Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:
Family Matters
The Kennedy's are said to be livid over the treatment Caroline Kennedy supposedly received from New York Governor David Paterson. The New York Post reports a source close to the family says, "The governor's going to pay for this. Ted is furious. The family is furious."
Reports say rumors suggesting Kennedy withdrew her name from consideration for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat because of tax issues, her nanny and even her marriage, came from Paterson's office. The Post also reports Paterson said Kennedy had turned "nasty" the day before he announced New York Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand would get the appointment. One source told the paper, "Caroline can't believe what Paterson did to her. She was smeared, and she's never going to forgive it or forget it."
Quick Fix
House Minority Leader John Boehner says Alcatraz prison in the San Francisco Bay should be reopened to house detainees from Guantanamo Bay. Boehner said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," "If liberals believe they ought to go, maybe we ought to open Alcatraz. It's very secure."
Republican Congressman Bill Young of Florida suggested to a White House official last week that the island prison would be the perfect spot. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not like the idea of detaining terror suspects in her own district. She said of Congressman Young during an interview on ABC's "This Week," "Perhaps he's not visited Alcatraz. Alcatraz is a tourist destination... it's a national park."
Life & Death?
Vatican officials are criticizing President Obama's decision to end a ban on federal funding for international groups that perform abortions — or provide information about them. The head of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life Monsignor Rino Fisichella, criticized what he called "the arrogance of those who, being in power, believe they can decide of life and death."
“If this is one of President Obama's first acts, I have to say... that we're heading quickly toward disappointment," Fisichella said.
Another Vatican official, Monsignor Elio Sgreccia added, "among the many good things that he could have done, Barack Obama instead chose the worst."
Color Coordinate
And finally, Michelle Obama is facing a backlash after not wearing any African-American designed items during last week's inaugural celebrations. The Black Artists Association will send a letter to the first lady's office to complain. The letter will also ask the first lady to include African-American-designed items in her wardrobe. The group's co-founder Amnau Eele, tells Women's Wear Daily, "it's fine and good if you want to be all 'kumbaya' and 'we are the world' by representing all different countries. But if you are going to have Isabel Toledo do the inauguration dress, and Jason Woo do the evening gown, why not have... black designers do something too?"
— FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.