
A new poll shows that while presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has slid in popularity, Donald Trump and Ben Carson tower over the rest of the competition.

The CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday shows that Fiorina has lost 8 points in the last month, and after a brief moment in the spotlight, has fallen to being tied for seventh place. The poll has Trump at 27 percent and Carson at 22 percent.

A Rasmussen poll published Tuesday showed that Trump would win in a head-to-head match up with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. The poll has Trump getting 38 percent of the vote and Clinton 36 percent. Still, a large number, 22 percent, are in the middle hoping for a better option. Five percent are undecided on this matchup.

Fiorina experienced a large uptick in popularity following the last GOP debate, largely because of her strong answers on Planned Parenthood and her ability to go toe-to-toe with Trump. The CNN/ORC polls shows she is now tied for seventh place with 4 percent of the vote. Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul beat her with 5 percent while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are at 8 percent.

Real Clear Politics national poll has Trump at 26 percent, Carson at 21 percent, and Rubio at 10.2 percent.

These numbers come as GOP candidates gear up for the next debate, which will be held at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado Oct. 28.

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