAMS: That's -- I mean I don't know where you get that from, because I think he's a man of his word, he said that's his vice presidential pick.
BOLLING: You're on the trust Ted bandwagon?
WILLIAMS: Well no, but I'm just saying. I thought that, you know, gosh, if, you know, you saw Donald Trump say, "This is my nominee." I wouldn't come out and immediately say I doubt him. I think he's, you know, I just, I just think you know what, you got to trust people at some level. And I think this is his moment. This is his move, let's give it some celebration. But I will say I agree with you that when it comes to like someone like Susanna Martinez, Nikki Haley, Joni Ernst, these are republican women that I think really have political experience. I think they would be a tremendous addition to any GOP ticket.
GUILFOYLE: You like them.
WILLIAMS: I do like them.
WILLIAMS: I said that I --
GUTFELD: They're insiders.
GUTFELD: People insiders.
BOLLING: But they never yes onto a Cruz.
WILLIAMS: I don't know.
BOLLING: . offer, at this point.
WILLIAMS: But let me just say this is quite different than Sarah Palin. Now see, I think Sarah Palin is the model for this kind of push where you know, 53 percent of voters in 2012. Guess what, they were women. Obama won and I think it was plus 11 over Romney. So you got to make a move there. Now obviously, Donald Trump has a big problem with women. So that's why Ted Cruz decides, hey, I'm going to bring out a strong, conservative woman with a track record in terms of his --
GUTFELD: And also the woman that was targeted by him when he denigrated her looks, but --
PERINO: And also on the merits. I think she stands up as a good vice presidential choice. And by all accounts, they get along very well. And remember, she was a keynote speaker at CPAC, and she talked about the importance of constitutional conservatism of which, I think she and Ted Cruz align very well that way. I don't think it's just the woman part.
GUILFOYLE: And they've been working well together as -- and she (inaudible) for him like you said Indiana.
PERINO: I think that they -- they'll be able to split up in the state, and because she can get a crowd on her own --
PERINO: So they'll be able to cover a lot more ground. I admit that it's like a last-minute.
PERINO: . desperation moves.
PERINO: But not a bad one to play.
BOLLING: And Juan points out John McCain picked Sarah Palin. You know what the date of that was? That was actually --
PERINO: December.
BOLLING: It was August.
PERINO: September, August? Late August?
BOLLING: August. August --
BOLLING: Right, right. That he went there and he was already the nominee. And he knew he had two things to cover, he had to cover the woman vote.
BOLLING: . and make he closed that gap a little bit, and also that he could be non-establishment outsider type. And so that's what Sarah Palin --
WILLIAMS: She was the governor.
BOLLING: What does Carly bring that Ted doesn't already have, though?
WILLIAMS: That Ted doesn't have?
WILLIAMS: Well, obviously --
BOLLING: Because that's what you do --
WILLIAMS: No, no. Remember, this is something Greg said that kind of swallow it up.
GUILFOYLE: Gender and business experience.
WILLIAMS: But she has been the target of Trump slurring her and calling, you know, it's the thing about her face, she had to fire back. So this represent as segment of republicans who don't like Donald Trump, and she strongly conservative. She -- nobody is doubting Carly Fiorina's strength as a businesswoman and as a conservative.
BOLLING: Nor am I -- I'm sorry, Greg. Nor am I doubting her strengths as a businesswoman. I don't know about her conservatism. But I just think there -- look, the names I mentioned, Nikki Haley and Susana Martinez would be so much better for Ted Cruz.
GUILFOYLE: But she's --
GUILFOYLE: Planned Parenthood.
PERINO: But why? Why did you say that?
BOLLING: Strong -- seated governors brings the female vote. Susana Martinez brings the Latin-American vote as well. There are lot of things that -- they bring that Carly doesn't.
GUTFELD: So we just went through six months being told that we don't want governors as presidents, now we want them as candidates? I think Cruz learned from the master, he learned from Donald Trump. You take -- when something happens that could hurt you, you have a major announcement the following day, it's your Alka-Seltzer to that hangover. And I thought it was, you know, it -- you know, we never really questioned when Donald does it. We question him now. I thought it was a smart decision, but I do feel that, you know, it was definitely done because he had a bad night.
