So, like you, I enjoy watching "24," often in a shorty robe, clinging to my favorite pet Roberto, who turned 19 last March. (I bought him a collar.)
As you know, the show is about a dude trying to save the U.S. from annihilation. And he always succeeds, sometimes shirtless.
Of course, in real life this is what we call fantasy. But, now we just call it criminal.
On Tuesday, President Obama said he's open to charges brought against those evil Bush lawyers behind the just-released memos justifying the interrogation techniques used against folks who wanted to blow up our country. Or more specifically, Los Angeles.
Which is why I bring up "24." Not only is it about this sort of thing, it's made in L.A., a place that might have been devastated if it weren't for those evil lawyers.
Writing in The Washington Post, Marc Thiessen notes that "enhanced techniques" led to the discovery of a planned hijacking of an airliner, sent to crash into the Library Tower, the tallest building on that coast. Thiessen writes that the info culled from these interrogations led to the arrests of those who would have attempted this attack.
Now, Thiessen once wrote speeches for Bush, but that doesn't change the point: that although Obama released memos revealing the techniques, what those actions actually achieved is blacked out.
Which is odd.
I mean, what goes on behind the scenes is what saves us. Now we know, however, that our president finds that sort of thing yucky and, as a consequence, he'll share the info with everyone. Except the part where it says it works.
Jack Bauer is officially dead.
And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than "Two and a Half Men."
Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: