
It’s more than likely that iPhone-owning news junkies already have a ton of useful apps on their device for keeping up to date with events around the world as well as on their own doorstep.

Google, however, is hoping you’ll have space for one more.

Long available for Android users, Google News & Weather has finally landed for iOS devices. The free app pulls items from around 65,000 publications and offers a simple, customizable interface so you can get your news feed looking just the way you want it. You will, however, have to sign in to your Google account to make most of the alterations.

Once you’ve sorted out your categories (headlines, world, your country, tech, business, etc.) you can swipe between each one for fast access.

You can also add your own category by entering a specific word or phrase – a neat touch if you’re keen to keep tabs on a niche subject and can’t be bothered to enter it into a search box every time.

Related: 18 great news apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

The app offers both a light and dark viewing option, so if you wake up in the middle of night and can’t resist checking to see what calamitous events have befallen the world while you’ve been asleep, you can do so without putting your bleary light-sensitive eyes under too much strain.

The app also lets you set up four-day weather reports for multiple locations.

Google News & Weather is available now for devices running iOS 7 or later, and is optimized for the iPhone 5, 6, and 6 Plus.