
Andrew Stack joined FOX News Channel (FNC) as a reporter in December 2004. Prior to joining FNC, he worked as a reporter at news stations throughout the country.

From 2003-2004 Stack traveled with the 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion from Kuwait to Baghdad. His coverage earned him two Emmy Awards in September 2004 for Journalistic Enterprise and for Same Day Feature. He also made a documentary of his experience, which included rarely seen footage of the day-to-day search of the soldiers.

In 2002, Stack began at CBS Newspath in Washington D.C. However, with the outbreak of the War in Iraq, Stack was called upon by the ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City (KTVX) to be an embedded journalist with U.S. forces.

Prior to attending the University of Utah to earn a degree in Broadcast Journalism, Stack served as an airborne infantryman in the U.S. Army. He currently resides in Park City, Utah.