
With President Obama's 2013 budget now in the hands of members of Congress, typically, the House and Senate would pass budget resolutions, which would tell the Appropriations committees how much they can allocate. Then the appropriators figure out how much money discretionary programs would receive.

This year is different because Majority Leader Harry Reid has said the Senate will not vote on a budget.

"They haven't had a budget now pass the Senate for over 1,000 days. And the Democrat leader and the Democratic-controlled Senate said we're not even going to vote on the president's budget," Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told Fox News.

Democrats argue the binding budget caps from the debt ceiling agreement last summer was enough, so the Senate will not take up a budget this year. House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan says he will present a budget citing a “moral obligation” to try and fix this country’s major problems.

Even if Congress does not pass a budget through this process, you can expect to hear Obama and House Republicans selling key points from each proposal to the American people in this election year.

"I suppose there are many ways to make the process better, but the principal one is for elected officials of goodwill to decide they're going to check the ideological baggage at the door when they go to negotiate," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

This budget process regularly leads to major battles on Capitol Hill as lawmakers defend their turf.

"The budget is most controversial process of every Congress, because either side are laying out priorities. So they get into a tug of war over the document,” former House GOP leadership aide Ron Bonjean told Fox.