Tonight... "The O'Reilly Factor" is on!
He committed professional sport's cardinal sin and lied about it for years. But now that he has finally come clean in his new book, could admitting the truth be his key to Cooperstown?
Pete Rose (search) will enter the No Spin Zone this evening.
Also, the San Diego City council, the Boy Scouts and the ACLU. We'll tell you about an outrageous situation.
Plus, are things getting better or worse in Iraq? We'll hear from both sides.
And later, a new book on First Lady Laura Bush discusses her daughters.
Then, we'll hear from singer Naomi Judd as we round out our show.
Finally, don't miss a brand new edition of our world famous Talking Points Memo and "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day!"
See you in the No Spin Zone tonight at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!
--All topics and guests subject to change.
--The Associated Press contributed to this story.