
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 19, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, my favorite nut, Donna Brazile, Jesse Watters, and Dana Perino -- "The Five."

We're awaiting President Trump as he heads to Capitol Hill to meet with house Republicans on immigration. In the meantime, let's have a monologue.

So, on other networks the Holocaust was mentioned 12 times over three days. Guess why?


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: Another being marched away to showers. They're being told they are -- just like the Nazis, it said that they were taking people to showers and they never came back.

DAVE JACOBSON, CNN: Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi, Germany.

MARIA CARDONA, CNN: They are the tactics that have been used through history by the worst purveyors of pure evil, including slave traders, including Nazis, including terrorists.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: Well, the images have suggests those of concentration camps, families being cut apart.


GUTFELD: All right. And let's not forget General Michael Hayden's tweet saying "other governments" separated families too -- i.e., Nazi, Germany. So temporarily housing kids makes the United States the Third Reich and our agents the S.S. But "other governments," does he mean Obama's? Here's a Washington Post headline from 2015: "Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border crossing." And here's the president from 2014:


THEN-PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The message absolutely is don't send your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. We don't even know how many of these kids don't make it, and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking or killed because they fell off a train.


GUTFELD: He's absolutely right, which is why Trump stepped up the arrest for adults for violating immigration laws and also busting child sex traffickers. Yet no one compared President Obama to Nazis. But now they offend Holocaust victim survivors and Americans in charge of taking care of these kids while they're here, right, Wolf?


WOLF BLITZER, CNN: You understand the controversy with any comparison to the Holocaust. Yes, the kids were brought in the trains to Birkenau, which is in Auschwitz. I speak with some authority on this. My grandparents were murdered at Auschwitz and my dad survived. But two of his brothers and two of his sisters were killed at Auschwitz. They were separated -- they weren't separated to go to some other facility. They were separated to die.


GUTFELD: Well done, Wolf.

Fact is this problem is born from a larger broken system and now we're trying to solve long-term and short-term crises at once. It's like plugging a hole in a boat while you're rowing. Some people saw it coming. Remember when we tried to help countries under the thumbs of anti-capitalists? Folks who stopped that are now shocked to see people fleeing those very countries. And now everyone is alive with condemnation, but pressed for an alternative, they've got nothing. And we're waiting for one. Something no White House before has actually produced.

So, we all agree separation sucks, but when faced with child sex trafficking and a tripling of pretend families, where is your answer? Instead, the media uses children to maintain the narrative that Trump is evil, even as he reduces the threat of nuclear war, and with no memory of what they reported when their guy was president.

Donna, do you agree that -- I think the White House is saying this is an emotional, political ploy.

DONNA BRAZILE, FORMER DNC CHAIR: Well, first of all, I looked at the president's favorite newspaper today, and this is the New York Post.

GUTFELD: Yes. They changed, Donna.

BRAZILE: Look, this is about the separation of children from their families. And while President Obama did have a policy that basically sends people back across the board, it was very rare that he separated children from their families. This is a policy change that the Trump administration put in place six weeks ago. They should change it.

GUTFELD: What's the alternative though?

BRAZILE: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today came up with a bold statement. These are not your typical liberal progressive papers or organization. And everyone is saying it is time to end this policy, Mr. President. Let's figure out a way to have comprehensive immigration reform. Let's bring more judges to the border. Let's bring more border patrol. But let's end the policy of separating children from their parents.

GUTFELD: Here's the issue though, if we can't separate them, that's what we do in America when someone goes to jail. You have to separate them. No one is offering a solution. I think we're making a wrong comparison here, Dana. The alternative is the possibility being with the child's sex trafficker. Like, this may not be a good -- this is a terrible alternative, but this is actually a worse alternative.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Right. So, I do think there are some like specific alternatives to change this. It would be to plan ahead. There's money to be allocated, and then try to house these families together. Or I like your idea. Everybody goes back together on a bus. You don't want to be separated, OK, fine. Everybody on the bus and you're across the border. You do it again, it's a felony and you will be separated. Something liked that. That would mean, OK, like, we don't want to do that. And I agree like -- the people who are being tasked with carrying out this six week old policy, they don't want to have to do it, but they're carrying out the request of the president and the policy.

And then, also, I do think that there's this narrow path. So, Ted Cruz has an option, I guess the president will probably talk about it. He doesn't like it because it just deals with this particular issue, but he might have to be for what's going to happen here. And get that, take that part, get that off the table. Maybe get some additional judges because I think the other thing is that we should talk about and it's difficult to talk about for me, I think, is the -- what's the asylum process? What's the bar?


