
As a stress management consultant, I frequently encounter people seeking ways to calm down, relieve tension and enjoy some quiet time alone. Several stress-management techniques that I've discussed in the past in order to reach these goals include such activities as meditation, exercise and a healthy diet.

Believe it or not, but those same stress-management techniques — in addition to a few more like sex and abstinence — are the same ones you can use to boost your energy levels. OK, by now you're probably asking, "How can a certain activity calm me and give me more energy?" Does any of this make sense to you? If not, bear with me because it will in a few moments. If want more energy because you're sick of sitting around in your pyjamas on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, pay close attention.

Sex, Exercise and More Sex

Let's say you're an average male: you work 40 hours a week, you have little or no time for socializing or exercise, and you park it in front of the TV for the whole weekend because you have no energy and "it's the only free time you have."

Nonsense, I say. No wonder you have no energy come Friday night. Here's your solution: organize your time better so that you can exercise more, and socialize more often so that you can increase your sexual activity. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior states that the more fit you become as a result of exercise, the more energy you'll have, the more sex you'll have, and the better it will be.

It doesn't matter which type of aerobic exercise you choose — running and rowing are a couple of good choices — as long as you do it for 20 minutes, two to three times each week. This light schedule is easy to fit into your weekly routine and you will undoubtedly notice a marked improvement in your energy levels. However, as with everything, have sex in moderation. Too much of it at once can deprive your body of much needed energy; temporary abstinence might be good for the long haul.

Less Fat...Got That?

When it comes to diet, the bottom line is to limit your fat intake. Clean arteries are better able to supply blood to the heart and penis. The more blood your heart pumps through your system, the more energy you'll have and your penis will enjoy a more rigid, longer-lasting erection. General consensus suggests that 20% to 30% of your daily caloric intake should come directly from fat. For those who workout and want to trim down, you should cut that percentage in half.

And, of course, limiting fat in your diet also reduces weight gain. Obese men are prone to high blood pressure, which increases stress levels and can make it difficult to achieve an erection. Therefore, boosting your energy levels by eating less fat can also make your erection problems disappear.

Vitamins to the Rescue

Many vitamins are known to increase metabolism, boost the immune system and increase the overall energy supply to the body. For a detailed list of all the existing vitamins out there, refer to my previous article, Are Vitamins Really Necessary? Here's a quick recap of the specific ones that contribute to energy boosts:

1. Vitamin C: A glass of orange juice is definitely a good idea. Vitamin C quickly provides energy to your body. Additional benefits are: faster healing and prevention of cancers.

2. Vitamin E: Vitamin E can be found in foods such as almonds, peanuts, pecans, and canola oil. It helps in the digestion and metabolism of certain fats, and it promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue. It also decreases blood clot formations, thus reducing the chance of a heart attack.

3. Beta-carotene: Carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cantaloupes are good dietary sources for beta-carotene. This vitamin boosts your immune system and protects against potential heart disease and stroke.

4. Chromium: Chromium is found in wheat germ, dried prunes and American cheeses. It lowers cholesterol, stimulates muscle growth and controls blood sugar levels.

5. Selenium: Selenium can be found in shrimp, lobster, brewer's yeast, whole-grain cereal, and breads. It boosts your immune system while protecting against heart disease, stroke and several forms of cancer.

Unconventional Energy Boosters

Here are a few traditional energy-boosting remedies:

1. Ginseng and Siberian ginseng: These are by far some of the most popular energy boosters available on the market. It's not surprising though; these two forms of ginseng have been used for millennia to cure several types of ailments and boost energy. No serious side effects have ever been reported due to the regular use of this "natural medicine."

Both forms of ginseng increase energy levels when you are physically and mentally exhausted, stressed, diabetic, sluggish, fatigued or when you feel sick. Siberian ginseng also helps tune your concentration and mental alertness, and it's known to improve athletic performance.

2. Gingko biloba: Although Gingko is well-known for improving cognitive functions and memory, it also helps those who have poor blood circulation, and any other vascular disease. As a side note, it's also great for overcoming impotence.

3. St. John's wort: If you're feeling depressed or you think you have the flu, take this disgusting-sounding natural product. St. John's wort helps alleviate depression and is also known as an antiviral agent.

Meditation for Energy

I have discussed ways to relieve tension and pent-up energy through meditation in previous articles, but there are also ways to bring back that energy when you need it.

First off, meditation is a tool that utilizes visualization, which is the key to boosting energy levels. To begin, you need to close your eyes and focus on calming down. Once you have reached this state, blank out your mind and start breathing deeply.

Finally, begin visualizing an energy source entering your body and filling you up from head to toe. Do this for a couple of minutes, always repeating the image, and you'll notice a fresh new change in your activity level when it's over. After opening your eyes, get up slowly and go for a jog or a walk. You could alternatively call some friends and go out on the town.

Energy for Everyone

Our daily grind can take a lot out of us; leaving a heap of flab on the couch in its wake. If we want to have the energy to live, we must take up the arms required to do battle. We must make a choice and be proactive in achieving higher energy levels. Try some of the tips that I've outlined here and I'm sure that you'll see a marked improvement in your energy. Most importantly, have fun with your body and give it the energy and nutrients it requires.

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