
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, March 8, 2002. Click here for complete access to all of Neil Cavuto's CEO interviews. 

TERRY KEENAN, GUEST HOST: Do you want another sign that the recession is over? The jobless rate did take a dip last month, according to the Labor Department, as Molly just told you. Now, this is good news for those unemployed and looking for a job. But what do you do when your resume has been marred by scandal? If you're a former employee of Enron or Andersen, is there a cloud hanging over your resume?

Well, here with his thoughts on that and the rest of the job market is the CEO of Hotjobs.com, Dimitri Boylan. And, Mr. Boylan, good to have you with us.

Let's talk first about the job market and talk about that. It looks pretty strong when you look at the numbers. How does it look from your end?

DIMITRI BOYLAN, CEO, HOTJOBS.COM: It does. It's actually been looking good for us since the very beginning of January. There are a couple of areas where we have some strength, construction, mortgage lending and retail, surprisingly, doing well. Nobody anticipated that.

KEENAN: You know, typically, the unemployment rate continues to creep higher, sometimes as long as a year, a year-and-a-half after a recession ends. Why not this time?

BOYLAN: It does, and we have seen a lot of differences this time than we did 10 years ago, particularly in the early part of the summer where we had very, very mixed signals. Right now, it is being led, I think, by the consumer spending on the retail sector, by the need that the government has for employees because they have been hiring and, also, with the low interest rates and construction and the housing, mortgage lending.

KEENAN: So, what do you do if you do have a job or don't have a job, you put your resume together and it says, ugh, 10 years working at Enron or Andersen. Is that a big problem?

BOYLAN: You know, I don't think it is. It depends on how you deal with it. And, obviously, it depends on the level that you were at in those companies. I think that most people are seeing the employees of Enron, particularly as victims.

KEENAN: The rank and file?

BOYLAN: The rank and file. And I think also, very, very important that people who are interviewing remember that they are still in an interview. People are curious about Enron, but talking about that during your interview is not going to help you necessarily get the job.

KEENAN: Yes, don't go into all the dirty laundry, I guess.

BOYLAN: Right.

KEENAN: What if you worked for years at a company that just does not exist any longer, because we saw a lot of dot-coms just go out of existence? What do you do then?

BOYLAN: That presents a particular challenge for a job seeker. I think that the most important thing to do there is to be able to describe the company well and recognize that the person who you are interviewing with may have never heard of the company. So you have got to encapsulate, in a very brief period of time, what the company was about, what it was doing, why you were doing what you were doing in it and why it is no longer around. And you have to be very frank about that, I think.

KEENAN: And it is also important then to stay in touch with your references, particularly if they are not going to be at the company anymore because the company does not exist?

BOYLAN: Yes. References do get challenging. It is very important whenever you're leaving a job that you make sure you get the home numbers of a couple of key people that can vouch for you and for your performance in the job because it can be difficult.

KEENAN: Just have 10 seconds, but for all those folks graduating from college this summer, it is going to be a good environment?

BOYLAN: It's looking a lot better.

KEENAN: OK. Good news there. Thanks.

BOYLAN: Thank you.

KEENAN: Dimitri Boylan.

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