
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," June 6, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: There is fantastic news from Pittsburgh tonight. FOX News Correspondent Catherine Herridge and her son Peter have made it through surgery and are recovering in the intensive care unit.

Last night we were with Catherine at the hospital in the hours before she went into this life-changing surgery.






HERRIDGE: All right.


HERRIDGE: Yes, pretty ready. You know we've had so many disappointments with this, you know. There's been a lot of bad news with this that I think we both feel like maybe the race is coming to an end now, you know, because this is really the first time that anyone's said to us that they think they can really fix him. Up until now everyone said "Well we can try this but it's probably not going to work." Hi.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to be your nurse.

HERRIDGE: Oh, hi, good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you want to go back to your room?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right. He looks a little bit like — oh, there he is with his other brother. He's real trouble that one. He's looking in awe of him. How did you break that?


J.D. HAYES, CATHERINE HERRIDGE'S HUSBAND: Just in case you get lost and forget who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, we fit them with tags that have the names on them.

HERRIDGE: Now I know what to say.

HAYES: What's that?

HERRIDGE: I'm with Baby Peter.

HAYES: Oh, I see.

HERRIDGE: You know we're kind of upbeat about it because, you know, you can only cry so much before you just have to like be upbeat about it and Peter is like so, I don't know. I don't know he's like born with like the happy gene. My husband's theory is that, you know, when he was really little he stared down death and won, you know, he was so sick.

And, you know, once you beat back death once then you just, you know, you're really like pretty pumped after that, you know. You really believe in the baby power. So, I don't know. I'm going to feel a little bit of that from him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, I'm going to have you take a few deep breaths.

HERRIDGE: You know like obviously I know I'm about to do this. I say to my husband it's like the train has left the station and I'm on it. I mean that was decided a long time ago. But now that you're getting all the gear that goes with it, I'm really starting to think, oh yes, I have an appointment tomorrow morning.

So, I feel, you know, I feel nervous and, you know, I feel nervous but it's pretty easy to get over that pretty quickly because, you know, Peter needs it and that's really the end of it. My son's over at the Children's Hospital.


HERRIDGE: He's getting part of my liver.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:: Oh, in their PICU or is he in the NICU?

HERRIDGE: He's up at — he's actually on the transplant floor.


HERRIDGE: He's not so sick that he needs to be.


HERRIDGE: But we had to bring him a little early because he was having some trouble so.


HERRIDGE: Several people have said this is me and I guess that's probably true in some ways but, you know, you give life to somebody once and that's like a very big deal. I mean you can understand it if you've done it.

But several people have said to me it's like giving him life a second time, which you know I never expected to, yes. And, I really hope it works out for him.


VAN SUSTEREN: Coming up, Catherine puts her own life on the line to save her infant son. We're going to take you through Catherine and Peter's long grueling day in surgery as they begin the road to recovery.



10:00 a.m.

ANGIE BARCHNA, UPMC CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL: He's back to sleep OK, no problems with anesthesia.


BARCHNA: Vital signs are stable and he got underway working away. Everything is going well.


BARCHNA: They're dissecting at the moment, OK, and he's doing good.

10:45 a.m.

DR. GEORGE V. MAZARIEGOS, UPMC CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL: His liver looks as we expected but it's not — everything is being dissected out, you know, and the other, you know, surgery, the other surgeries in terms of (INAUDIBLE) haven't been a significant problem so far.

HAYES: That's good news.

11:00 a.m.

BARCHNA: We've just finished doing the ultrasound and at the moment they are dividing the liver.


BARCHNA: She's doing fine, vital signs are stable and they're working.



12:00 p.m.

BARCHNA: Everything is going fine. The liver is almost freed up and they're just waiting for the liver to arrive from Montefiore.


BARCHNA: And as soon as that arrives it will go in, you know. It will take five minutes to get the other liver, you know, from Peter, Peter's liver out and put the new one in. OK but he's doing fine, vital signs are stable and everything is going well.

HAYES: Thank you very much.

4:45 p.m.

MAZARIEGOS: He's coming out of surgery and going up to the ICU in about ten or 15 minutes.


MAZARIEGOS: And we will be with him there to assess how the liver is working and get another ultrasound. Well have a close scan. His muscle is still a little bit too wide to close up and he seems to be doing very, very well.

HAYES: So they have go back in and re-sew that shut then?

MAZARIEGOS: Yes, we'll determine how he does and how he's doing whether we do that immediately or later in a year or so later.

HAYES: All right.

MAZARIEGOS: But he's doing very well.

5:00 p.m.

HAYES: She's looking very well. She's very fortunate because she's physically fit so that's going to help her a lot in the healing process and not having a lot of excess body fat they were able to use her liver. Good, clean living in the past, which is good.

The baby went well. They had to take an extra piece of a vein somebody had donated, you know, so they could extend one of the arteries and make it easier to hook it up and that was good, so do you think he's healthy?


VAN SUSTEREN: That, of course, is Catherine's husband, J.D. And Peter and Catherine are doing well tonight. The next few days and weeks are critical. We're going to follow their progress and keep you updated.

And before we go, we at FOX News Channel want to thank the incredible medical team at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Words are inadequate. They are saving lives every single day. We know it and we want the world to know it.

Thank you for being with us tonight. We'll see you all again tomorrow. Until then, keep it here on FOX News Channel, the most powerful name in news. Check out our blog at gretawire.com for exclusive information about this show you can't get anywhere else.

The O'Reilly Factor is next. Goodnight.

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