
Dear Viewers,

On Wednesday we interviewed former Vice President Dan Quayle (search). The interview was planned about a week ago because he intended to be in town for a Republican dinner. The dinner was cancelled because of President Reagan's death, but the former vice president came to town anyway to pay his respects to Mr. Reagan and his family.

We conducted the interview in an elegant hotel — The Hay Adams — across the street from the White House. As is our usual custom, we rented a suite so that we would have sufficient room. I took some pictures of the suite so you could see it. Incidentally, if you wanted to rent the entire suite for a night, it would cost about $4000. We did not rent the entire suite and we only rented it for a few hours.

Click here for Greta’s photo essay

After the interview with the former vice president, we went back to the bureau to prepare for the arrival of the funeral procession at the U.S. Capitol. I walked down to Constitution Avenue as the city awaited the president and took a few pictures so you could see what I did:

Click here for Greta’s photo essay


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET