
That's a lot of doors.

The Romney campaign's Ohio director claims Team Mitt has knocked on 1.8 million doors so far in the Buckeye State and made 4 million phone calls.

It's part of a massive effort to get out the vote in the vital battleground ahead of Election Day.

Ohio Director Scott Jennings said that by this weekend, "we will have contacted 6 million" of Ohio's 11 million people.

The Obama campaign dismissed Jennings' numbers.

"Let's chat real numbers, not unsubstantiated door-knocks and phone calls made by the other side," said Jeremy Bird, the national field director for the Obama campaign.

"In counties that Obama won in 2008, for example, 12 percent of registered voters have already cast their ballots, versus only nine percent in Republican counties. Voters in precincts that voted for Obama in 2008 have cast more than half, 53 percent, of the 2012 ballots. Voters in precincts that voted for Obama in 2008 have cast 53,400 more ballots this year than those precincts that voted Republican in 2008."