
Your Grrrs...

Drew P. De Vun writes: Thank you, Mike, for finally pointing out what I have been saying for years. I call it the "Sitcom Dad Syndrome," where all men on television are bumbling idiots who need everyone else (including their own children) to help them make it through a long day of decisions. It has always bothered me. I told my wife while we were engaged and watching TV one night, "If you think this is what I'm going to be like at home, you're dead wrong." I can make decisions, I have opinions and I care about what goes on in my house and with my family. I can assure you I am not a bumbling fool, and my wife will attest to it.

Darrin Weiddinger in Nashville, Tenn., writes: When I stopped watching TV about five years ago, I noticed then that the role model for every commercial's "Dad" was Homer Simpson. Nice to see I haven't missed much over the last five years...

Emily D. Water in Cookestown, N.J. writes: I agree fully to your view of men in commercials. I am a single mother raising two young boys. How am I supposed to have a proper male image projected to them when they are bombarded with images of men as inept, stupid, wondering creatures who need the guidance of a wonderful all-put-together woman? My sons, when they become men, will be self-sufficient men who will be good fathers, housekeepers and husbands, without the dutiful wife's assistance. They will respect women, but not allow women to walk all over them. It is about mutual respect.

Mark in Annadale, N.J. writes: You are absolutely right about men in commercials. Men are always portrayed as the dumb, stupid or bumbling parent. Women are always portrayed as smart, sharp and above the fray, the originators of the solution or the parent who takes care of all family problems. To the elites in the advertising agencies, you better know that many men like me look at these insulting commercials and refuse to buy the product you are pitching. Contrary to your banal and insipid 30-second spots, we are not stupid.

JS in Alabama writes: Mike: Never did see what was so great about Connie Chung. Her tone-deaf "singing" performance proves I was right all along. Nothing like making a total fool out of yourself in front of millions of people. Oh, it's the only time I ever watched her show.

Jay Gregory writes: "Dumb as a rock?" You never know. Next week you may be working with [Connie Chung] … or for her. Oops.

Barry Gregory writes: Mike, thanks for the insight on Connie Chung and company. What about we who have put up with such nonsense for so long? Where have we been? We have to admit we haven't been nearly as aggressive as called for in rejecting the likes of Connie and friends. Our diffidence has allowed their harmful ideas and attitudes to remain in the public forum at the expense of good public focus and debate. Our society has paid a dear price for their loud and cancerous noise pollution. We have a very nasty mess now. Your comments represent one good small step in the cleanup. Please keep it up.

Laura Spotts writes: To Dustin Diamond: what an egomaniacal jerk. He has been irresponsible and let his financial obligations get to the point of foreclosure, and now he expects the public to bail him out, banking on the fact that since he played the lovable dork Screech on TV that some may actually make the mistake of thinking he is worthy of their beneficence? His "I am famous celebrity Dustin Diamond" attitude explains it all … he's simply too good to deliver pizza, wash dishes or do what it takes to actually pay his own mortgage. Let his fans (the little people) do it for him … after all, "famous celebrity Dustin Diamond" did entertain many a prepubescent teen on Saturday morning. Grrr!

John Petring writes: Your item on Dustin Diamond does not take into account Diamond's explanation of his circumstance, which he revealed on a recent Howard Stern show:

  • The note on his house is held by a private person, not a bank. This person called the note because the house went up in value.
  • Diamond claims that his parents wasted nearly all of his money from "Saved by the Bell." He was left with a relatively small amount at the end of his 10 years there.
  • Diamond is apparently making a decent living doing stand-up. This financial crisis with his house is a sudden event caused by the person who sold him the house and is now calling the note.

Wes Nance on Rochester, N.Y. writes: Also, in another article on FOXNews.com, Diamond states that the back of the shirt says "I paid $15.00 to save Screeech's house." With three es, because he doesn't own the rights to the character "Screech," so can't spell it correctly on the shirt. Even better.

Kris from Hawaii writes in response to John in Maryland: It's funny that he would say something like that because I am watching "Pardon the Interruption" on ESPN and they are talking about the old woman who, might I add, feels terrible about it. It's not like she had an advanced warning on Ben Roethlisberger turning the corner and turned right into him. It is his fault for not wearing a helmet. I think all the threats she is receiving are all bogus. Football fans these days are out of control and have been blaming people for accidents involving their team's stars. Threatening a 62-year-old woman? I bet they feel like real men now. He should have had enough common sense to wear a helmet. I mean he is a Super Bowl champion. Well he doesn't have any common sense now that his head is all nice and stitched up. It is his fault.

Angela from Texas writes: Hey Mike, I have a big Grrr to the 14-year-old and her mom who are suing MySpace because she was sexually assaulted by some guy claiming to be a varsity football player. Where is the common sense of America? If you don't know the person already, why would you talk to them, especially if you are 14? I have a MySpace page. I love it, it keeps me in touch and reconnected with old friends from high school and college. One of biggest issues is that I do not respond to people I don't know. I even went as far to place a message in bold letters on my page that says "I DO NOT RESPOND TO FRIEND REQUESTS OR MESSAGES FROM PEOPLE I DON'T ALREADY KNOW. IF WE HAVEN'T MET, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN MAKING ONLINE FRIENDS!" (You can check this out at myspace.com/speedy427) Where is the responsibility? MySpace is not a babysitter, and the rules you teach them in real life need to transfer to online activities. Don't talk to strangers. It's not that hard of a concept. Grrr!

Mike in Southwest Asia writes: Please stop with all the coverage of Angelina Jolie. Watching Anderson Cooper hang on every word she says is nauseating. I concede she's beautiful but that's where it ends. Her trips to Africa are the most shamelessly choreographed publicity stunts I've ever seen. She has a hidden agenda, much like any other politician. I'd like to see what she's doing between the staged photo ops. Does she have an air conditioned trailer and team of stylists at her beck and call? I'll bet she does. She's not the goodwill ambassador everybody (CNN) is making her out to be, just another politician, laying the groundwork for future ambitions.

Kate Shaw writes: This Father's Day gave me many occasions to Grrr. My Daddy is 85 years old and in poor health; he can't travel farther than the local grocery store and post office and church in the small town where my parents live. Why is it that every single advertisement for Father's Day -- be it contests, gift ideas or events scheduled -- assumed that one's father is 40 years old and works out daily, wears business clothes and goes to work at a downtown office every day? As the population ages, odds are pretty good that fathers are aging along with them. Many of us are older than the "fathers" in the commercials. If you want to sell us stuff, govern yourselves accordingly.

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