PERINO: And because there -- it's very easy to say, OK, well, then I claim asylum, and then you have this huge backlog and then you have this problem. I also think that if you're going to have this policy and you want to own it, then plan ahead and figure out what's the process of getting the children back in touch with their families because the reports of them not being able to do so is difficult. The last thing I would say is we have to figure out a way to collectively go after the drug cartels and not each other, because it's actually the drug cartels that are stealing a lot of this.

GUTFELD: Right. Jesse, it's hard to defend separation but it's preferable to an increase -- if you don't know if these are real families, what can you do? You've got to separate them before you find out if they're legitimately a family.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Yeah. Whether the Democrats realize it or not, doing what they want to do actually helps the child smugglers. And no one wants that. And Ted Cruz has a bill. It's right here. It's piecemeal. He says families get united. We doubled the number of immigration judges. And asylum case takes 14 days. That keeps everything together. Why don't the Democrats like crying Chuck just get on board to this piecemeal bill send it to the president's desk. They could do that right now but they don't want to do it because they want to exploit it.

Dianne Feinstein has legislation sign which is absolutely ridiculous. She says border patrol agents can't even arrest and detain an adult with a child, illegal, within 100 miles of the southern border. What's that going to do? That's just going to encourage more people for bringing in children into the southern hemisphere. So, you know, Kate Steinle was also separated by her family with a bullet fired by an illegal alien felon who was deported five times, and the Democrats didn't really say much about that. So, when they complain now, it's like hard to take seriously. No one wants to see family separated. I don't want to see families separated. But fix the law. Fix the law. He's not going to end catch and release. That's not happening.

BRAZILE: Jesse, back in December of last year, I don't know if you were planning your holidays, but what President Trump put in place back in December was a policy that, as you know, Attorney General Sessions announced just six weeks ago was to prosecute everybody. And then find out later if they're part of a gang, part of a cartel, part of trafficking. What Senator Feinstein and others are saying would keep families together is that keep them together. Now.

WATTERS: Well, there're laws that say you can't do that, Donna, and you know that.

BRAZILE: Well, this is a policy change. This is a policy change.

WATTERS: No, no. The '97 law says you can't hold a minor for more than 20 days. And in 2008 because of the smugglers you can't house them in federal detention facilities together.

BRAZILE: Keep the family intact. It's a simple strategy. Keep the families intact, and then you go through the vet process.

GUTFELD: Let me get Kimberly on this because you know the law, and you know.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah. And I think, you know, there's really a concerted effort to distort really what's going on here for political purposes. I mean, at the heart of it, people do care about children and we care about families, but you have to understand how we arrived in this position which is people breaking the law. And even if we put them on the bus back, who's to say that they're not with the sex trafficker and you return them back with that person. What we're at least trying to do here in a responsible way and in a careful way is identify who the child is, the minor, who is the adult accompanying the child, and make sure that in fact there is a match, and that they are a relative, and properly should be in that person's, you know, I guess like custody, so to speak. And, you know, a parental right. This is very difficult. I have a hard time, though, accepting that it's OK to demonize ICE agents, and border patrol, and the president, and the administration, all saying that they're mean-spirited and they want children abused.

GUTFELD: Or they're Nazis.

GUILFOYLE: . or Nazis, and cages, and all of these things. I mean, this is a very tough problem. That's why immigration is important for them to address in a responsible way. But, again, the laws must be upheld, and there must be some procedure by which they are identified properly so as to not make mistake. Can you imagine the outrage if we went ahead and let somebody go with a sex offender and really encouraged and were acting essentially in concert aiding and abetting sex trafficking. How irresponsible -- they don't care about children. They just let them go with anybody. And then the child, God forbid, ends up raped or tortured or murdered or something like that.

GUTFELD: They should have zero tolerance on that. Let's go to Donald Trump, he had some comments today regarding this issue and the media bias regarding it.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Those who apply for asylum legally at ports of entry are not prosecuted. The fake news media back there just doesn't talk about that. They are helping these smugglers and these traffickers like nobody would believe. When countries abuse us by sending their people up, not their best, we're not going to give any more aid to those countries. Why the hell should we? Someday they're going to vote for Democrats because they can't win on their policies which are horrible. Their only policy was that Donald Trump is a bad guy. Hundreds of millions of dollars of negative ads, nobody's ever been hit like that. I used to go home. I started disliking myself.


GUTFELD: And it's hard to believe, Dana.

GUILFOYLE: That's hard to do, almost impossible.


BRAZILE: But, you know when Bob Corker, Orrin Hatch, Lamar Alexander, John McCain, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, I mean, I have a whole list.

GUTFELD: But none of them have solutions.

PERINO: I think they do.

BRAZILE: You don't think that Ted Cruz.

GUTFELD: Ted Cruz, yes. But all the ones that are now doing the outrage signaling all over twitter, I won't mention the politician name, but they're all outrage signaling and they're all so solemn about it, but they -- the first part they hate it, which we all do. The second part, what do you do about it? Silence.

PERINO: But the actual members that she just listed they're all supporting the Cruz bill.

GUTFELD: That's good. That's a start.

BRAZILE: Look, first of all, I want to go back to what you said at the top of the show, American slavery and the holocaust. They were absolutely evil events. And while people often use them to describe the pain or describe the degradation, dehumanization, these were absolutely evil events. What people are saying now is that they think that this compares to that. I try to tell people don't do it.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BRAZILE: Don't go there.


BRAZILE: But, at the same time, we have to call this an outrageous act because these kids are being abused.

WATTERS: Well, I don't know.

BRAZILE: They're being separated from their families. You have children. You're a father.

WATTERS: I do. In most cases, Donna, if someone comes across with a minor, they're only separated for a day. And then you apply for asylum, that's going to take longer than 20 days. And the law says, based on the Clinton administration and upheld by the ninth circuit court of appeals, you can't hold a minor longer than 20 days.

PERINO: So that's why Ted Cruz says 14 days.

WATTERS: Right. And that's why he lowered it to 14. And what the Obama administration got whacked for was they were sending these young kids to sponsors or uncles somewhere within the interior of the United States. And these kids were being abused, made to work slave labor jobs, and malnourished.

BRAZILE: It was rare.

WATTERS: But it was happening. And that's why we try to take care of the kids. And that's the most important thing, taking care of the children.

BRAZILE: We have to take care of the children.

GUTFELD: I'm trying to figure out, what is the solution that prevents the separation again? I'm just trying to figure this out. Because if 10,000 of these kids are unaccompanied and they're already separated, so that leaves 2,000, so what are they doing now?

WATTERS: Right now when someone crosses with a minor and there's no prior history of anything like that and they're not claiming asylum, they detain them for a day, prosecute them, reunite them with the kid, and then send them back. But if you apply for asylum.

GUILFOYLE: You mean process.

WATTERS: . that's -- yeah, process. That's going to take them forever. Asylum cases take forever.

GUILFOYLE: And then they get to speak on the phone to the parents.

BRAZILE: The president needs to understand that this is a crisis that he can resolve tonight with a pen.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Everybody could actually resolve -- Republicans.

BRAZILE: No, the president. He has the pen.

GUTFELD: Well, he's the first guy to actually try and that's interesting.

PERINO: What do you mean, the first guy to actually try -- like.

GUTFELD: I mean.

PERINO: People have tried comprehensive immigration reform before.


GUTFELD: I think this particular issue is directly related to a porous border, correct?

BRAZILE: It's a strategy.


BRAZILE: Unfortunately, it's a strategy to try to get a compromise, and this is a bad strategy.

GUTFELD: Well, you can disagree with the strategy but you can't disagree with the fact that this guy is trying to tighten the border.

BRAZILE: We all know that we have a problem. Comprehensive immigration reform, we need it.

GUTFELD: I agree. See, we can all agree here. Let's go for drinks. President Trump heading to Capitol Hill for a major meeting with Republicans on immigration, we'll bring it to you live. And Michael Horowitz getting grilled by lawmakers for a second day over his I.G. report on the Clinton email probe, the latest, that's next.


WATTERS: DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz facing off with lawmakers again today over his report on the Clinton email investigation. Republican lawmakers pressing Horowitz over revelations of FBI bias.


REP. TREY GOWDY, R-S.C.: They prejudge the outcome of the Hillary Clinton investigation before the investigation ended, and these exact FBI agents and attorneys prejudge the outcome of the Russia investigation before it even began.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Do you believe this text shows political bias?

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: I think as we found, it clearly shows a biased state of mind.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: February, March of 2016, Peter Strzok said Trump is abysmal, Trump's an idiot, he's a bleeping idiot. Hillary should win 100 million to 0. Sounds to me like he hates the president.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: His text messages would certainly leave that is the implication.


