
All week we've been wondering which president would show up at the State of the Union Address. Would it be the, "Hey, people aren't digging my agenda; triangulate and move to the center" Obama? Or would it be the arrogant, "Do it my way" progressive Obama?

I don't think we saw either.

Arrogant progressive doesn't even begin to describe what I saw Wednesday night. It was more like watching Fabio stare at himself or Randy "The Macho Man" Savage educate America on his greatness.

One conclusion I draw from last night: The president thinks you are stupid. America sent a clear message to Washington in recent months, and his response wasn't a message of slowing down, cutting back or listening to the people. What we got last night was, "Keep your mouth shut and fall in line!" or, "I'll give another speech because you just don't understand how great my plans really are!"

One of the themes he had last night was partisan politics:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: They're tired of the partisanship and the shouting and the pettiness. They know we can't afford it, not now.


Partisan bickering? Really?

Let me bring something into the conversation here: logic and math.

We have the House with 178 Republicans and 257 Democrats. I don't know if you took this at Harvard so try and stay with me. We have the Senate with 60 Democrats and 40 Republicans — a supermajority. It means you can ignore Republicans. Republicans could all be in the bathroom and it would make no difference at all. You can pass anything you want so long as Democrats agree.

The Scott Brown win was a change from blue to red. But this is still merely a speed bump. Remember, to get a bill passed in the Senate you only need 51 votes, but if you want to tell everyone "sit down and shut up" you need a supermajority. The "sit down and shut up" thing is called a filibuster. This one Republican can stand up and say, "Wait! This doesn't make sense!" This is what happened at the end of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." He's going to talk until you pass out, or he's got to get other people on board to say, "Yea, this doesn't make sense."

Until that blue seat turned red you couldn't even do that! Which begs the question: How have the Republicans held this president's agenda up? Remember, they could have all been in the bathroom and it wouldn't have mattered, so they didn't stop it. The tea parties didn't stop it. Filibuster didn't stop it. They couldn't get it done because they couldn't get 51 Democrats on board. Now they need 60. They couldn't get 51? Why?

Here is the real fight: Democrats vs. progressives .

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is calling out the Blue Dog Democrats who "betrayed" them. Progressives attacked Harry Reid in an ad they titled "Is Harry Reid Strong Enough?"


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here in Nevada, the majority wants it. Senator Reid, these insurance companies cannot be trusted with our lives. Nevadans want the choice of a public option.

ANNOUNCER: The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


Let me show you another one. This one is on Rahm Emanuel:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here in Chicago for 30 years, Rahm Emanuel was our congressman. When I had spinal surgery, the medical bills were enormous. Our insurance company tried to get out of paying bills they were clearly responsible for.


Progressives declared war on members of the Democratic Party. Progressives currently have 82 declared members in the progressive caucus. It's the largest Democrat caucus.

People like to say the tea parties stopped health care from passing. They are right, but not the way the media and Barack Obama spins it. They will tell you that the tea parties got the right all stirred up, causing the Republicans to stop it. They could all be in the bathroom!

The truth is, the tea parties scared the regular Democrats. They said ,"Whoa, a lot of those tea party people are independents who voted for me — I'll be thrown out!" Progressives said, "And?" If it's the evil Republicans who are stopping it, why was it all Democrats have to be bribed? Is Mary Landrieu a Democrat or a Republican? If they just needed that evil Republican from Nebraska Ben Nelson, as the last vote to get health care I would understand, but Nelson is a Democrat!

Logic and math are this government's undoing. They don't seem to engage or believe in either of those principles. Let me take the statement that we are going to double our exports:


OBAMA: So, tonight we set a new goal. We will double our exports over the next five years, an increase that will support 2 million jobs in America.


OK, let's use logic and math. Logic would say we want to double our exports. Great! Two questions. What is it the world wants twice as many of that we are currently making, and why isn't the world already buying it? The logic side of me says, "I have no idea what we are making that we can sell twice as fast." Do we even make things in America anymore?

