
Many Romney supporters were shocked by Tuesday's election results, and pollster Frank Luntz says Republican pollsters are to blame.

"This is a bad day for establishment pollsters, and it's something they should be held accountable for," said Luntz on Fox News' "America's News HQ."

"Look, the published polls that the Romney campaign and the Republican establishment were trashing day after day turned out to be accurate'" he added.

In late October, Luntz told Fox News that Florida should no longer be considered a swing state. He assured that Governor Mitt Romney would win. Sunday, the Associated Press called Florida for President Obama, tipping the Electoral College tally 332 to 206 in his favor.

Luntz was obviously wrong about the Sunshine state. But he also says several other states that Republican pollsters said should have gone for Governor Romney, were never really up for grabs.

"Ohio was never up, Wisconsin was never up, Pennsylvania was never up. These states, Iowa, New Hampshire, state after state were never up," said Luntz.