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Some of you will think I am lying, but yes, I am back on an airplane as you read this. I really do live on planes! I am headed back to California, having just returned to Washington, D.C. from New York City.
You may have heard many tell you what it means that the Michael Jackson (search) jury has not yet returned a verdict. In short, they are nuts. No one can tell you why there is no verdict. Anyone who does tell you why is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. There is no set formula for any verdict — it comes when the jury is ready and sometimes they can't all agree. Bottom line: We watch, we wait and no one knows for certain — so don't be fooled by predictions by anyone. I have tried cases for years and reported about them for years... and I have no idea what the jury is doing inside that room (if I did, I should be in jail for jury tampering!)
Loyal watchers know I had Friday night off and my colleague Jamie Colby guest hosted. From the e-mails, it is plain she did a great job.
I spent Friday night in New York at the Mets (search) game. It was a special night that FOX News Channel had arranged for loyal FOX fans in the New York area. FOX News had a big picnic tent for all the FOX fans where you could get ballpark food — hot dogs, etc. The event had been planned for months and I had agreed to toss out the first pitch so there was no way I could remain in California. I had to try and both cover the Jackson trial and meet my commitments to the FOX fans — which is not easy — but I did the best I could.
Plus, I admit, it was a thrill to toss out the first pitch. I have posted pictures of the night — and yes, I DID throw it from the rubber on the mound all the way to the catcher! I was told that frequent panelist Jeff Brown bet against me... he said I would not make the entire distance. He was wrong! I deliberately threw from the rubber on the mound, and not in front of the mound like many do, since I figured if I failed that the fans might be more likely to give me a break and not boo. As it turned out, I did it! I admit that I was very excited that the pitch made it all the way. The team gave me a shirt with my name on it, a hat and a jacket. We might show the video of the toss on Monday night's show — much depends on what the producers think while I am in the air headed west.
Here's an e-mail from my FOX News colleague Adam Housley about Neverland:
Here is a rundown of Neverland.
The once quiet, quaint, five-mile drive down Figueroa Mountain Road has changed a bit. Anticipation amongst the steers, quarter horses and birds may not mirror the Santa Maria courthouse, but there is some apparent tension within the heard as satellite trucks, rented cars and caravans of black SUVs barrel over the two-lane road like Jeff Gordon at Daytona.
Once you get past the farms and ranches, about half way from the town of Los Olivos to Neverland, you hit the open rolling fields of early summer green and gold. Purple wildflowers blanket the pastures along with yellow mustard and prickly star thistle. It is here "the hearts" begin.
For about three-quarters of a mile, spread every twenty yards on both sides of the well-worn blacktop, poster boards with big red hearts are stapled to twin stakes. On the other side well wishes for anyone leaving Neverland, of course those wishes aimed directly in support of the onetime "King of Pop." It seems every dawn and every dusk four European women take the time to put them up and take them down.
The scene is not much different up the street, where the gates of Neverland now look more similar to the gates of Disneyland: decorations, banners, bunting and signs from the professional to the makeshift. Most of the work has come from Jackson's fans, most have come from across the seas. Each Jackson fan has also stapled individual paper hearts with their pictures and well wishes onto the Neverland three-rail corral fence, their cars painted with support like "Frenchies for M.J." and "M.J. we believe." The problem is that the painted signs have been on the rental cars so long, it has now began to oxidize the original paint on the car. Forever these cars will read their undying support, or at least until their credit cards get the unsuspecting charge.
The fans that are on a continual rotation to and from Neverland are dedicated and a bit belligerent. The media camped out here shoots every car in and out of Jacko's enclave and a squirrel has made friends with two still photographers. They feed him nuts and he keeps them company. Such is the life at the end of this once somewhat normal country road.
Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com
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