PERINO: Do we have time for this sound bite? OK, Donald Trump did comment on it earlier today. Let's listen to him.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think it hurts him. First of all, he shouldn't be naming anybody, because he doesn't even have a chance, all right? He doesn't have a chance. He's millions of votes behind. He's got no path to victory and he's naming a vice presidential candidate. I guess that's cute. I think that it's not going to help him at all and he shouldn't be naming anybody now, it looks like --
TRUMP: To me it looks ridiculous. He's not going to get the nomination.
PERINO: One of the things I that I thought he could have done to say, look, Carly Fiorina would be on anybody's short list. And we just leave it that instead, we get more ridiculous.
GUTFELD: But to bring up her height?
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. You'll be on the shortlist too, don't worry.
GUTFELD: I just want in everybody's shortlist.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, yeah. I know. Look, I thought that at least he didn't call names or say anything bad, you know. He said OK --
GUILFOYLE: This is not --
GUTFELD: Your bar is so low, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Just like when I --
GUTFELD: You didn't make fun of her face.
GUILFOYLE: Little privacy.
GUTFELD: . so there's progress.
GUILFOYLE: No, but it's just don't -- you can't denigrate. That's why you cannot say anything. You have to say with Dana saying that she will be on anyone's short list. She's, you know, strength to the conservative party, proud, you know, conservative woman, you know, a role model. Those are the types of things you should say that are true.
WILLIAMS: Let me just say --
GUILFOYLE: And you want to unite. If you're certain that you're the presumptive nominee, then you take that opportunity to build the tent and try and bring everybody in. Because you know, the world is listening.
WILLIAMS: And wasn't it wonderfully effective? The news cycle, we're giving it live coverage here. Obviously, we're not talking Donald Trump. We're focusing --
PERINO: We're about to.
WILLIAMS: And I will say this, though, from a democrat's point of view, she has some liabilities, the Planned Parenthood video gaffe that she did. A lot of people questioned her business record.
PERINO: We'll back her up on that.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I don't think that was --
PERINO: We'll be back her up on that.
WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you, that's a week.
PERINO: Conservatives will back her up on it.
WILLIAMS: I don't think it would.
PERINO: And we are going to talk about Donald Trump next, he's doing a town hall with Greta tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern. So make sure you tune in to "On the Record." And Ted Cruz and his running mate (inaudible) Carly Fiorina joins Megyn Kelly on "The Kelly File" at 9:00 p.m., that's tonight on the Fox News Channel. Ahead, Trump gave his first big foreign policy address. He said he's not changing, but he is starting to show a more presidential side. Is he? You decide, next.
BOLLING: Donald Trump cleaned up last night in the I-95 primary of five northeast states. Today, the GOP front-runner delivered his long awaited foreign policy speech. Trump likely wanting to look presidential, took to the podium, said directly in front of a series of American flags. Trump read from the teleprompter, something he's only done a handful of times. The speech hit on a wide array of foreign policy topics including Israel, ISIS, our missile defense program, and even touching on North Korea and China. Then Trump took some shots at the current POTUS.
TRUMP: My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security above all else. It has to be first, it has to be. That will be the foundation of every single decision that I will make. If President Obama's goal had been to weaken America, he could not have done a better job. The legacy of the Obama/Clinton interventions will be weakness confusion and disarray -- a mess. We've made the Middle East more unstable and chaotic than ever before.
BOLLING: And many of Trump's supporters are drawn to the businessman because he talks a tough game for America and here's some of that tough talk.
TRUMP: I will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative. But if America fights, it must only fight to win. I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary. And I mean absolutely necessary. And will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital V.
BOLLING: OK, KG, a lot of people who don't like Trump said he wasn't specific enough. But you pointed out a specific -- you picked something of specific in that last --
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, because he said that he would only engage in military intervention, military action when, you know, absolutely necessary. In other means available. I think that's an important distinction for a nation that is also concerned and war-weary. And then he coupled to that and followed it up with the point that he would only go and win and have victory versus make a half-hearted commitment like we saw with the lack of status of forces agreement, which ended up squandering victories in places where we had stabilized regions, only to see them torn asunder, because we didn't have the proper support in there, to keep them stabilize in the aftermath. And that's I think a significant thing that people who have, you know, knowledge of the region say that that is integral, important, and must be included if you're to have success (inaudible).
BOLLING: Dana, did he hit on the topics you wanted to hear? Was he in-depth enough?
PERINO: Well, I thought it was interesting that they build as that -- when this series of speeches was announced, it said that he's going to get real deep on ways on policies, so you you're gonna know a lot more about what he would do. And then they pulled that back this morning, so we'll wait there's not going to be details. And I don't think that you can actually give details in a foreign policy speech until you are president. You can talk about your knowledge or your approach. And I think a lot of what he said today will be popular with some people, because they want a mix of -- I call isolationism and a pull-back and making sure that America is first in line, which I actually think the most presidents agree with that. I think there were some contradictions in the speech. So if you are in the foreign policy world and you're looking at this speech and say, how can you say that when you said this in 2003. I don't think that necessarily will matter to his supporters. I do think that there was one thing today that I thought was unfortunate. We don't have the tape for it, but I'm sure you can find it. And it's just a mild criticism of the White House. So Donald Trump gave a speech today with the teleprompter, that's unusual for him. There was, I think a couple of words that he said that were maybe mispronounced, and like one of them being Tanzania. Who cares, OK? But at the White House today and when asked about it, the press secretary went ahead and took a whack at Donald Trump from the podium. And I just think, you know, there's a Democratic National Committee that exists to go ahead and be that person, that the White House podium is not necessary the place for it. And I think it's a dangerous road to go down, to have President Obama, who will campaign heavily for Hillary Clinton, I get that. I just think that Americans who are at large would be better off if the White House stayed out of it.
BOLLING: Hmm, very good.
PERINO: Do we want to make fun of somebody who use as teleprompter in front of fifth graders?
BOLLING: And Juan --
PERINO: I mean, if I don't think --
BOLLING: Especially when the guy you are working for thought there were 57 states --
PERINO: Right, and the pronunciation of Corpsman?
BOLLING: Corpsman.
PERINO: Remember? Remember the Corpsman?
BOLLING: Or the Corpsman.
PERINO: I mean, it's like -- that it's a dangerous road to go down. I would just encourage everybody not to do that from the White House.
BOLLING: Greg, after the speech, Ambassador Bolton, who is well-respected guy around here, Fox contributor.
GUTFELD: Great mustache.
BOLLING: Great mustache -- also on the Gutfeld show quite of.
GUILFOYLE: He used to be the "Red Eye" ambassador.
BOLLING: Say you like him on one of the things in the speech.
GUTFELD: There was, you know, it's -- I'll -- there was some good things -- there was some actually some great things and then not so great things. I'll start with the -- because I -- it was good, but not good enough for me, because I am a jerk. And as a jerk you always have to be hypercritical, because you want more. The things that I felt that it were all over the place on was Libya, Iraq and Syria. It is -- as an isolationist is saying, we didn't do enough, and Syria is a contradiction. Libya, he was for going in and getting rid of Gaddafi and now he says it's a mess and he wanted the first Bush to go in and get Saddam, but not the second Bush. So there is a lot of hypocrisy there, but there were few first here that, you know, if I have heard months ago, I would have been on the Trump train shortlist, waving a flag and wearing the red hat. He mentioned the video. He mentioned who of the video that Benghazi was blamed for. That's a first to put that, put that kind of impact up there. He -- not only called out radical Islam, he compared it to the gold -- the cold war. And that is something that we've been talking about for a long time, and I think that's really important, because to me, it is as bad as the cold war, and as communism. And him saying that, that's very important, and putting that as a priority over climate change is incredibly important. He mentioned cyber warfare, artificial intelligence and national missile defense, this is important. I just want more of that. And I want a lot of it. He did say false song of globalism, which I don't think he wrote. And I didn't like it.
BOLLING: All right. Hey, Juan, what about the --
GUTFELD: He's not John Kerry, which is good.
BOLLING: What about the --
GUILFOYLE: And he just mentioned robots.
BOLLING: The teleprompter.
BOLLING: As -- I listened to the speech. I just like him when he adlibs -- you know what, you can do bullet points. I didn't like the reading of the teleprompter.
GUTFELD: Do you know what? Can I say something?
GUTFELD: It reminded me of a sports car on a governor. You know, when you put a limit.
