
Call it the parking job seen 'round the web.

A video has gone viral of D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton executing an objectively poor parking job -- even by Washington standards.

The incident, and video, were first reported by Roll Call. A tipster was apparently on the scene and watched as Norton angled her car into a diagonal spot near Capitol Hill, ending up practically perpendicular to the surrounding vehicles.

[youtube Z7Ym-kk1tRw]

The tipster told Roll Call this was around the time of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's address to Congress on Wednesday.

An aide apparently was on the scene helping D.C.'s non-voting delegate. They could be seen returning to the car -- seemingly to retrieve something -- but then leaving without trying to re-park.

Roll Call reported that the tipster said Norton even "hit the car next to her and did not leave a note, though I couldn't see any damage."

But her office disputed this, saying they did leave a note.

On Thursday, the delegate released a statement acknowledging she could have done a better job: "I may need to go take some new parking lessons, or perhaps upgrade to a self-parking car.”