Lara Trump discusses her new 'Quarantine Routine'
President Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump on how her daily routine has changed amid COVID-19 shutdowns.
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Quarantine Routine is a regular feature that asks political power brokers and public figures how their daily lives have changed -- and how they're still doing their jobs -- during the coronavirus crisis.
Normally at this point during the election year, Lara Trump's schedule would be slam packed campaigning for her father-in-law, President Trump. But under new lockdown measures meant to curb the spread of COVID-19, she's transitioned from a busy life on the road and jet setting across the country to hosting virtual Women For Trump roundtables and other events online.
Like many Americans, the North Carolina native is working from home, and, as a senior Trump 2020 campaign consultant, she makes frequent television appearances and conducts radio interviews -- only now from her makeshift home studio, often with her dogs and children in the background.
In a Q&A with Fox News, Lara Trump revealed how she has found a new normal amid a stay-at-home order in the state of New York, which is the epicenter of the coronavirus in the United States, and how she's getting to spend more quality time with her husband Eric, son Luke and new baby girl, Carolina.
Fox News: How has your daily routine changed since social distancing measures began?
Lara Trump: “Well, first of all, I’m at home, and I normally wouldn’t be with this little lady quite as much or my son Luke, but it’s actually been sort of nice to be at home with everybody. That said, my daily routine has changed a lot. Normally I’m on planes every day of the week traveling all over the country, at the office whenever I’m not traveling, and obviously, like so many Americans, I am now working from home. So, that has been quite a change. I’m very hopeful to get back to normal life soon, but I think for many of us, it will be quite a shock whenever we go back to normal since, sadly, we’ve all gotten used to wearing our very comfy clothes around and we won’t be able to do that anymore.”
Fox News: What are the biggest challenges in doing your job during this crisis?
Lara Trump: “It’s much harder, and I think it’s much harder whenever you’re having to do television and radio interviews and conduct interviews yourself from home whenever you got your kids and your dogs in the background oftentimes bothering you. That said, I’m still able to … you know, we hold meetings still for the campaign instead of in person. They are virtual meetings, and we found a way to campaign obviously virtually. We’re holding roundtables and town halls, but instead of in person, we’re actually doing them digitally online, and it’s actually been kind of nice because we have been able to increase our footprint across the country, and instead of being in a room where we might have 1,000 people we now have about a million people tuning in to these events that we hold. So, that has been kind of cool, and I think it will actually change the way going forward that we campaign. We’re not planning on ending these, this will actually probably be the new way we do things. Obviously, with the president’s rallies, our bus tours whenever we’re able to hold those again, etc. But that certainly has been different.”
Fox News: What do you miss the most about how you did your job before this began?
Lara Trump: “I miss being out there and being able to meet people all across this country. Amazing patriots, hearing stories from people. The stories from like a World War II veteran who has never voted before 2016 but for the first time cast a vote for Donald Trump. Being able to interact with people. Get your stories. Get personal, you know, about our president, the job he’s doing, and our campaign. That’s probably what I miss the most, really being able to interact with people. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do it soon, but until then I have to interact with Carolina pulling my hair.”
Fox News: What surprised you most about how life has changed?
Lara Trump: "I don’t think if you told me on March 14 before we were all quarantined here in the state of New York that I would have to wait in line with a mask on six feet away from everybody around me simply to just go buy groceries. I don’t think you would have ever convinced me that that would happen. The shortage of toilet paper and paper towels. How long this would go on. I think it surprised all of us. And it’s something hopefully we can all find the silver lining in and look back fondly about how we got to spend so much more time with our families. But, certainly, I don’t think anything could have prepared any of us for this."
Fox News: How do you blow off steam?
Lara Trump: "Anyone who knows me knows I’m an avid triathlete. Marathoner, half-marathoner. So, I guess one of the good things in this is I’ve been given a lot more time to work out. It hasn’t been the nicest weather, but it’s been nice enough that I’ve been able to go on a lot of nice long runs, so I’m working out doing stuff at home I can do. And, hopefully, it warms up enough that I can bike outside very soon, but until then, happy running and happy to just be able to get out and move my body every single day.