GUTFELD: It's like he --
BOLLING: He wants to go.
GUTFELD: He wants to go, but this -- he's not allowed to because of the prompter.
WILLIAMS: Wait. You know, I don't have any problem with teleprompters, most politicians use teleprompters. But I think that with Donald Trump, it's contrary to the spirit of Donald Trump, which is that he's spontaneous, he says what comes to his mind, it's like stream of consciousness, and at times it's quite entertaining.
GUILFOYLE: He's very good.
WILLIAMS: . before AIPAC. And today, there was almost -- I would agree with Greg, like there was something limiting like you couldn't feel the horse, you know, really get into his stretch. I will say this, he says unpredictable. I'm not telling you what I want to do, because I want to be -- well, wait a second, what we do know about Donald Trump is, he says, let's get out of NATO, you know, nuclear weapons --
WILLIAMS: And Korea. Oh let's, you know, we should stop helping them out. What about, you know, when he says, oh let's build that wall. Mexico will pay for it. We don't like trade. So he is at a deficit. He goes into this trying to explain all the reckless things that he said before and the Clinton camp comes out and says just that. So you can say, oh he's an isolationist. He didn't mean it, he's reading from a teleprompter. But he scares a lot of people.
GUTFELD: You know, can I add one more thing, and I promise I'll shut up. I will never promise that. Isn't it amazing how people with similar beliefs see him so differently? Like Ann Coulter said, it was the best speech since George Washington.
GUTFELD: Yes. That's what she said. And Andrew C. McCarthy, a few respect for. And they have a lot in common said it was incoherent. It's just interesting how people look at Trump and if they see something completely opposite from people that they actually agree with.
BOLLING: All right. I want to leave it there. As Hillary Clinton been playing the woman card to win votes, Trump thinks so. They went after one another on that subject late last night at the victory speeches, and we'll have both of those, coming up.
GUILFOYLE: Has the general election battle begun? Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump went at it last night over the so-called woman card.
HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, "woman card." Well, if fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think the only card she has is the woman card. She's got nothing else going. And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she's got going is the woman's card. And the beautiful thing is, women don't like her.
GUILFOYLE: Are you reading your notes?
GUILFOYLE: We've got a surprise. Something great for him to say; it's really cool.
All right. Both candidates have struggled in the past with female voters, but that all changed last night. Because according to FOX News exit polling in three states, Trump won 55 percent of the female vote in Connecticut, 54 percent in Pennsylvania, and 50 percent in Maryland.
Clinton fared even better with women in those same states: 57, 60 and 68 percent.
This match-up, Greg?
GUTFELD: Oh, no. This -- America is going to be looking forward to this debate if they become the nominees. This is Fraser/Ali. It's Holyfield/Tyson. It's Jay-Z/Beyonce. But -- it's actually...
GUILFOYLE: Wait, who's Jay-Z and...
GUTFELD: But this could be pay-per-view. Not that I'm saying it should. You doesn't want to give Donald any ideas.
But it's -- it's one of those things, you know, when you're walking down the street, and there's the Super Bowl. And you can hear people yelling and screaming in bars. That's how big this is going to be.
By the way, about this whole issue, this gender issue: women are harder on women than men are on women. Research -- research that drives feminists nuts is that women prefer male bosses. There are studies that show that. Women are not as obsessed with gender issues as their -- as women politicians and activists want you to believe. and it's sexist to think that women aren't interested in national security. It's sexist to think they're not interested in borders or any of the larger issues that aren't just pertaining to some kind of mythical claim about wage inequality.
GUILFOYLE: All righty, then.
OK. So...
GUILFOYLE: What do you think about the polling numbers, Eric, in terms of did much better with women than traditionally we've seen in some of the polling. And that has been an area of discussion and concern.
BOLLING: Yes. And that seems to be the trend. Earlier he was doing worse. In the last couple of races, it seems to be solidifying a little bit.
Can I push back on...
GUTFELD: Jay-Z/Beyonce?
BOLLING: No, the one before that.
GUTFELD: Ali/Fraser?
GUILFOYLE: Ali/Fraser?
GUTFELD: Holyfield/Tyson.
BOLLING: Spinks/Tyson, because Tyson was -- everyone thought Tyson was going to win.
