
"Hurt Locker"; hurt taxpayer — one's a movie most of us never saw, the other's a role most of us never forget. Now what do you think the two have in common?

What if I told you both prove we don't matter?

The movies we tend to watch mostly don't get Oscars; just like the boondoggle programs we tend to hate mostly don't get cancelled. Not when Hollywood wants to reward its own, no matter how poorly they do in theaters or when Washington does the same pushing programs, no matter how poorly they do in society.

Please don't get me wrong: I'm not saying "Hurt Locker" didn't deserve to win an Oscar. I am saying it's pretty clear so few of us seeing it played absolutely no role whatsoever in giving it an Oscar. And that — not the merits of the movie — should say something.

Because in a year of blockbusters that had Hollywood seeing a lot of our green; not much respect for our favorites. I guess there are Viewer Choice Awards for that silly stuff. Back to the artsy stuff, where 14-foot, 3-D aliens that made a mint don't cut it and an obscure — but apparently sober — message-film on war does.

Just like massive trillion-dollar health care reform that most of us hate must pass — for our own good. Even if most of us have said time and again this health care thing's a financial horror flick — it won't do any good.

Hollywood knows what's best to watch: Washington knows how best to spend.

Elite in both know who best to ignore: us. Even though a lot of us don't like what Hollywood likes, and a lot more of us don't like what Washington likes.

But here's the difference: In Hollywood, it's their show and their movies — whether we watch them or not. In Washington, it's our money paying for their mess — whether we like it or not.

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