
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," January 26, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Police are desperately searching for a Georgia woman last seen at the marina where she lived. In the moment, her husband speaks out in an "On the Record" exclusive. But first, here's what police told us Tuesday night.


CHIEF STEVE SMITH, THUNDERBOLT, GEORGIA, POLICE: Exactly a week ago today, Cindy Lynch left her houseboat to take some trash out. She went to her car, that was in the parking lot, and she talked on the cell phone for — to several people for quite a while. For about an hour-and-a-half she was on the cell phone. She was then seen at the marina around 11:30 at night by a security guard, and then from that point on, she has not been seen or heard from since.


VAN SUSTEREN: Cindy Lynch's husband, Chet, joins us now from Savannah. Welcome, Chet.


VAN SUSTEREN: Chet, how are you doing?

LYNCH: I'm doing OK.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm want to talk a little about when you last saw your wife. Were you there Tuesday night when she disappeared?

LYNCH: Yes, ma'am. I was on my boat Tuesday night — on our boat.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that where you and Cindy lived?

LYNCH: Predominantly. We have a home in Swainsboro, but we love it down here. A lot of our work's down here and my work's down here, so we stay down here the majority of our time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Take me back to last Tuesday night. Let's pick a time, about 7:00 o'clock in the evening. What were you and your wife doing?

LYNCH: Well, actually, at 7:00 o'clock, I was actually in the parking lot myself, talking on the cell phone with Cindy's sister, Connie. We had had about a two-hour conversation. And I went down to the boat around — somewhere around about 8:00 o'clock, 10 until 8:00, I got on the boat. And she was in the kitchen. And I went downstairs to my office and did a couple things and come back upstairs. And Cindy and I had a discussion for about 30 to 45 minutes. As reported, it was not an argument, it was a discussion. There was no, you know, raised voices hollering, screaming, any of those things. It was just a discussion between her and I.

And then she talked with her sister on the phone briefly about some rodeo tickets. She went downstairs, folded clothes, talked to a friend of hers and a client and made a couple of appointments, you know, that I heard. And I went downstairs and went to bed. She folded up clothes, made up a bed, went back upstairs, and that was around 9:30 was the last time I saw her, when I was in the bedroom. And she went back upstairs to the kitchen.

And I went up there sometime a little bit after 10:00 o'clock, maybe 10:10, to get some water from the refrigerator, and she was not upstairs. So I walked to the front of the boat to see if she was in the forward cabins. And I saw the door was cracked a little bit, and so I shut the door and then went down through the forward cabins and looked, and she was not on the boat. So I went back to the bedroom and laid down, talked on the phone a little bit and watched TV.

And then, somewhere around 11:30, I was ready to go to sleep, and I checked the boat again and got some water, and Cindy was still not there. So I called her on the phone somewhere around 11:30, and she answered, and I asked her where she was, and she said that she was in the parking lot at her car. And I said, What are you doing up there so late at night? And you've been gone, you know, for an hour-and-a-half or so, maybe two hours. I didn't know the exact time she left the boat. And she said that she took the trash out and was putting some things in her car. And I said, Well, I'm going to bed, you know, and I hung up. And that was the last time that I spoke to her.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you were having your discussion, before — 9:30 in the evening — you said it was a discussion not an argument — what was the topic?

LYNCH: Greta, that's a personal topic between my wife and I, and I really would — I fully told everything of the topic of that discussion with the GBI and the Thunderbolt police and disclosed everything about that topic. But I really would prefer not to discuss that topic. It's a personal issue between my wife and I.

VAN SUSTEREN: I won't prod into the topic, but is a fair description of it that it was a disagreement that you were discussing?

LYNCH: Repeat your question, Greta?

VAN SUSTEREN: Without going into the actual details of the content of the discussion you were having with your wife, was it a disagreement that you two were talking about?

LYNCH: Not really a disagreement. I mean, I guess any discussion is a disagreement. But it's from a personal nature between her and I. And like I said, it's just something that I would prefer, you know, not to speak about. It doesn't serve any purpose at this point in time.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was sort of the state of your marriage? I mean, any problems in your marriage? Always the police focus, when someone disappears, on family members, so naturally, you know, they're going to focus on you and every other family member. How would you describe the state of your marriage?

LYNCH: Cindy and I love each other. She loved me. I loved her very dearly. We had our ups and downs, just like every married couple does, but we love each other.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know who she was talking to on her cell phone in her 90-minute phone call leading up to about 11:30 p.m., the phone call she was making from the parking lot?

LYNCH: Yes, I do know who she was talking to. There's some discrepancies in, you know, some of the things that have been reported due people not really getting the facts straight on that. It was actually an 83-minute telephone call, based on her telephone records. And it was to a gentleman here on another boat. He denied to me when I confronted him, and also Connie and Zaid talked to him, and he denied talking to her. He did admit it to the police that he talked to her for a few minutes, but then he said he laid his phone on the side. And evidently, she just talked to nobody, according to him, for 83 minutes, which I find very strange.

During that conversation, Cindy had two incoming phone calls that — from what we can find out — the person that worked for her was to meet her the next day at 11:00 o'clock. Her name's Kelly. And Kelly called at those times, and she flipped over from the call waiting and talked to her because she was still on the 83-minute call from 9:55 until some few minutes after 11:00.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is seems odd to me she's in the parking lot, he's in the marina, as well. Why didn't they just get together and talk? Any explanation for that?

LYNCH: Well, yes, there is some explanations for it. That's maybe a better question you should ask [the] detective. I would rather not comment on those issues, but maybe he will. There's some things that is — you know, that will shed some light on that, but I would prefer not no comment about them.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Chet. Well, thank you very much. I hope you'll come back. And I hope we can find your wife and that she's healthy and all is well. Thank you, Chet.

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