
One of the more egregious anti-Christmas examples in the war on Christmas is the school district in Plano, Texas, which banned the colors red and green last year.

I say this all the time in promoting my book, "The War on Christmas." I did a chapter on the Plano situation in the book and looked into this incident in some detail.

The ban on red and green had to do with the paper plates, napkins and cups which parents bring to the holiday party at the winter break, which used to be the kids' Christmas party at Christmas break, but, well, as often happens in this war, the names got changed.

The district sent a note home with the students to the parents. I have that note. It says white only for the plates and napkins and stuff because this is a holiday party. They were making it clear it was not a Christmas party. The ban on red and green extended to the icing on the cupcakes.

The school district is making a lot of noise that they didn't ban red and green clothing on the kids or the teachers. But I think banning red and green cupcakes is worse in its own way.

Now the school district is taking advantage of the fact someone said red and green clothing was banned to claim this whole story is bogus. It is not. Once again, I possess the document from the district to parents. The silliness and pettiness of Plano's anti-Christmas campaign cannot be covered up.

The question is not whether a red and green sweater or a red and green napkin was banned. The question is why does the Plano school district have this obsession about sweeping even the most remote symbol of Christmas — the colors red and green — out of the school.

The lawyer for the district says the schools are trying to keep a religion neutral atmosphere for people of religion and people of no religion.

But the flaw in the logic is that if religion neutral is no religion, then the no religionists have won before the game ever begins.

That's My Word.

Check out my book "The War on Christmas" and write to me about Christmas outrages at waronchristmas@johngibson.com.

Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story" and send your comments to: myword@foxnews.com

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