If you read the Buzzer, you know that Mets fans are completely fed up with their team's inept offense.
We pointed this out through various tweets in this story on Thursday.
However, one fan is taking things to the next level. Etan Bednarsh is actually taking an active role in getting New York a batter by starting a GoFundMe page.
Here's Etan's plea:
"My name is Etan. I love the Mets. And I hate that I have to make this video.
"But the Mets need a hitter. And their owners lost all their money in a ponzi scheme and reports now say the Mets won't pay 2 to 3 million dollars to acquire a hitter before the trade deadline.
"So here's what we need: 3 million dollars to give to the New York Mets so they can get what they need most: a guy who can hit in the middle of the order.
"So donate what you can afford. Let's! Go! Fund. The Mets."
We're not sure what kind of bat $3 million can get you these days, but the Mets need any help they can get since they are near or at the bottom of almost every offensive category in baseball.
The campaign launched on Wednesday and as of this writing on Friday afternoon, has raised $1,105 thanks to 56 pledges.