
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," December 29, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: All this week we've been updating you on some of the big stories we've covered this year. Florida teacher Debra Lafave gave a whole new meaning to the term sex education and shocked the nation when she admitted to having sex with a 14-year-old student. She nearly struck a plea deal that would have allowed her to avoid all jail time but a judge rejected one part of the deal and set a trial date for April, 2006.

Her ex-husband Owen Lafave joins us live from Tampa, nice to see you again Owen.


VAN SUSTEREN: Owen you've been quoted as saying that this was a good experience for you why?

LAFAVE: You know, I'll tell you, I mean initially, I mean it was probably the worst experience I ever went through in my life but I think, you know, your life is defined on, you know, what you do in a case of adversity and there was a point in time where I wanted to lay down.

But really, you know, I've taken the opportunity to do a lot of soul searching and learn a lot about myself and I have a sense of clarity and an outlook on life that I never would have had if this didn't happen to me.

VAN SUSTEREN: I understand that you're working on a documentary?

LAFAVE: That is correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what's the documentary?

LAFAVE: The documentary is really to study the phenomenon itself, whether or not this is something that's just being reported more or if it's actually happening more to get inside the psyche of a teacher, to really, you know, investigate whether or not, you know, there are psychological effects, you know, in this case specifically to a boy that's a victim.

VAN SUSTEREN: Owen, if you were the judge on this case what do you think would be the appropriate punishment and what would be the factors you would consider in arriving at that punishment?

LAFAVE: Well, I think there are a number of factors to consider and I think, you know, the boy's and the family's position and whether or not he does have any side effects, psychological side effects I think are factors in determining whether or not there's a sentence.

But, you know, the fact is I mean there was inappropriate sexual behavior. He is a minor. He's under the age of consent. I think there should be some jail time. There's precedent set for it along with some psychological treatment on her behalf.

VAN SUSTEREN: If I met her in a social situation, what do you think my impression of her would be? What's she like?

LAFAVE: You know she's very sweet, very reserved for the most part, quiet, very friendly. I mean she's been portrayed as somewhat of a monster in the media but, you know, she does have some great qualities and, you know, I think for the most part when people meet her they do generally like her.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is this, I mean if you know her is this like just so bizarre or now when you sort of look back in your mind you sort of see signs that, you know, perhaps this woman you know had something going on that wasn't appropriate?

LAFAVE: Well, you know, I think there were signs. I mean there were some flags that, you know, I choose to, you know, or I ignored at the time. I mean she was being treated and I thought, you know, the treatments would allow her to live a normal life and apparently that wasn't the case.

But, you know, I think generally it came as a surprise to everybody. I mean she seemed fairly well grounded for the most part and, you know, seemed like a normal everyday person.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did she ever apologize to you?

LAFAVE: Yes, she did apologize. I mean it was half-hearted, you know. I've asked her repeatedly when I had the opportunity when we were still talking why she did it and, you know, Greta I've never gotten an answer that made any sense at all or that I was satisfied with.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there anything, you know, that she could do to sort of, you know, get to sort of in your good graces? I know you're not married anymore. You don't intend to be married to her again. But is there anyway that she could make it up to you?

LAFAVE: I think good graces, no. I mean I think, you know, what she did is irreprehensible. I mean it's definitely changed my life. I would like an answer but I mean I can never forgive her. I mean she'll never be in my good graces. It's something that I could move past but the long answer to that is no.

VAN SUSTEREN: What could be the possible answer to this I mean when you think about it? I mean, you know, what could possibly be her answer?

LAFAVE: Well, I mean I think there are some psychological issues. Now does she know right from wrong, I think yes, and I think that would have been determined in the case if it did go to trial and if it does go to trial in Marion County I think, you know, the prosecution will show that. I mean she did know right from wrong. But, you know, it's just it's one of those things that is really just unexplainable.

VAN SUSTEREN: I take it you're not going to attend the trial if there is one are you or are you going to?

LAFAVE: No, I'm not planning on it. I mean I have been called to testify and unless, you know, I am called to take the stand I don't plan on being there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Owen, thank you very much for joining us.

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET

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