GUTFELD: Wait. You're thinking of Ali/Spinks. You're thinking of Ali/Spinks. Spinks and Tyson never fought, right? You mean Buster Douglas.
BOLLING: Buster Douglas, yes. Right. When buster Douglas wasn't supposed to win.
BOLLING: And no one thought he was going to win. He comes in, he was out of shape.
BOLLING: Didn't even look like a boxer, and he beat Tyson.
BOLLING: And everyone was like -- anyway, so that would be my analogy.
Back to the numbers. You know what women care about, and these are the exit polls? Women care about jobs and the economy, No. 1 by far; and national security, No. 2. If you apply those to the two, if it's a Trump versus Hillary Clinton, jobs and the economy, one of them has -- has a proven record of creating jobs and is a successful businessperson. The other one has proven the ability to take money to put it and use it nefariously, possibly.
And then national security. Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton is going to be tougher on foreign policy, in foreign policy on foreign countries than Donald Trump when we know what happened in Libya and in Benghazi? Anyone think so? And if we do, then vote for her.
WILLIAMS: Yes. I'll raise my hand.
BOLLING: I'm sure you would.
WILLIAMS: Who is more adept; who has more experience? If I said to you, who has more experience?
BOLLING: In business, it would be Trump.
WILLIAMS: No, no, no. In foreign policy.
BOLLING: No, I said tough in foreign policy.
WILLIAMS: I don't know about tough, but I want effective. I don't want to send Americans out to die for no reason.
BOLLING: Is Hillary Clinton effective?
WILLIAMS: I think, since she has a record...
GUTFELD: You can read her emails and find out.
WILLIAMS: Really? I will say Trump, the most effective argument that Trump has raised so far is one that raises questions in my mind. He says she doesn't know the stamina. I'm thinking, what, does he know something about her health? There's something wrong with her? She doesn't have the stamina? I don't know.
But I will say this. On the Democratic side, lots of interesting static. For example, Jane, you know -- what's his name, I'm forgetting. Sanders. Sanders's wife -- and by the way, Sanders's campaign now letting people go.
WILLIAMS: I mean, pretty much that game is over. But Sanders's wife saying Clinton needs to release these paid speeches as the reason that Sanders isn't releasing additional tax stuff.
Then you have Rosario Dawson raising the Monica Lewinsky thing. So I think the Democratic women, these are Clinton critics, but they're attacking her in a very intriguing way, Eric.
And by the way yesterday, remember, when it comes to Republican women, Republican women, 46-50 on Trump. So he's under water with Republican women.
GUILFOYLE: Like, OK, SeaWorld. Thank you for that, Juan. Swim with the dolphins.
All right, Dana, what do you make of the poll numbers? You've been following throughout this election primary season the exit polls pretty carefully.
PERINO: The numbers are a little bit better in the northeast with Republican women. But last night there was about a 10 percent turn-out in four out of those five of those states, and so Republicans haven't been able to win these northeastern states in a really long time. And if -- I think if he could, if Donald Trump could flip Pennsylvania, that would be, that's like the big pick-up. That would be a really big one for him.
PERINO: It's difficult when you look at the actual numbers of registered Democrats.
And to Juan's point earlier, Obama won women by 11 points. And that is a significant deficit.
I've always said that I don't think that Republicans should underestimate the power of women having a chance to vote for the first woman. But I also think that Democrats should not overestimate that power. And it might just equal itself out.
GUILFOYLE: So interesting.
All right. Next, a stunning new effort by Clinton's camp to stifle free speech online. Back in a moment. Stay with us.
GUILFOYLE: Metal-ly.
GUTFELD: An event meant to discuss political correctness at Amherst -- a school, Kimberly -- denigrated into a colicky mess as students tried to silence the speakers. Brace your ears.
CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS, AUTHOR: I am here to provide some adult -- adult supervision.
SOMMERS: Calm down, young lady.
Hate speech is not welcomed here!
PANEL MODERATOR: One more disruption and we'll have to ask you to leave the venue.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE PROTESTER: This is free speech, if you're so concerned.
Keep your hate speech out of this campus! Keep your hate speech out of this campus!
GUILFOYLE: I can't understand what she's saying.
GUTFELD: I see a future in customer service for her.
