Vice President Dick Cheney (search) reportedly, supposedly, allegedly, probably told Sen. Pat Leahy (search) to go — not to Hades — but to do something to himself that we all know is most cases physically impossible.
Not that it's a bad idea. When I heard Cheney told Leahy to do this to himself, I thought of all those times the senator smugly sat at the helm of the Judiciary Committee and blocked Bush appointees to the federal bench... doing it out of the pure peevish political power of the chairmanship.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (search) — then the ranking minority member — even got caught telling Leahy how ticked off he was at his raw exercise of political power.
But Hatch — good Mormon that he is — wouldn't be caught dead dropping the F-bomb on Leahy even if more than half of the rest of the country is screaming that very word at their TV sets.
No... it was left to straight-talking Cheney.
Leahy's offense to Cheney was to trash him over Halliburton and other matters, and then walk up to the vice president acting like they were old best buds.
As the vice president said — he doesn't usually speak that way, but this time he did and he was happy that he did.
It's a good thing the Federal Communications Commission (search) doesn't have jurisdiction over the floor of the Senate, where this exchange took place.
It is — after all — one of George Carlin's (search) seven deadly words.
But oh well... when it's time to say it, it's just time.
That's My Word.
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