
Former first lady Barbara Bush was resting comfortably on Wednesday after having emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer. She will remain in the hospital for monitoring through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Bush, 83, was admitted to The Methodist Hospital in Houston on Tuesday with abdominal pains. She underwent routine, laparoscopic surgery on Tuesday night and was visiting with family on Wednesday, the hospital reported.

"During the procedure last night, surgeons cleansed her abdominal area, then patched and closed a one-centimeter hole in Mrs. Bush's stomach, caused by the ulcer. Mrs. Bush is expected to be discharged from the hospital next week," read a statement issued by the hospital.

While offering his annual pardon to two Thanksgiving turkeys on Wednesday, President Bush said he was thankful for his family and his mother's recovery.

"I'm grateful to Laura for her love. I am grateful for two Thanksgiving miracles ... who we were blessed with 27 years ago, Barbara and Jenna. I'm thankful for the fact that my mother is doing well. ... And this year, we're looking forward to having another place at our Thanksgiving table with a son-in-law," he said.