
Hillary Clinton wondered if President Obama did not meet with her as often as he should. Referencing an interview former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger did at the time, Clinton wrote in a  2009 email about Kissinger to senior advisor Philip Reines, that Kissinger met with President Nixon “everyday” but she only meets with Obama “at least once a week,” jabbing Nixon and adding, “Of course if I were w that POTUS I’d probably camp in his office to prevent him from doing something problematic.”

Clinton then goes back to her original question about the frequency of her meeting with the president and asks,  “Do you see this as a problem?”

According to reports, Clinton may have felt she was not treated as part of President Obama’s inner circle during her tenure as Secretary of State. The Obamas and Clintons were known to have a bumpy relationship even after Hillary endorsed Obama for the presidency and she went on to work in Obama’s cabinet.

The relationship may become more complicated as she continues her campaign for the presidency and find herself choosing between loyalty to Obama and policy proposals which could counter the administration’s agenda. The e-mail was released Tuesday night by the State Department along with thousands of other Hillary Clinton e-mails.