Here's what is on tap for Monday:
"FOX & Friends First"
Starts at 6 a.m. ET
New York is on high alert, after a terror threat aimed at the city's subways. Should we be concerned that the plot originated in Iraq? We'll ask terrorism analyst Erick Stakelbeck.
President Bush is still trying to rally support around his latest pick for the Supreme Court (search). But did his ongoing efforts over the weekend have the opposite effect? We'll get a fair and balanced debate from Temperance Lance-Council, political commentator, and Ellis Henican, FOX News political contributor.
The White House sends money and helicopters to Pakistan, to help the nation recover from a massive earthquake. Julie Reynes, executive director of international operations of the American Red Cross (search), joins us to explain how regular Americans can also do their part.
And, we'll learn the history behyind Columbus Day from Ken Davis, author of "Don't Know Much About History."
"FOX & Friends"
Starts at 7 a.m. ET
What do you do when your country's facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history? We'll get insight from Mohammad Sadiq, deputy chief of mission for the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Plus, according to a government estimate, over 1.9 million people could die if a super flu were to spread in the U.S. How prepared are we to deal with a possible outbreak of avian flu? We'll ask Dr. Mitch Gaynor, board certified oncologist, internist and hemotologist and author of "Nurture Nature, Nurture Health."
And, an organizing pro takes a crack at straightening up Brian's messy office and shares tips on making your own workspace more productive.
Real journalism: fair and balanced. That's why we're No. 1 — FOX News Channel.
About the Show
This offbeat morning show features anchors E.D. Hill, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. They take a look at the day's news, sports and weather from a different perspective. It is an interactive show where you can call in to voice your opinion or have your e-mail read. Anything can happen and usually does!
Every day, syndicated radio host and FOX contributor Mancow joins the show with unique insights and commentary on the day's news events, bringing his own brand of offbeat and irreverent humor from his WKQX studio in Chicago.
Plus, now you can watch America's No. 1 cable news morning show seven days a week, as hosts Juliet Huddy, Julian Phillips and Mike Jerrick man the morning show ship on the weekends!
There's no telling what "FOX & Friends" will be cooking up outside our Manhattan studios on 6th Avenue. So, if you are in New York, drop by — the Morning Crew loves an audience! We are located at: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, between 47th and 48th streets.
FOX News Channel is the most watched news network in Daytime.
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