Which brings me to the math side. Why don't we make things in American anymore? Because of the labor unions. The president keeps on pushing green stuff like solar panels. Does anyone truly believe that we can continue to make solar panels here with all of our labor unions, green restrictions, EPA standards, laws etc.? And make them cheaper than China?

So how do we double the exports? I haven't seen anyone in the media ask that today. So maybe we double all the exports by all becoming inventors and invent something brand new. We just need education. Here's what he said on education last night:


OBAMA: And let's tell another 1 million students that when they graduate, they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income on student loans. And all of their debt will be forgiven after 20 years, and forgiven after 10 years if they choose a career in public service. Because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college.


Remember, we are in, according to the president, the wreckage of the worst time in American history since the Civil War, Great Depression, World War II and the civil rights movement! But the federal government is going to pay for universal college?

Let's go back and use logic and math. A few logical questions: How do we pay for that? The average cost is $26,741. Where will the government get the magical money? They say they'll pay for it if you get a government job for 10 years. Logic would force me to point out, that's not going to turn out a lot of inventors or entrepreneurs because now they are working for the government! Government has that effect on people. They get lazy. And who's going to leave that when they are facing a giant pay cut?

Now comes the math part. Average salary in private sector is $40,331. Average public sector is $71,206 plus great benefits; and they'll pay all of your college after 10 years!

And one more thing on education: they already indoctrinate your kids; now they'll have the whole system. I'm sure they'll never do anything like profile or "level the playing field"; it will be all merit based and there will be no indoctrination!

Listen, the long-term game is to fundamentally transform us. Indoctrinate. Control the press. Control the education, the banks and industry. Complete control. And when logic and math fail, what do they do? Stories of Johnny who doesn't understand Wall Street or, "I didn't give enough speeches to make the dummies in America understand." They win you through your pocketbook. They bribe you. They did it in their own party with Nelson and Landrieu and free college for everyone!

Is your freedom and the financial future of your children that cheap?

Remember, Barack Obama says it's the worst time period in history. Again, how is he going to solve it?


OBAMA: Tomorrow, I'll visit Tampa, Florida, where workers will soon break ground on a new high-speed railroad funded by the Recovery Act.


It's yours for just $1.3 billion!

Using logic and math, think of all the families who are now heading out to Disney World for the day. Instead of driving the hour to hour and a half from Tampa to Orlando, they're now going to load the family into the car, battle for parking in Ebor City — which is just outside of Tampa — pay for parking, pay for an expensive train ticket, pile the family on to the train all to save 20 minutes travel time. Or how about the people who saved and entire year to go to Disney World and convince their kids to leave Disney to visit an old cigar factory in Tampa.

My gosh, the country is saved already! That's part of the new stimulus mentioned last night. Only it wasn't called that, he called it a jobs bill:


OBAMA: That is why jobs must be our number one focus in 2010. And that's why I'm calling for a new jobs bill tonight.


Jobs sounds great! Although, it had a different name at first:


REP. BRAD SHERMAN, D-CALIF.: The other thing I'll point out is we now have — are working on — we're told not to call it another stimulus. We're calling it a jobs bill.


Saul Alinsky said if you are in trouble, that's when you step on the accelerator. When Scott Brown won, I told you if we are dealing with a politician, he'll triangulate. We are not dealing with a politician. He was so mesmerizing to the people on the left Chris Matthews even said this:


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: I was trying to think about who he was tonight. And it's interesting. He is post-racial by all appearances. You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour. You know, he's going a long way to become a leader of this country and pass so much history in just a year or two. I mean, it's something we're going to be.


I don't know why you would need to make it about that when it's about logic and math. And the people get that. They are awake. They are informed. They are angry. But more important, they are determined.

If I may compare our economic troubles to the War on Terror. Our government thinks what we just went through was 9/11. I think we are at the USS Cole. But 9/11 is still coming, and just like government acted then, the warning signs were all there. But they played politics; they are doing that now with our looming financial 9/11.

The good news is the people are as wide awake on their corruption and their reckless habits as we were on 9/12.

Just remember this: 9/11 may be why we fight, but 9/12 is why we will win. The paradigm has changed.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel