
This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," August 23, 2005, that was edited for clarity.

STUART VARNEY, GUEST HOST: Republican Congressman Mike Castle says we're still not doing enough to improve rail security in this country. He joins me now from his home state of Delaware.

Congressman, if a lot more money were given for rail security (search), would you introduce airport-style security at train stations?

REP. MIKE CASTLE, R-DEL.: No, I wouldn't, Stuart. My judgment is, that would not work. There's too much delay. You're dealing with mostly commuter rail, sometimes city-to-city rail, such as Amtrak (search). But most of it is quick. People are trying to go to work, get home from work, whatever. You need better technology. You need puffer machines and other technology that's instantaneous.

I think what they're doing in New York is wonderful, but I do have a plan. I have worked with others. I'm the head of a Railroad Caucus we formed in the House of Representatives. And it basically comes down to having trained personnel among the Amtrak and other rail workers in the country, to have the public well trained to be able to spot these things, to have security personnel in uniforms, those kinds of rather commonsense, logical-type steps that we should be taking, along with whatever technology we can get, such as what they're doing in New York.

VARNEY: So, you are really just talking about manpower and training. You're not really talking about technology, metal detectors, restrictions, baggage searches. You're not talking about anything like that at all. It's training and personnel? That's it?

CASTLE: It's mostly training and personnel. I think that there should be some technology. I think, at some point, if they can perfect what they tried to use last year, which were called puffer machines, down in New Carlton, right outside Washington, D.C., in which you go through and theoretically it could detect bombs or whatever it may be, that would be very helpful. So, you need that, too. But right now, I think there's a great deal of uncertainty, even if you see a bag, where to go.

VARNEY: I'm sorry to interrupt, because we are limited time. But I just want to make the point that it's very difficult to protect a train as it moves along a track on the ground at very high speed. It's not like you can attack from trackside, as opposed to a passenger on that train, can't you?

CASTLE: Well, that's correct. You can.

And then that's very difficult as well. It’s not as likely to take as many lives, as you could in an airline circumstance, but you could do that. And that's also a potential threat. There's a lot of threat with trains. I'm afraid that, some day, we're a going to look back and we are going to realize that what happened in London and Spain and these other places could happen in the United States.

That's why I want to prevent now, rather than worry about it after the fact.

VARNEY: All right. Congressman Mike Castle, thanks for joining us, sir. Appreciate it.

CASTLE: Thank you, Stuart.

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