GUTFELD: Charming.
Now, it's easy to mock her, but she's a victim of a cult-like indoctrination by the new campus religion of safe spaces. She's so brainwashed she claims blocking speech is actually a version of free speech. It's not a bug in the system; it's now the system. The result of the left's long free reign over campus brain matter.
Now consider what passes for expression in the modern media, where such minds end up. A writer for The Guardian -- the British liberal fish wrap -- claims correcting grammar is now racist.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.
MONA CHALABI, THE GUARDIAN: It doesn't take much to see the power imbalance when it comes to grammar snobbery. The people pointing out the mistakes are more likely to be older, wealthier, whiter or just plain academic than the people they're treating with condescension. All too often it's a way to silence people, and that's particularly offensive when it's someone who might already be struggling to speak up.
GUTFELD: All right. So expecting quality conversation from a minority is expecting too much. Sorry, doesn't it make you, the writer, the actual bigot? After all, your expectations of nonwhites are so low. She's guilty of activist privilege: An arrogance that allows you to decide who can or can't handle standards or objective truth. The virus is spreading, undoing centuries of progress since the Enlightenment, as we excuse reason from the table of discourse.
The campus, once of an exchange of ideas, is now a daycare center for outrage merchants, gurgling vitriol, donning full diapers of non-thinking hate -- making them excellent candidates for positions at The Guardian.
So that -- that event at Amherst, it had Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos and Steven Crowder. And it was probably meant to be a bit provocative. But...
PERINO: Wherever Steven Crowder goes.
GUTFELD: Yes, something happens. And Milo.
GUTFELD: Milo is out of control. And Christina is a very, very smart woman. Around the horn...
GUILFOYLE: They should be lucky to have people come to their school and speak and get up there.
GUTFELD: But ew, new ideas, Kimberly.
GUTFELD: It's scary.
GUILFOYLE: Put them all in a little safety crib with high rails. Scared of ideas, scared of free speech. I mean, it's so rude. What about manners? Let's bring back manners. It's so rude.
GUTFELD: But that's the point. Manners, grammar, racist, Juan. Imagine if -- if somebody told your kids that, you know, you don't need to -- you don't need proper grammar, because that would be racist.
WILLIAMS: Wouldn't -- couldn't get that check from me. Not paying that tuition. That's craziness.
But you know, I think there's an interesting kind of different view of the world, Gregory...
WILLIAMS; ... which is I saw, in the research we had today, that 80 percent of American college students think free speech is well-protected in this country. They don't see it. They think this, you know, microaggression triggers, inviting people like that, in essence is feeding bigotry and hatred on campus.
And there's one group of students on campus who feel oftentimes intimidated that their free speech rights aren't heard; and that's black and Latino students.
GUTFELD: Well, you know.
BOLLING: The Enlightenment has come full circle now. So the Guardian...
BOLLING: ... the copy editor, you know, who checks spelling and grammar is a total racist?
GUTFELD: Exactly. They should fire him. Or her.
BOLLING: And you know what? Whoever writes, just throw it in there. Just print it the way it is.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.
That's true. It would save so much time.
PERINO: Everybody needs a good copy editor. Believe me.
GUTFELD: Yes, it's true.
GUILFOYLE: I thought that was a very good monologue.
GUTFELD: Thank you, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: You're welcome.
GUTFELD: I would like to talk to Dana and get your last thoughts on this.
PERINO: Well, I remember -- remember the saying from the No Child Left Behind campaign, which was that the soft bigotry of low expectations is what creates a further divide. So if you're worried about inequality, one of the things that you should want is standards.
PERINO: That everybody has to meet the same standards, that they should be aggressive ones and that you should give people the tools they need and the education they need in order to meet them.
GUTFELD: Racist. Typical white woman.
BOLLING: Unbelievable. Unbelievable.
I'm going to move over here.
GUTFELD: I know. Oh, good.
Ahead, Kimberly's favorite moment from the Cruz/Fiorina running mate announcement today.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, what is it?
WILLIAMS: It's the big election news everybody is talking about today: Ted Cruz naming Carly Fiorina as his vice-presidential pick. Some final thoughts around the table.
