Donald Sterling found at home with V. Stiviano by cops responding to burglary call

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, right, and V. Stiviano, left, watch the Clippers play the Sacramento Kings. (AP) (AP2013)

If you had been kicked out of the NBA, made to sell off the Los Angeles Clippers, derided universally as a racist, had your heterosexuality questioned and dragged through the mud in the national press, all because a young woman taped a private conversation between the two of you, would you invite her back into your home?

You would, apparently, if your name were Donald Sterling.

Beverly Hills police were called to Sterling's home after his semi-estranged wife, Shelly, reported a burglary in progress.

Not quite. Police officers did find Sterling hosting V. Stiviano.

Yes, that Stiviano — the attention-seeking, visor-wearing, part-Mexican, part-African-American 31-year-old who changed her name from Maria Vanessa Perez and whose surreptitious recording of Sterling making racist remarks got leaked mysteriously to the scandal website TMZ and led to his public dismantling.

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Lt. Lincoln Hoshino says officers were called to the home by Shelly Sterling at 1:40 p.m. Wednesday and were there for roughly 15 minutes.

Hoshino says they found "no criminal activity whatsoever" and that Stiviano was Sterling's invited guest.

But you can probably forgive Shelly for her confusion. After all, in March, Shelly Sterling sued Stiviano, seeking the return of more than $2.5 million in gifts Stiviano allegedly received from Donald Sterling.

The complaint describes Stiviano as a woman who “engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men.”

According to the suit, Stiviano first met Sterling at the 2010 Super Bowl. It further claims that the octogenarian real estate magnate gave her gifts that included a $1.8 million duplex in Los Angeles that Rochelle believed was being purchased in her and her husband’s names, four cars—a Ferrari, two Bentleys and a Range Rover—worth about $500,000, as well as about $240,000 to pay “living expenses.”

Called by the Associated Press for comment about the purported break-in, Shelly Sterling's attorney said he had no knowledge of the incident.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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