Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly on Thursday the problems with ObamaCare have led to Americans losing confidence in President Obama.
Romney was reacting to a new Fox News poll that says most Americans have little hope the health care overhaul law will help them. Romney said on “The Kelly File” Obama’s broken promise that if people liked their plans they could keep them has led to discontent with the law and in turn, discontent with the president.
“I think that the breach of that promise is something which has very seriously eroded the president’s capacity to lead at a very critical time,” he said.
Romney said the problems with the law implementation, such as the glitch-filled website, have led to an “unmitigated mess.” He said the Obama administration’s multiple adjustments to the law are telling.
“I think it has been very disappointing, and very revealing to see the president go through and make these changes, which is a very tacit and in fact explicit recognition that the law isn’t working and that this administration has not done the job that they promised they would do,” he said.
Romney also said he has no desire to run for president again, and he cannot imagine a scenario that would compel him to do so.
“I think someone besides me is more likely to be the winner so that’s why I’m going to be stepping aside for them,” he said.