
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Cloudy weather in Florida will keep space shuttle Discovery in orbit an extra day.

Mission Control decided to skip both landing opportunities Monday morning. The next attempt to bring Discovery and its seven astronauts home will come shortly after sunrise Tuesday.

On Monday, the sky cleared somewhat as the morning progressed, but some pockets of rain remained. Mission Control did not want to take any chances and called everything off.

Better weather is expected for the Tuesday 7:33 a.m landing attempt. If clouds linger at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA will try for the backup landing site in California at 9 a.m., with other landing windows available throughout the day.

Discovery and its seven astronauts can remain in orbit until Wednesday, when several other landing windows are available, including two at a third landing site in New Mexico. They're wrapping up a two-week mission to the International Space Station.