WATTERS: Horowitz confirming to congress he's investigating whether embattled FBI official peter Strzok, anti-Trump bias factored into the launch of the bureau's Russia probe. Strzok's lawyer is also firing back against criticism saying his client is not a conspirator but instead, ready, a patriot. All right, Kimberly, we're just getting word from Strzok's lawyer. Apparently he's been escorted out of the FBI office building today.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Well, I hope after listening to Trey Gowdy today that he like speed dialed the best, like Washington, D.C. defense lawyer and I mean that seriously, because if you listen to Trey earlier today, it was quite compelling and persuasive. He's quite insistent and really fired up about the whole thing. You know, when I was listening to him it's like, wow. He's really kind of like made the case against not only Strzok but Comey, you know, and McCabe, and Page, and it's just -- it's bad. I mean it's really bad for the United States, bad for the FBI, the system of justice. And, you know, Trey Gowdy kept making the point like there can be no fairness in the process with this level of inherent bias.

WATTERS: Very, very biased. And we're now learning that there were more FBI agent who are sending anti-Trump texts. And one or maybe two of those lawyers wound up in the Mueller team, Dana. I mean, this Mueller team is just packed full of these people at this point and they were removed for anti-Trump bias.

PERINO: By Mueller.

WATTERS: By Mueller, only three or four months ago though.

PERINO: Yeah. Can I tell you something?


PERINO: I didn't follow that particular piece of it because I was following immigration all day. I did note that today Catherine Herridge said that Peter Strzok could actually willingly testify in front of congress by the end of the week.

WATTERS: That will be big.

PERINO: Yeah. I will pay attention to that, I promise.

WATTERS: OK, I think we all will. Greg, what do you think about the I.G. hearing?

GUTFELD: Well, first of all, I believe that Strzok's texts are more incriminating in terms of conspiracies that anything in the Russia collusion thing. I was trying to think about this. You know, what is the -- what would be comparable to writing stop Trump, would be Trump texting call Putin. We've got to stop Hillary. That would be the smoking gun. But the big story to me is always going to be Trey Gowdy's ever-changing hair.

PERINO: I knew it.

GUTFELD: He's like Martin Landau in Mission Impossible. He has a suitcase full of sideburns and goatees, or like he's in the Americans, he's like he got to go some -- he is a Russian agent. Trey Gowdy, that's not how he looks.

PERINO: Say CIA or something.

GUTFELD: No, I think he works for the Russians.


BRAZILE: He's a national man of mystery. By the way, I think the beard is very becoming, although his politics sometimes is not so becoming. Look, I actually did watch. It's better than watching soap operas in the middle of the day. And the reason why I watched it is because underneath all of the partisan rhetoric about the I.G. report, we learned that once again we have an agency that has some dysfunction. And whether you focus on those emails, texts, disgusting. I'm a former federal employee. Disgusting. Let's just say. It's disgusting whether it's saying those things about Mr. Trump, or saying those things about Mrs. Clinton. They are not hired to text each other about their personal dislike of a particular candidate, blah, blah, blah. That being said, the office of professional responsibility must now do their job and remove those who are still in the employment of the federal government.

Beyond that, I think this report tells us a lot about Mr. Comey's state of mind, the fact that he was insubordinate. The fact that he believed that he alone could deliver the so-called message to the American people, didn't have to check with his boss. So, there's a lot to learn in this. I haven't read all of it because as you know there are no pictures. I read faster when I see pictures. But it is a story that we need to know. And, by the way, you know, you and I can have a conversation about the Russians. And I can speak a little bit of the language now because I do believe that we need to get to the bottom of what happened.

GUTFELD: I'm married to a Russian, so I can speak a little.

WATTERS: And speaking of Comey, the inspector general confirms that Comey's handling of the classified memos is under investigation. So, everyone is under investigation at this point.

GUTFELD: It will be soon.

BRAZILE: Are we going to do another kumbaya at the end of this segment?

PERINO: Yeah, we agree.


WATTERS: The FBI is in complete.

GUTFELD: Can we agree though that these things they're like soccer. It's like 0-0 at halftime. When you're watching these things it's like soccer.

GUILFOYLE: Did you prepare that one?

GUTFELD: . 0-0 at halftime.

WATTERS: I don't know if this was a tie. I think this was a slam dunk by the.

GUTFELD: But then the next one will be.

BRAZILE: You wait until 1:38 and the guy scores, you're like thank you. I wanted to turn.

GUTFELD: It's like soccer when you cheer a pass.

WATTERS: Well, I think Trey Gowdy scored today, not because of his goatee. All right. Not so popular, Nancy Pelosi. The surprising world leader Republicans say they prefer over Nancy, next.


GUILFOYLE: This is a Fox News alert. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announcing the United States is pulling out of the United Nations human rights council, Pompeo along with U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, breaking the news just moments ago.

