Ryan debate partner revealed

OLDSMAR, Fla. -- Former Solicitor General Ted Olson has been tapped to play the role of Vice President Biden in debate preperations for GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan.

A Ryan spokesman confirmed Saturday that Olson has already participated in one practice session this past week.

The high profile attorney has argued 58 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court -- including Bush v. Gore on behalf of the 43rd president.

Olson is also well known for his so-far successful federal court challenge overturning California's Proposition 8, the voter-passed initiative blocking court-ordered gay marriage.

"Mr. Olson is one of the most skilled, intelligent, and successful litigators in America - just the kind of opponent needed to prepare the congressman for Mr. Biden," Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck said.

Olson served as solicitor general in the George W. Bush administration and defended President Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal. In 2010, Time Magazine selected him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-MD, was picked by the Obama campaign to play the role of Congressman Ryan back in August.