
Former President Jimmy Carter (search) is blasting President Bush over the war in Iraq. Carter says Bush is alienating the entire Islamic world — in fact, the entire world.

Now this is like me lecturing you about putting down that doughnut. The "doughnut" for Mr. Carter, of course, is Iran (search).

Twenty-five years ago next month, American hostages were seized in a country that sensed we were vulnerable and whose leadership proved it. Full disclosure here: I was a White House intern during Carter's administration. I admire him personally and respect his good works. Yet even this good man, who knows a thing or two about the Good Book, should recall the good story about those without sin casting the first stone.

No offense, President Carter, but you live in a pretty big glass house.

You say the whole Islamic world condemns this Iraq war, but insist they were all with you, expressing outrage during your Iran hostage war. If memory serves me right, not one of them did squat to help you during that crisis.

You act as if taking military action against an entrenched regime is so foreign, yet you tried it yourself, to a limited and laughable degree, when you aimed to free those hostages.

You're right to question the war in Iraq, but you, of all people, aren't in a position to lecture this president "on" Iraq, in a foreign newspaper, no less!

Those hostages were released under your successor's regime and all you've been doing since is attacking all your successors' regimes.

At least you've been consistent: You've blasted Reagan, both Bushes and even Bill Clinton. You seem a bitter, angry man.

In your interview in "The Guardian," you criticize the media for being cowed on the Iraq war. But if memory serves me right, your administration blasted the media for emphasizing the day-by-day, America-held-hostage count during your little Iran war.

Look, President Carter, I won't lecture you on healthy eating. Don't even attempt to lecture anyone, on proper leading.

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