This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," January 6, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: We reccently spoke with Kate O'Beirne of The National Review about her brand new book, "Women That Make the World Worse."
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: You could pick out of any group, and I can go to the right and do it, crazy things that people say. For example, you claim in the book feminists think marriage is an oppressive institution.
COLMES: Or that motherhood is not a real job. Is that typical of people on the left?
O'BEIRNE: I'll tell you why it's typical of these women I write about. The woman who said if women report, which they do in polls, married women, that they are very happy, if that's the case, she says, it's because they're, quote, "slightly mentally ill." Who is this woman? The Boston Globe called her the premiere scholar of the women's movement.
These are mainstream feminists saying these things, Alan.
COLMES: You're selectively taking certain women and taking selective things that they have said. For example, Jane Fonda you say gave a gift to Harvard and you call it anti-male research. She actually dedicated money to exploring how children develop and learn influence by gender. You refer to that as anti-male. That is your position, not the...
O'BEIRNE: I lay out — I lay out how it's been imposed in the schools, and it is profoundly hostile to boys. Alan, they have turned our classrooms into battlegrounds in their gender wars.
COLMES: What does that have to do with Jane Fonda? Four point five million, that's not what she's doing.
O'BEIRNE: Carol — the woman — the woman who inspired her to make that generous gift is the founding woman of the girls are silenced, girls are disadvantaged in school movement, which is completely not the case.
COLMES: Harvard's not using it for anti-male research. That's not what...
O'BEIRNE: Girls outperform boys on every standard of educational achievement. Boys are more apt to drop out of school, three times more likely to be in Special Ed. And yet, these feminists lie and keep maintaining that girls are being underserved. Because, Alan, there's a lot of money in being an aggrieved feminist.
COLMES: You know, you go after, for example, Ruth Bader Ginsburg for suggesting a Parents Day. She didn't say do away with Mother's Day.
O'BEIRNE: Yes, she did.
COLMES: "Let's not have a Mother's Day or Father's Day."
O'BEIRNE: No, no, no, no, no, Alan. Read it closely.
COLMES: She said, "Let's have a Parents Day."
O'BEIRNE: She said we shouldn't have a Mother's Day.
COLMES: Or a Father's Day.
O'BEIRNE: Or a Father's Day because, Alan, they're dangerous sexual stereotypes.
COLMES: Call it Parents Day. What's wrong with that?
O'BEIRNE: I don't think most people think Mother's Day and Father's Day are dangerous, debilitating sex stereotypes. And she's on the Supreme Court, Alan.
HANNITY: This book is phenomenal. Congratulations, a great success.
O'BEIRNE: Thank you, Sean.
HANNITY: Good to see you.
One of the things, and I took notes, "Having been raised by three sisters, educated by a woman in a Catholic girls-only high school, it's jarring to find myself labeled as a traitor to my sex." And you have been attacked for your positions.
O'BEIRNE: Feminism, Sean, is so monolithic. If you're a woman, you have to agree with them or you're a self-loathing or self-hating woman or an enemy to the sex. I've been arguing with them for 30 years now.
It used to be theoretical. They had a battle cry. But now that their premises, feminist premises, have been accepted in most of our institutions, in Congress, in the military, in our culture, in our schools and universities, I wanted the book to look at what has it brought? What does feminism live — look like? And it's been disaster.
HANNITY: You go in all different aspects of our culture, how it's weakened the family, our educational system. You talk at length about the military. You did discuss, for example, Teresa Heinz Kerry's about Laura Bush getting a real job. I mean, doesn't that say a lot when you say that? Is being a mother not a real job?
O'BEIRNE: The women I talk about in this book, and I quote them by name. And as I said, they're mainstream feminists, they don't believe it is. They think fathers are unnecessary and that it's debilitating for children to have mothers at home with them. It's not that they're celebrating women's choices. They think there's only one choice, and it's a male career path.
HANNITY: You talk at length, even, you say that marriage is viewed by people, and you quote specific studies, as a problem and not a solution.
O'BEIRNE: They have — these feminist ideas have infiltrated college textbooks. One review of leading college textbooks that talk about marriage found on average one page in these textbooks devoted to the benefits of marriage, despite the overwhelming research about the benefits of it.
O'BEIRNE: And a dozen pages devoted to domestic violence. These women believe that marriage — well, as a founding editor of their flagship publication, "Ms." magazine said, "We cannot address the inequalities between men and women until we destroy marriage."
HANNITY: You talk about Ruth Bader Ginsburg also saying motherly love is not all that it's cracked up to be. And you do name names in this book. You talk about Teresa Heinz Kerry. You talk about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You give the actual quotes. That is a stunning thing to say.
O'BEIRNE: Sean, that's right. Ruth Bader Ginsburg felt it was a myth perpetrated by you guys, as a matter of fact.
HANNITY: You guys.
O'BEIRNE: You have to — you have to name names, Sean, because they deny these things. They say, "We never denigrated motherhood or marriage." Yes, they did, and they still do.
They'll say, "We don't support quotas." Yes, they do. They've taken Title IX...
O'BEIRNE: ... which was designed to eliminate discrimination against women and it now demands discrimination against men. Hundreds of men — male sports teams are being cut, male athletes cut rosters because of the strict gender quota.
HANNITY: Last question, because I want to get this in, about in the classrooms, boys will be girls. That is very powerful statement about the state of education in this country.
O'BEIRNE: There so many of our schools, owing to the effects of this feminism. They believe that sex differences is a result of socialization, despite the overwhelming research that's not the case. And so they are determined to change little boys, because otherwise, they going to grow up to be guess what, Sean? The dreaded men.
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