
Relatives of Natalee Holloway marked the first anniversary of her disappearance quietly Tuesday. The family continues to search for answers about what happened to the Mountain Brook, Ala., teenager who mysteriously vanished during a high school graduation trip to Aruba.

Holloway's father, Dave Holloway, worked at his insurance agency in Meridian, Miss., while her mother, Beth Twitty, spent the day in Montreal working on the Web site of her new organization to promote safe travel.

No public remembrances or ceremonies are planned marking the anniversary in Holloway's hometown.

Twitty began the International Safe Travels Foundation and often speaks to high school groups about the hazards of world travel and safety.

Victor Winklaar, owner and managing director of a newspaper on Aruba, said the island has been hurt by calls for a U.S. boycott since the teen's disappearance. He had not heard of anything being done in Aruba to mark the anniversary.

Authorities investigating Holloway's disappearance have arrested nine people, but all were released for lack of evidence. Repeated searches of Aruba have failed to turn up any trace of the missing 18-year-old.

Twitty said getting through the past year was tough.