This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," December 20, 2005, that was edited for clarity.
DAVID ASMAN, GUEST HOST: Corporate terrorism, that's how my next guest labels the New York City transit strike.
He is Ronn Torossian. He's CEO of 5W Public Relations in New York.
Ronn, you are mad.
I'm a entrepreneur, a person who runs a business here in New York. We have an office in Los Angeles. Half the employees can't get to work. Bloomberg, the union, they should all be locked in a room and settle this until the day is over.
This will have implications, not just in New York, throughout the country, throughout the world. Jobs are at stake. This is millions and millions of dollars.
ASMAN: So, you think public-sector unions all over the country are watching this very carefully and may follow suit, if the union is successful?
TOROSSIAN: I think, to some degree, perhaps, the world is laughing.
I think, if one talks, in India and China, how cheap it is to do business over there -- I also want a 12 percent raise next year from every one of my clients.
TOROSSIAN: I also want to retire in a few years.
ASMAN: We should mention, by the way, that the union was holding out for retirement at the age of 50. To retire at 50 is a pretty good deal. That's one of the sticking points.
TOROSSIAN: I believe that this is a matter, frankly, of destroying the economy, that this time, at any time, it's beyond, to me, any concept of legality. And $1 million a day is...
ASMAN: Well, it is illegal.
I mean, you have the Taylor Law. The judge just announced that it was illegal and is fining $1 million a day.
TOROSSIAN: Not enough.
ASMAN: You know, I woke up to NPR this morning. NPR made it sound as though, hey, things are great, that the commuters are siding with the strikers.
Your feeling is very different from that.
TOROSSIAN: The debate in my office, frankly, as I walk into my office, is, well, you know, Ronn, we can't get to work tomorrow, so we shouldn't be penalized a day off. And I agree with them. But I'm also not...
ASMAN: So, they want to you pay them for taking a day off.
TOROSSIAN: And my position is, I understand they're not wrong, but I'm also not wrong. I'm running a small business. Why should I be penalized?
So, the question is, there's all these jobs at stake. Absolutely. They don't want to be penalized. And they're right. And I run a business, and I also don't want to be penalized.
ASMAN: How long can you afford this strike?
TOROSSIAN: This will have implications on Christmas bonuses.
It will have implications on rates for the year to come. Every hour, every minute that people are not at work costs jobs throughout New York, certainly, and I believe throughout the country.
ASMAN: All right.
Well, we remember Ronald Reagan. He fired all of the PATCO strikers, the air traffic controllers back in '81. We're going to be talking more about what that means for this strike.
Ronn Torossian, best of luck to you. I hope it works out for you.
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