Let me begin with you, Dana. Because it looks to me like this is a desperation move. And you've also got now people like, you know, Last Stand, you know, Club for Growth, Our Principles PAC pouring money into Indiana. And now Carly Fiorina. Is this it for the establishment?
PERINO: Well, I don't know. I don't know. What do I know?
In the New England states, Trump swept. He won every county last night. But in Wisconsin, where there was a similar effort, he was denied. In Indiana, if that is your last stand and you're going to play your best card, I think that Ted Cruz played his best card with Carly Fiorina.
I don't think we'll know enough, because there's not a lot of polling out of Indiana, and there might not be between now and Tuesday. Maybe there will be some over the weekend. So we'll see if it actually has an impact. But if you're going to play a card, I'd play this one.
WILLIAMS: So if you missed it, Carly Fiorina actually gave a very strong speech. I thought it was effective. But you know, there was a moment, wasn't there, Kimberly?
GUILFOYLE: Yes. There was some singing, and she has sang before at a couple of other things.
What was interesting, though, because she's a fantastic, you know, public speaker and she's very well prepared and, I think, gives a great speech, great on the campaign stump. But this, I think it's not -- I don't know. When I was doing, like politics and first lady, campaigning...
WILLIAMS: Shall we show -- show the American people?
GUILFOYLE: Yes, in one second. No hats. Don't wear any weird hats. And I think don't sing, unless you're Obama.
WILLIAMS: OK. Here's the video.
CARLY FIORINA (R), VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (singing): I know two girls that I just adore. I'm so happy I can see them more. Because we travel on the bus all day. We get to play; we get to play.
WILLIAMS: What do you think, Gregory?
GUILFOYLE: Very sweet about her -- about his daughters. But yes.
WILLIAMS: OK. Gregory, what do you think?
GUTFELD: You should never come to me for a response.
WILLIAMS: What do you mean?
GUTFELD: Because I'm just going to get in trouble, because you're supposed to say nice things. And I'm going to say something really bad, and then people are going to be really mad at me, because I made fun of a woman singing to some kids when I should just say, you know, "It was beautiful."
GUILFOYLE: How boring.
GUTFELD: By the way, if Cruz was -- I think Cruz wanted to steal Trump's thunder. And I think he got -- maybe he nabbed a brisk breeze.
WILLIAMS: No, I think he -- look, I think he's taken away the whole afternoon news cycle. I don't know how it will play tonight, but...
PERINO: The afternoon.
GUILFOYLE: But you can have no regrets, you can put it all on the line, and you won't regret later. I don't think it's going to hurt him.
WILLIAMS: What does it -- what does it do? What's the upside, Eric? What's the upside? If you were advising...
BOLLING: You're asking me?
BOLLING: I just trashed the idea of the whole "A" block.
WILLIAMS: I know. But I'm asking you to say -- reverse your way of thinking.
BOLLING: The upside for Carly Fiorina, she gets to stay in the public domain. She gets to talk. She gets to continue...
WILLIAMS: But does it help -- does it help...
WILLIAMS: ... Cruz with women?
GUILFOYLE: The boys didn't want to be called on.
BOLLING: Meg Whitman would help him with women more. Nikki Haley would help with women more.
WILLIAMS: Why? Why? What's wrong with Carly?
BOLLING: The only thing that she's bringing to the woman...
BOLLING: ... to the race is the fact that she's a woman.
WILLIAMS: Oh, man. Come on.
GUTFELD: Caitlyn Jenner. Should have been Caitlyn Jenner. I keep saying it. The ideal VP pick.
BOLLING: No, Meg Whitman. Meg Whitman actually ran in California and did very well.
WILLIAMS: There are lots of great Republican women: Susana Martinez, Nikki Haley, Joni Ernst. But I don't see why you're...
GUILFOYLE: Can you let Dana redeem "The Five" quickly?
WILLIAMS: Go ahead.
PERINO: Well, we did also just say that the most important issue for women is jobs and the economy. It's something that Carly Arena [SIC] -- Carly Fiorina speaks well to. So if you're looking for me to sum up on a high note, I'd say that.
GUTFELD: That was really a higher note.
WILLIAMS: America's sweetheart ends on a positive note. "One More Thing" up next.
PERINO: It is time now for "One More Thing." Juan Williams is first.
WILLIAMS: All right. So you know there are puzzles in life, and this one is puzzling me. The Russian defense ministry this week announced that they're buying five dolphins -- three males, two females. They've got to have their teeth, no mucous.
WILLIAMS: They paid $26,000, $5,000 apiece about, and they're going to send these five dolphins to Crimea. You know, that's part of the Ukrainian Peninsula that was annexed by the Russians in 2014.
But why? What do they need these dolphins for? Well, I've got to say dolphins are no strangers to use in military affairs. U.S. and Soviets have trained them to find mines, to intercept underwear spies, maybe even to carry you know, explosives. But we don't know.
So if you have an idea, if you know why the Russians are buying dolphins, let us know.
GUILFOYLE: Here we go.
PERINO: Keep it clean. OK.
Every once in a while on "One More Thing," we get to talk about people that inspire us. And I want to do that today with a friend of mine named Lauren Jarmin (ph). She is the daughter of friends Lisa and Charlie Daniels. I met them in South Carolina. That -- there she is now. That's not her now. That was her a while ago.
She was diagnosed with a very rare disease called myasthenia gravis, which basically means, like, grave muscle weakness. She was diagnosed right before her wedding. It was so bad that they had to put her on a ventilator so that she could breathe. And it was terrible. And they weren't even sure if she could walk again.
Well, since then she and her husband, Dave, have a little girl. And she is going to be in a walk and actually probably going to run, which is remarkable, this Saturday, April 30 in Columbia, South Carolina. It's to raise awareness about this disease. Because they want to try to find more treatments and to be able to be like Lauren and to beat it. So congratulations, Lauren, and check out that website.
GUILFOYLE: God bless her and her family. So wonderful.
PERINO: They're really great people.
Actually, you had drinks at their house in South Carolina.
GUTFELD: I have no memory.
PERINO: Gutfeld.
GUTFELD: Greg's Celebrity Corner
GUTFELD: You know I don't condone heavy drinking, so I'm very upset when I see something like this. This is a visibly inebriated members of the group One Direction, who had too many Zimas one afternoon after a local trip to the Applebee's.
GUTFELD: And you can see these band members just wandering around. Clearly, they are -- they have no idea, and they almost wandered into traffic. It would have been a problem for their fans, if One Direction.
PERINO: What is wrong with them?
GUTFELD: They're drunk.
They're baby ostriches.
BOLLING: One direction.
WILLIAMS: What is a Zima?
GUTFELD: A Zima? What is a Zima?
PERINO: What is a Zima?
GUTFELD: That's why I love you, Juan.
GUILFOYLE: It's a little cooler.
PERINO: I love Zima. All right.
WILLIAMS: What is it?
BOLLING: An alcoholic drink.
PERINO: Kimberly, you're next.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, boy. Only at this table. All righty.
Mine is a happy moment. Someone want to see a happy moment?
GUILFOYLE: Indeed, we shall. So this is really cute. This is a moment that a dog is reunited with her owner after seven months apart. This is great story, because 2-year-old Sandy was originally from Mexico, OK, was adopted by the owner, Maria, at the San Diego border, taken to Scotland. She moved back here to the states, couldn't take the dog, now watch this.
GUILFOYLE: Aw. So cute. That's a moment when they're reunited, when the owner's kind of hiding in the bedroom, and the dog sniffs her out and finds her. So sweet.
PERINO: Dogs can tell time, I think.
GUILFOYLE: It's so cute.
GUTFELD: You're crazy.
PERINO: All right. Eric Bolling.
BOLLING: That's awesome. All right. So let's clear up a couple of things. Any time you say something wrong on here, especially with regards to sports, you hear about it. We got a lot of tweets, a lot of e-mails.
GUILFOYLE: Angry ones.
BOLLING: It was Ali/Leon Spinks in '78. It was Mike Tyson/Michael Spinks in 1988. But the one I was trying to refer to was Mike Tyson/Buster Douglas, which was a massive upset, widely seen as maybe one of the biggest upsets in boxing history.
BOLLING: Undefeated Tyson goes down in a knockout.
GUTFELD: Do you remember who did -- Jerry Quarry fight? You remember the Jerry Quarry fight?
GUTFELD: Yes. That was hilarious.
PERINO: All right. Very well done. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us, and "Special Report" is next.
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