Holiday Gifts
Today we started featuring great gift ideas for the upcoming holiday season. If you want more information on the gifts you saw today or you need more gift ideas you can log on to my Web site: and click on "The Christmas List" category.
We will be highlighting great gifts all month so keep your ideas coming! We love to feature viewer’s products when we can, so if you’ve got a terrific product of your own, let us know! You can email me your suggestions at or you can send them to us at:
Fox News
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New York, NY 1036
Attention: E.D. Hill, 17th Floor
Power Ranger to the Rescue
One courageous boy in North Carolina thwarted thieves with his Power Ranger costume. Four-year-old Stevie Long snuck away while thieves were robbing his family, and slipped into his "Red Ranger" costume. Stevie reappeared all suited up and armed with a plastic sword, ready to save his family. Although the thieves got away with some cash and credit cards, they also had plans to take Steve’s mother to an ATM to empty her bank account. Luckily, the robbers abandoned that idea once they saw little Stevie in full garb.
“I scared the bad guys!” the four-year-old proudly boasted, fully believing he morphed into the “Red Ranger.” Go Red Ranger!
Miracle Pill
Worried about the weight you might gain this holiday season? Are you already trying to shed a few pounds? Feel like you have tried every diet pill on the market?
Today Dr. Manny was on my show talking about the new “miracle pill” for weight loss. It has already been approved in Europe and is awaiting approval in the US. The pill is called Acomplia, and although some are calling it the "miracle pill" it still requires diet and exercise. If you are looking for more health information, you can go to:
Dear Dog Lovers
Today we had Wendy Diamond on my show. She is the editor of and author of both "How to Understand Men Through Their Dogs and How to Understand Women Through Their Cats." According to her, these two books are "ultimate dating guidebooks" so you might want to check them out!
You can reach me at or through my Web site: where I also have a review of Bill O’Reilly’s new book.
E.D. Hill anchors 'FOX News Live' weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET.