This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, December 11, 2001.
BRENDA BUTTNER, HOST: Who says retailers are in a slump this holiday season? Not our next guest. A slowing economy actually has business booming for this guy. Joining us now to explain why is Patrick Byrne, CEO of
Thanks so much for joining us.
PATRICK BYRNE, CEO, OVERSTOCK.COM: Thanks for having me.
BUTTNER: So, basically, the fundamentals of your business are, you go to expired dot-coms, or you go to people who have more inventory than they can sell...
BYRNE: Sure. What gets us all the ink is the fact that we've liquidated a bunch of dead dot-coms. But that's only 10 percent of our business. Ninety percent is getting excess inventory from manufacturers and other people who have it.
BUTTNER: And then you sell it to us extra special cheap?
BYRNE: Cheap as heck. Sixty percent off retail is our average price.
BUTTNER: That's pretty good. I want to actually show a couple of full screens at what kind of prices you have. A Fuji digital camera, I think you can over $200, is the bottom line. And how do you do this? How do you make money doing this?
BYRNE: That's the colonel's secret recipe. We can't tell you that. But we do get fantastic deals. And as cheesy-CEO as it sounds, we get these fantastic deals on the by-side, and then we pass it on to the consumer. So we have gotten a couple truckloads of Fuji cameras at a huge discount, the wholesale, so we sell it to the consumer below wholesale. We have stores coming in and buying at the price that we sell them.
BUTTNER: Now, all this is new? It's got warranties?
BYRNE: It's all new, factory warranty.
BUTTNER: Not defective, not of that?
BYRNE: No, we don't do defectives.
BUTTNER: I have to say, I was very skeptical when I first started doing research on your company. But, business is booming for you guys.
BYRNE: We've grown from $3,000 a month two years ago, to 10 or $11 million this month. We're profitable.
BUTTNER: Your real, honest-to-goodness profit, not pro forma?
BYRNE: None of that stuff.
BYRNE: One thing, is we do very little marketing. Our customers are 75 percent female. And we rely on word of mouth. We do hardly any marketing. We're about 1/5 of the traffic of Amazon, yet we spend maybe 1/100th of what they spend on marketing. It's just because we give these outrageous deals. And our customers, mostly women, tell other people about it.
BUTTNER: But are you getting the stuff that just isn't moving because it's not hot this season?
BYRNE: There's a different story for every product. It could be somebody went out of business, it could be a manufacturer had an order that someone accepted 80 percent of it but they canceled the last 20 percent, and he has to dump it. A lot of manufacturers at the end of the season don't want — you know, they move warehouses or they're closing a warehouse, and they just want stuff off their shelves. So we get these fantastic deals.
BUTTNER: Is some of this, like, last year's color or last year's style?
BYRNE: Usually not. We have Gucci purses, new Rolex watches. We get new stuff every day, about 100-150 new products a day. It's hard to believe. It sounds corny.
BUTTNER: I still don't know how you make money. That's where I'm trying to figure it out . Is it just on volume?
BYRNE: We buy so well that we can give a great discount to the consumer and still make a penny.
BUTTNER: OK. You're heading into your busiest and most important week, because people have to order on-line to get by Christmas, by standard shipping.
BYRNE: Right, but we have — we control our own fulfillment out of Salt Lake City. And we ship on average — we have a great fulfillment record, as rated by independent groups like BizRate. So if people order even up through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday next week, they'll get their products.
BUTTNER: Are you public?
BYRNE: I own it.
BUTTNER: When are you going public?
BYRNE: Don't want to.
BUTTNER: No? You don't want those pesky shareholders.
BYRNE: Why share a good thing with the public?
BUTTNER: All right, thank you so much for joining us.
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