NIKKI HALEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: Human rights abusers continue to serve on and be elected to the council. The world's most inhumane regimes continued to escape scrutiny. And the council continued politicizing and scapegoating of countries with positive human rights record, in an attempt to distract from the abusers in their ranks. We take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.


GUILFOYLE: All right, for more on this story, stay tuned to Special Report at 6 PM tonight. In the meantime, a week after the landmark summit in Singapore, some surprising data is emerging about America's partisan divide. A new Ipsos Daily Beast poll find that Democrats view President Trump more unfavorably than Kim Jong-un. 88 percent to 81 percent.

Now, on the other side of the aisle, the North Korean dictator is more popular than Nancy Pelosi among Republicans, 19 percent to 17 percent.

Greg, chew on that.

GUTFELD: You know, I don't like it when people compare Trump to Hitler. Pelosi, she's unpopular. Maybe she's out of touch, but she's no dictator. So I'm not a big fan of these things.


GUTFELD: What she is, though, is she's the master queen of a majestic dystopia. She lives, like, in this cloud castle in California way above the overpass shanties that reek of feces and are riddled with disease.

You have Hollywood right now doing, like, "The Handmaid's Tale" and all these dystopian shows. Why don't they do something on this, because this is real? In California, she oversees a horror world of hell. I just had a friend get back from San Francisco. It was not a pretty sight. It's getting worse.

GUILFOYLE: It's getting worse.

PERINO: They have a new mayor, though.

BRAZILE: Wait a minute.

GUTFELD: Please.

BRAZILE: They've got a new mayor.

GUTFELD: Changing it -- please. I'm from there. It's so depressing.

BRAZILE: I love Calls (ph) Island and the Bacadera (ph). I like to go and get some oranges. It's a great city.

Look, people vilify Nancy Pelosi, because they don't like the fact that she's a strong leader, effective leader. She is tough. You ever want to get in the ring with somebody? Get in the ring with Nancy. I'll bring you the Band-Aids, OK? She's effective.

GUTFELD: I might enjoy it, though.

BRAZILE: OK, I'm not going to go there. You called me a Brazile nut. I don't want to show you my macadamia side. Because I may have to do a Macarena with you.

But she's been in public life since --

GUILFOYLE: I like that, too.

BRAZILE: -- 1981. And look at her Wikipedia page. She has no scandals. I mean, no scandals.

GUTFELD: She scrubs it. She scrubs the page.

GUILFOYLE: She bleeps it.

GUTFELD: Yes, she bleeps it.

BRAZILE: No, she's tough. She is an admirable person and she's going to leave the Democrats to victory.

WATTERS: I don't think she has that tough because she wouldn't do an interview with me. She has an entourage the size of North Korea and they won't let anybody near her. The poll is a garbage poll. All they do is they pull these people independently, and then they mash it up to make everybody look like monsters.


WATTERS: There is a problem, though. It's demonization in this country. I'm a victim of it. People on the left think I'm some crazy menace to society.


GUTFELD: You are! I think you're a menace to society.

WATTERS: And you know me.

BRAZILE: I showed up --


BRAZILE: You're smiling more. You need to have more Democrats around you, because you're smiling more. I see the inner -- you know, the inner --

WATTERS: You're bringing out the smile?


WATTERS: Because I know something you don't know.


BRAZILE: He's going to separate me from my joy.

WATTERS: I never.

BRAZILE: She's a great leader. and I think that Democrats are lucky to have her leadership.

WATTERS: And so are the Republicans.

BRAZILE: And look, that's not to say that this fall we're going to elect a whole new group of Democratic leaders, and we'll see what kind of change they bring. But I know she's brought about a lot of things.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, what do you think about this?

PERINO: Of the poll? Like, put me firmly in the camp of -- with Nancy Pelosi over Kim Jong-un. But I think -- yes, I think you're right. It's a garbage comparison because you actually don't really have to choose. It's like -- it's like the poker in the eye.


PERINO: It's like prolapse (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Make a -- yes, exactly. You weren't saying this was highly scientific or anything? That comes up at 6 p.m.

GUTFELD: We do the weird polls.

GUILFOYLE: We do the weird stuff. We're like, "Plug this in."

GUTFELD: What's next? What's next? Are puppies better than kittens?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: That's our E-block.

WATTERS: You don't need to poll that.

GUILFOYLE: We have probably done that segment, OK.

All right. Well, an anti-Trump Senate candidate comes out blazing -- wow - - to prove a point. Will Democrats' midterm messaging go up in smoke? Next.


PERINO: President Trump just arriving at the capital to meet with Republican lawmakers amid the growing controversy over separating migrant children at the border. This as Democrats are gearing up to use President Trump's immigration agenda as a rallying cry for the midterms.

But will their strategy work? A new Gallup poll shows the president's job approval hitting a new high of 45 percent. Meanwhile, Richard Painter, a Democrat running for Senate in Minnesota, literally fans the flames of discontent in his campaign ad. Watch this.


RICHARD PAINTER (D), MINNESOTA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: Some people see a Dumpster fire and do nothing but watch the spectacle. Some are too scared to face the danger. Or they think it will benefit them if they just let it keep on burning. There is an inferno raging in Washington. But here in the land of 10,000 lakes... We know how to put out a fire.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: Richard Painter is now going to run as a Democrat in Minnesota for the Senate seat. How are you feeling about this? Chances there?

BRAZILE: As somebody who grew up admiring Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphrey and, of course, many other leaders of Minnesota, that is strange.


BRAZILE: Yes, we've got a lot of people that can put out the fire in Washington, D.C. Look, he's going to go up against Tina Smith, who was appointed by the governor. She has done a phenomenal job since coming on board these last couple months. It's going to be a tough race.

Let me just tell you, overall, 139 days until the midterms, and I have to tell you, it's going to be a horse race. But this time the Democrats are not facing what I call a headwind. There's a little bit of what I call a cool breeze backing these new Democratic candidates into what I call the victory zone.

PERINO: The weird thing, Kimberly, for me is that just -- we don't know what the issues are going to be, even the week before the election.

BRAZILE: Correct.

PERINO: If you think about it, a week ago today --


PERINO: -- we did a segment about the North Korean summit.


PERINO: And it feels like a lifetime ago. So we don't know what's going to happen. But when do you think things will start to firm up for either - - either party?

GUILFOYLE: In this political day and age, no. You can't even predict it. Because every day there is something that's, like, you know, explosive story, something going on.

I mean, for sure, I think the economy is going to play a big role. I think the Democrats would like to really seize the opportunity to push this immigration issue forward and say there's a war on children, et cetera, and try to do that to, like, you know, really motivate their base and get people out to vote.

PERINO: But that might -- it might not work, Greg.

GUILFOYLE: It's not working so far.

PERINO: It might have the opposite effect of --

GUTFELD: It seems like everything that's directed at Trump ends up having the opposite effect. Because -- I know, it's amazing. Because he's a counterpuncher. We'll be right back.

You know, the -- I have to say, that Painter thing was highly visual, but that's not the story. It was his insane delivery. I mean, that's -- it's like he was clenching a pencil between his butt cheeks.

PERINO: I think that's his normal way.

GUTFELD: Is that how he talks?

PERINO: -- with him at the White House for a little bit. Yes, he kind of talks like that.

GUTFELD: That's pretty intense.


GUTFELD: If that guy was talking to me like that, I would leave. I would --

PERINO: How do you think he would do in a debate, Jesse?

WATTERS: I don't care. I think -- I think he'll go down in flames like the Dumpster fire he should. If anything is a Dumpster fire, it's the Democratic Party. I mean, they're so far out of power. Not since Eisenhower, I think they've never been this out of power. They're out of ideas, out of leaders, our of money, out of touch.

And the president's in the strongest position he's been since he was inaugurated: 45 percent approval. Can you imagine how well he'd be doing without the special counsel in the media and their constant attacks? He's in a better position politically than President Obama was two years in at this point.

So I think the headwinds that you see are going to be blowing in a different direction.

BRAZILE: Well, let me just say this. The Democrats have flipped 27 seats. We're going to flip more seats. There is a wealth of new candidates running. They 're being self-funded by the grassroots support that -- that's out there.

I feel confident this year not because of the polls. I feel confident because we have a message. And we're going to talk about the --

WATTERS: And what is that message?

BRAZILE: The message is we deserve better. We want an economy that works --

WATTERS: "We deserve better"?

BRAZILE: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: How do you get a better economy than this?

BRAZILE: We want an economy that works for everyone, an economy that lifts up wages.

WATTERS: The economy is lifting up wages.

BRAZILE: An economy that brings us from the outskirts of hope to the circle of opportunity. Democrats have a strong bread and butter message.

GUILFOYLE: That's pretty good. You've got a record low unemployment for blacks, women, minorities. And we've got more jobs than we've got people to fill them. That sounds like winning to me.

WATTERS: It definitely --

PERINO: OK. I'm going to get the last word. Guess what? You know, Richard Painter in the ad --



PERINO: -- you know what's on tonight at 8 p.m. with Tucker Carlson?

GUTFELD: Richard Painter?

PERINO: Richard Painter's going to be on. So that will be must-see.

GUTFELD: That will be a Dumpster fire.

PERINO: All right. Are millennials as bad as everyone thinks they are, Jesse? Or are they just getting a bad rap? The answer is next.


BRAZILE: Have you ever wondered if millennials are turning into a generation of misfits? Well, there's data suggesting they just might be.

A new study says this group of Americans are the worst when it comes to tipping. Nearly two-thirds of millennials typically leave below the standard 20 percent when eating out.

Another survey claims the I.Q. scores of millennial men are plunging to new lows. And U.K. scientists say people in their 20s and 30s are on track to be less happy and healthy than their parents by the time they reach middle age. My God.





BRAZILE: I know you're not a millennial but baby, I've got a tip chart, OK?


BRAZILE: Because if you and I go out --


BRAZILE: -- I know you're married.


BRAZILE: I want you to make sure you do the tip. OK, so I'm giving you --

WATTERS: I'm paying? That's right, that's right. I'm paying.


WATTERS: And I will tip 20 percent, because I have to tip a lot because people might know me. And I don't want to get a bad rap.

PERINO: That's true.

BRAZILE: That's a good one. That's a good one. But what about this I.Q. thing? Because I find -- I mean, I teach at Georgetown, and my kids are really bright, both the guys and the girls. So I don't know about this I.Q. thing. They say that something is happening with millennial men.

WATTERS: I don't speak for millennial men. But when you live in your parents' basement, you might not be, I think, performing up to expectations in your dating life or your professional life. So I think that's having an effect on their brainpower.

GUILFOYLE: Like the guy who was on your show. Who was like --

GUTFELD: Can I respond? I am not a millennial, Donna, but I have to defend them. There's too many stories out there bashing millennials.

By the way, the headline was millennial men were getting dumber, right? Imagine the headline "Millennial women are getting dumber." That person would be fired. But you can make -- you can say men are dumb. Every generation. And we'll take it. Here's my point.

WATTERS: Male rights advocate Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Every generation has it easier, because the progress is handed to them by the previous generation. And so we're always a little bit jealous of them, because they've got it easier. But we actually made it easier. And we'll be that way. You know, the next people, the millennials will laugh at them.

BRAZILE: All I know is that this new generation of Americans will have enormous political power. There are more of them than ever before. And if they turn out and vote.

GUILFOYLE: So it's going to be a bunch of dumb men?

WATTERS: Dumb men that don't tip.

BRAZILE: No, I'm telling them to please tip.

But Dana, what's your experience with millennials?

PERINO: I actually am -- what do I want to say? I love them. I think they're very eager and earnest. And they do sort of drive me crazy on several different things.

If I were to give them any advice as a previously -- I was a waitress for a long time.

BRAZILE: So was I.

PERINO: For example, if you go to breakfast, always double the tip. Make it 40 percent. Because breakfast is the hardest meal. And -- because everybody wants their coffee a certain way. Eggs.

GUTFELD: It's also cheaper.

PERINO: Yes, it's so cheap.

WATTERS: Not if you have a liquid brunch in midtown.


GUILFOYLE: Not in Manhattan.

PERINO: But I do think -- and millennials are driving this idea that maybe we should all do away with tipping policy altogether.

GUTFELD: No. That's a big mistake.

PERINO: I think that's a terrible idea, and I think we should do a segment on that and the economics of it.

GUTFELD: I agree.

PERINO: It's a bad idea.

GUTFELD: It's what keeps restaurants alive. Sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe they just don't have as much money.

WATTERS: Yes. The Obama economy really hurt a lot of these millennials.

BRAZILE: Oh, my.

WATTERS: And they don't have the disposable income.

GUILFOYLE: We can turn anything that way.

WATTERS: There it is.

BRAZILE: Break that up. What I like most about this generation is that they care about this country, and they are a service generation. I'm proud of them.

GUTFELD: They will be serving us when we get old. "Send in the robots."

GUILFOYLE: At The Villages.

BRAZILE: Well, turning 29 for the second time, I feel their power.

WATTERS: Happy birthday.

PERINO: You get to -- you get to say the fabulous thing.

BRAZILE: Oh. Oh, "One More Thing" is coming up next. I'm so happy I'm a millennial today.


GUTFELD: Time now for "One More Thing."

Kimberly, did you speak somewhere this weekend?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, Greg, thank you for asking and being so absorbed with my life.

GUTFELD: Yes, well, I stalk you.

GUILFOYLE: It's actually -- that's a true story. So I had the pleasure of being in Dallas this weekend. And there I am, coming out to confetti, dancing to J. Lo, "Let's Get Loud," at the Young Women Leadership Summit. It was fantastic. Turning Point USA.

