
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio has taken major steps toward a 2016 presidential bid, Fox News Latino has learned.

A senior aide told Fox that Rubio, a Florida Republican, has instructed a close group of top advisors to enter into campaign mode.

The Cuban-American senator, who is 43, has also picked up a major financial hire. Anna Rogers, the finance head for Karl Rove's American Crossroads, will start working for Rubio' PAC and, more important, would become finance chair if Rubio were to officially launch a presidential campaign.

Rubio, long a Tea Party favorite, will also be taking a major California fundraising trip next week and has picked up the support of two significant GOP donors that are on board for a presidential bid by the senator. They are:

- George Seay. He lives in Dallas, TX and is founder & CEO of Annadale Capital. He was Perry's chairman in Texas and was on Romney's Texas leadership team in 2008. He is also chairman of the Legacy Group, which raises money for candidates nationwide.

- Jim Rubrich. He lives in Atlanta, GA and is former CEO of RockTenn. He was on state leadership committees for Bush, McCain and Romney.

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