
House Republicans want to strike some compromises with the White House over the Democratic economic stimulus plan, after a new report showed the plan could take as long as 10 years to work its way into the economy.

The report came from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office and said proposed money for construction, and school and highway repair, would only drip -- not gush -- into the economy.

"When it comes to slow-moving government spending programs, it's clear that it doesn't create the jobs or preserve the jobs that need to happen," House Republican Leader John Boehner said.

He said President Obama has shown an interest in gathering GOP input and that "we've been working to develop those and want to share those with him."

The $825 billion Democratic proposal sets aside $358 billion for new infrastructure projects.

Even though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said such spending should be timely, temporary and targeted, the CBO analysis found that the current bill is none of those things.

It found, for instance, that of the $358 billion in new spending only $26 billion would be spent by the end of this fiscal year. And only another $110 billion -- about a third of the total -- would be spent by the end of 2010.

The report found another $103 billion would be spent in the third year, meaning even by the end of 2011, only two-thirds of the money would be helping to create jobs.

The other third, $118 billion, would not be spent until after the next presidential election.

In debate Wednesday before the House Appropriations Committee, Republicans pointed to the report as evidence the Democratic plan will not deliver.

But Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., rejected the budget office analysis.

"I happen to think that CBO's estimate is off the wall but we're trying to respond to it nonetheless," he said.

He said Congress must quickly put aside deliberations and act on the program.

"We can debate the details of this until the cows come home, as they say in my district, but sooner or later we have to get about making decisions," he said.

The dispute prompted Republican leaders to argue that lawmakers should just give taxpayers more money back.

"We see the choice between fast-acting tax relief and a Democrat plan outlined last week that involves slow and wasteful government spending," Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., said.

Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad told FOX News that lawmakers should rethink the stimulus plan in light of the analysis.

In fact, the CBO and several economists predict the recession will be over before two-thirds of the stimulus money even takes effect.

Obama has agreed to meet with House Republicans about their stimulus ideas some time next week.