And there was a couple thousand young women there, as you can see. And I'm somewhere in the center, taking pictures with them. They were amazing. And it was just wonderful to see young women, like, so engaged and excited about the political process and their beliefs. And millennials. Yes, I mean, they're really -- yes. And that's female millennials.

BRAZILE: Did you cut a rug? Did you cut a rug?

GUILFOYLE: You know I did. They loved it. They were, like chatting -- chanting.

GUTFELD: I don't know about you, Jesse. I find this sexist. Oh, a bunch of women getting together. What about men?

GUILFOYLE: Anyway, Jeanine Pirro was there, Kat Timpf, Dana Loesch, Katie Pavlich, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, who runs it, and Ronna McDaniel and Kellyanne Conway.

WATTERS: Ben Shapiro was there. Not a woman, but he was there at the women's leadership.

GUTFELD: Thank you for pointing that out.

GUILFOYLE: I didn't see him.


WATTERS: So I guess Jimmy Kimmel challenged Senator Ted Cruz to a basketball game. And it was probably the worst basketball ever. And they actually had to stop. They were going to 15. They stopped, because they got so tired.

Cruz ended up winning and beating him 11-9, I believe. And it was just a pathetic display.

I'm going to suspend "The View" strategy. I'm going to criticize Jimmy Kimmel here, even though I might appear on his show at some point down the line. That was not good basketball. And you challenged Cruz, and you lost to Ted Cruz in basketball.

PERINO: It was for charity.

WATTERS: Not a good look. It was for charity.

GUTFELD: Just because it was for charity doesn't make it good.

PERINO: Got it.

GUTFELD: That's my T-shirt.

PERINO: That's a --

GUTFELD: "Just because it's for charity doesn't make it good" is a great slogan for a T-shirt. All right. I'll shut up.

PERINO: I need a new graphic of "Dana's Reading List."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: But I'll just show you. This is Atia Abawi. OK? Do you know Conor Powell? He's one of our reporters. He's a police reporter. He is married to Atia, and she has written a novel called "A Land of Permanent Goodbyes" that I read last weekend, Jesse. And it was spectacular.


PERINO: So it's about the refugee crisis. It follows a fictional character but based on a lot of research, of his harrowing escape from Raqqah because of ISIS and then, you know, leaving Turkey to try to cross. And I won't tell you what it is, but there is a surprise of who the narrator is. It is very creative, very effective. I've never seen it done.

GUTFELD: Is it a dog?

PERINO: It is not a dog.


PERINO: It does start with a "D." But it is not a dog. I encourage you to read it. It's really good.

WATTERS: I'll put that on my list, Dana.

GUTFELD: Yes. The list of books you don't read.

GUILFOYLE: Did you tweet this yet?

PERINO: I'll Instagram.

WATTERS: Does that sell --

BRAZILE: It looks good.

GUTFELD: I'm next. Donna, how dare you?

BRAZILE: Baby, you invited me.

GUTFELD: Hold on. I have to hate people.

PERINO: Yes, he has to hate people first.


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: All right. I killed my "One More Thing." Can I show you a picture of something?

That's my mug. Today, I found out that my mug has been stolen. Now, I'm not going to accuse Donna Brazile, even though coincidently she is here and my mug is missing.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: But I'm not going to accuse you.

I think it was a guest on "FOX & Friends," because they have anybody on that show, and they show up. They walk into -- we share the green room. They see my mug. I know it's a guest from "FOX & Friends." I will find you. I will hunt you down. It will not be pretty.

GUILFOYLE: You know why you're saying that, too? Because it's not like Hammer and Sands are there in a different studio. Nine to 12. So it's, like, "FOX & Friends."

GUTFELD: One of their guests. Oh, it's going to be bad.

All right. Donna.

BRAZILE: Baby, first of all, the day I start stealing, the last thing I want is a mug. Because I've got a lot of those. In fact, I'll bring you one next time I'm here.

Well, this is a great story because Chadwick Bozeman, who -- a great actor. "Black Panther." Remember that? Well, it's on Netflix.

Anyway, he just received a wonderful award from MTV, for a movie and TV award. And guess what he did? Check this out. He gave his award to James Shaw Jr., the young man who wrestled --


BRAZILE: -- the gunman down in Antioch, Tennessee, at the Waffle House. He gave his award to Mr. Shaw.


BRAZILE: Kudos -- Kudos, Chadwick, for recognizing this wonderful young man.

And thank you, James Shaw. You are a real hero.

GUTFELD: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode. Who needs wherewithal when you have Bret at the Capitol?

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