
Despite the president's humility in speaking about America's mistakes, our enemies are insulting him.

In Europe, Mr. Obama went out of his way to tell the world how he is going to correct what he believes were the mistakes of the Bush administration. And he continued that theme in Mexico and Trinidad last week:


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have, at times, been disengaged, and at times we've sought to dictate our terms. What we showed here is that we can make progress when we're willing to break free from some of the stale debates and old ideologies that have dominated and distorted the debate in this hemisphere for far too long.


The Obama strategy is to clear the decks of any anti-Bush hostility and present a new day dawning. He wants to make the nations of the world our partners in problem solving, and if he has to eat a little crow to do that, he'll butter up the bird.

The downside to that is that some will perceive the president as weak. The London Daily Telegraph is reporting that the French President, Sarkozy, has privately questioned Mr. Obama's decision-making. And just days after the Obama administration told the world it wanted dialogue with Iran, that government imprisoned Roxana Saberi, an American citizen, for eight years on the absurd charge of spying. That was a direct insult to President Obama.

In Trinidad, nut-case Hugo Chavez also embarrassed the president by handing him an anti-American book. This was designed to showcase Chavez's boldness, but the president replied gracefully:


OBAMA: I think it was — it was a nice gesture to give me a book. I'm a reader.


In addition to Chavez, the anti-American Nicaraguan leader, Ortega, insulted America for almost one hour with President Obama sitting right in front of him. There will come a time when Mr. Obama will have to say enough is enough and hit back. He has been directly insulted three times in less than a week by bad guys.

The president's policy of persuasion is not working so far. He got little from the Europeans. He'll get little from Latin America. That's because failed leaders almost always blame the USA for their incompetence. That's a game that's been played since Harry Truman was president. These clowns can't solve problems, so they blame us.

Mexico, please. With vast natural resources and two beautiful coastlines, they can't develop a middle class, and it's our fault? Sure.

President Obama has been in office less than 100 days, but his policy is clear. He is ready to listen. He is humble in the face of provocation. Will this help America in the long run? Doubtful.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

The 113th edition of the Boston Marathon was run Monday. More than 26,000 people participated in this historic event, including a dozen wounded veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who came up from Walter Reed to compete in the 26.2-mile race. Of course, those vets are patriots.

On the pinhead front, enter the United Nations, which is holding a conference on racism in Switzerland this week. One of the speakers is the avowed anti-Semite Ahmadinejad of Iran, who said this about Israel:


MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, PRESIDENT OF IRAN (through translator): They sent migrants from Europe and the United States and from other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government.


This prompted some protests. A bunch of people walked out. Good for them.

And another demonstrator, dressed as a clown, made his displeasure known. Good for him.

This is another reminder that the U.N. is pretty much useless. Ahmadinejad's a pinhead, but again, the U.N., what can you say?

You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel and any time on foxnews.com/oreilly. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com