This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," January 6, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.
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GARRET DILLAHUNT, ACTOR PORTRAYING JESUS: I thought you were cutting back on those?
AIDAN QUINN, ACTOR PORTRAYING EPISCOPAL PRIEST: I have to play golf later. My back is killing me.
KASICH: "Back of the Book" segment tonight. That was a scene from NBC's new series, "Book of Daniel." It's basically about an Episcopal priest who abuses pain killers and has a beyond dysfunctional family.
But not everybody will be TiVo-ing the debut show tonight. That's because the show is under major fire from some Christian conservatives who think the whole thing is blasphemous. Four affiliates have even pulled the show out of fear that it would offend viewers.
With us now is Stephen Battaglio, a senior correspondent for TV Guide.
Please don't tell me you think this is a great show.
STEPHEN BATTAGLIO, SENIOR CORRESPONDENT, TV GUIDE: It's a good show. I've taken a look at it. And you know, what happens when conservative groups protests against these shows that they haven't seen...
BATTAGLIO: ... is that they bring them publicity; they create interest. This is a show that will probably get a better rating tonight than it would have otherwise.
KASICH: Like, here's the story. The guy is an Episcopal priest. He's addicted to Vicodin. His wife is an alcoholic. His 16-year-old daughter smokes and sells pots — pot, and hides it in her teddy bear. The other son is having sex with the bishop's daughter.
It's kind of like, I mean, there's no question that ministers have problems with their kids, but this is way, way out there.
BATTAGLIO: But if you're going to do a TV show about a minister, you have to create tension. You have to create drama.
KASICH: Tension? Tension?
BATTAGLIO: Or people aren't going to watch.
KASICH: Wait a minute. There have been some shows on that have been done pretty well. The one about the angel that visited people — can't remember its name — it did pretty well.
BATTAGLIO: "Touched by an Angel?"
KASICH: Sure. Here's what Tom Shell says. You know, he's not exactly your Bush conservative. He's the Washington Post critic.
"I cannot a recall a series in which a greater number of characters seem so detest — so desperately detestable, a series with a larger population of loathsome dolts. There ought to be worst punishment than cancellation for a show that tries this hard to be offensive and even at that crass task, fails."
I think he probably didn't like the show.
BATTAGLIO: He's on TV critic.
KASICH: He's a big guy.
BATTAGLIO: He didn't like it. USA Today gave it a rave. Our TV critic in TV Guide, Matt Roush, liked it. So, you know, critics are going to look at shows, and some are going to like them and some aren't.
KASICH: Don't you think, though, that sort — first of all, you know, they put Jesus in like a sprinkling of holy water, you know. So he sits in the front seat with the guy and says, "Don't take the Vicodin."
Guy goes, "I got to go play golf."
How — you know what? There's a sense out there, in all seriousness. There's a sense out there, and I know it's a television show, it's just so easy to bang on the Christians. We're not going to bang on the Muslims. We're not going to bang on, you know, any other religion here, but we can - - this is fair game. What do you think of that?
BATTAGLIO: No, I disagree. I don't think it bangs on Christians. The show isn't about religion. The show is about a guy who's an Episcopal priest but is just a guy and has flaws and has a family that has a lot of problems. You know...
KASICH: To say the least. Strike.
BATTAGLIO: Television is a great democracy.
KASICH: Yes, I agree with that.
BATTAGLIO: And you can...
KASICH: I know — isn't there just too much trash on TV?
BATTAGLIO: You can...
KASICH: I was talking with this guy from Canada who said there's too much violence on American TV. And I sort of defended us. You know, when I think back, I wish I had said to him, "You're right." Too much trash on TV.
BATTAGLIO: What you call as trash may be a terrific show to somebody else. We have a choice. You have more channels than you know what to do with.
KASICH: That's a good thing. That's a good thing.
You know, why are the affiliates dropping it now? You know...
BATTAGLIO: There are several stations. I didn't know it was four. We've heard of two. But they're small markets. They're in places where — you know, TV station managers don't like to get letters. They don't like to get complaints.
KASICH: Right.
BATTAGLIO: They're afraid of people picketing outside.
BATTAGLIO: And it's easier for them to take a show off the air than for them to have to put up with that type of aggravation.
KASICH: Yes, I got you. Look, it is a television show. I think it's way out of bounds and I mean, it's way over the top, which is why I don't think it's going to work. But you know what? It's TV, right? And we'll see what happens.
BATTAGLIO: You've got a choice. You've got a choice. You can watch “Hannity & Colmes” instead.
KASICH: I'll probably be watching FOX or the Golf Channel, you know? Who knows? Thank you, Stephen, for being with us.
And that's it for us today. As always, I want to thank you for watching “The Factor”. Please remember my show, "Heartland" right here, FOX News, every Saturday night at 8.
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